A Quick Question

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extropymine's picture
Joined: 2005-08-02
A Quick Question

Hey all, after taking a nice long break (about 2 years), I've found myself back at Planewalker. Kudos for the completed chapters!

I've started to settle in back on the Rrakkma forums and I had a question.

Are threads older than a certain date auto-locked? I have found several threads in the Rrakkma forums that do not display as locked, but I cannot reply to them.

Just curious. Thanks!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
A Quick Question

They are semi-locked, the idea is to discourage thread-mancy (too many replies to posts over a year old as if they were current) . But we don't want to discourage conversation continuing, as the subjects aren't locked cause of anything bad - they're just old. Smiling

As elderly as many of the threads are it may be better to start a new one and link back to the old one - sort of like starting up a new conversation on the same subject instead of popping in mid sentence and hoping everyone can catch up with what they were thinking about way on back. Smiling

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