A scary thought (or comforting, depending)

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Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
A scary thought (or comforting, depending)

So I was thinking about the various conspirators of the planes, and I noticed something. There are two exemplar races particularly known for their focus on subtle manipulation of events for their own purposes. There's the Rilmani, who can shape-change easily and are constantly giving silent pushes to keep the Great Wheel balanced between Good and Evil, Chaos and Law. And there's the Yugoloths (*winks at Shemmy*) who scheme and plot to further the reach of their evil.

Looking at these two kinds of planeborn, I realized that they filled in two parts of a traditional Rule-Of-Threes construction, with the Rilmani in the middle, and the 'Loths at one end. "See two things, the third is hidden." The Guardinals are the logical choice for a completion of the equation, but they're an impotent bunch, too scared of breaking a twig to get involved in the belief struggle... right?


Or maybe they're just so adept at subtley nudging forward the cause of Good that nobody's picked up on it yet...

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Re: A scary thought (or comforting, depending)

I don't think of the guardinals as scared or impotent. They often send troops into the Lower Planes to kill fiends, usually lupinals or equinals.

If they scheme and plot to influence things subtly, however, they're too subtle for the game materials they're mentioned in to take notice of it.

Eladrins, on the other hand, never go to other planes except in disguise. They're all sworn not to reveal their true forms except in an emergency situation. They're at least as mysterious and duplicitous as the rilmani and 'loths.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
A scary thought (or comforting, depending)

And the wings are just... Fun. Eye-wink *the half fey stays quiet*

ragboy's picture
Joined: 2005-01-18
A scary thought (or comforting, depending)

It's been a while since I cracked open my PS stuff, but what about Asuras? They seem to be the 'wilder' of the upper planes inhabitants.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
A scary thought (or comforting, depending)

I prefer the rule of Slaad. "See two screaming mephits then xanxost finds the third yummy!"

Of coarse The Rule of Three only applies up till level 21 and then you have to use the Epic Rule of Three.

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
A scary thought (or comforting, depending)

"ragboy" wrote:
It's been a while since I cracked open my PS stuff, but what about Asuras? They seem to be the 'wilder' of the upper planes inhabitants.
An interesting assumption.

Asuras are well regarded for their love of conflict, but they are celestial messengers only. They lack a patience that would seem to be a major requirement for the conduction of subtle manipulation.

Median's picture
Joined: 2005-02-23
A scary thought (or comforting, depending)

Most of the celestials seem to take a wait-and-see attitude from where I'm standing. Perhaps, in true heroic reactionary style, the celestials are all waiting for the traditional evil villain to come up with his mad scheme(in his volcano lair) to take over the Planes. At that point they're all going to rush in, grab the girl, arrest the villain and hand out cherry pie.

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