A Question on Inter-Planar Conflict

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Marquis de Carabas's picture
Joined: 2005-08-25
A Question on Inter-Planar Conflict

As I explained in my first thread "New Berk on the Block," I shall be planning out the possibility of a Planescape MMORPG. Don't mistake this for actual development, just a sort of "this is how I'd do it" type thing.

Anyway, I have noted that most (if not all) MMORPGs have some level of grand conflict. It's makes the difference from randomly slaughtering things, to randomly slaughtering things for a cause. I've been toying with some ideas for conflict, and here are some of them:

The Blood War is escalating, and is encompassing more planes. Often times it spills out into the Upper Planes, which is getting the various celestials all uppity. So the while the Baatezu and Tanar'ri continually tear at each others throats, the Eladrin, Guardinals, Archons and various other celestials begin to defend themselves more heavily, sometimes ambushing either side to prevent them from crossing into their realm.
Meanwhile, mass combat is beginning to break out in Mechanus between the Formians and Modrons. Inevitables are getting twitchy with all the conflict breaking out all over the planes.
Githyanki are pulling out all the stops and going to all-out war with the Githzerai, modifying their astral ships for use in Limbo. The Githzerai have captured many of their modified ships and have begun to craft their own.
The Slaadi are having a blast with all the chaos in the planes now. Yugoloths are profiting immensely, assisting almost anyone who can pay their price.
Even the genies of the elemental planes are breaking out in small conflicts.
And through it all, Sigil remains as it has always been. There are occasional conflicts here and there, a few more than usual, anyway. But it remains one of the safest places in the multiverse.
Then along come the players, drawn into this conflict. Able to choose any side they wish, or even remain out of conflict. But sooner or later, the wars find you. A blood who gets pulled into the wars may well want to find out what's started this whole mess, which will can lead into the main story of the game.

What are your thoughts? And any ideas on what the Factions are doing amongst these various conflicts would be much appreciated (note this will be pre-Faction War).

Marquis de Carabas's picture
Joined: 2005-08-25
A Question on Inter-Planar Conflict

Really no thoughts? Hm, well I guess it can't be helped.

Also, just so this isn't a bump-post, I'll ask another question. What would you think of a system to enable the movement of towns through the planes? For example, if enough people complete quests to break up the Council of Anarchy in Automata, the game could automatically make it slip into Mechanus. And if enough people complete quests FOR the Council of Anarchy, it could slip back into the Outlands. A sort of interactive geography.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
A Question on Inter-Planar Conflict

'Marquis de Carabas' wrote:
What would you think of a system to enable the movement of towns through the planes? For example, if enough people complete quests to break up the Council of Anarchy in Automata, the game could automatically make it slip into Mechanus. And if enough people complete quests FOR the Council of Anarchy, it could slip back into the Outlands. A sort of interactive geography.

That sounds like a really great feature, but it sounds complicated. I'm not much of a programmer, I just dabble in it, so that might be easier than it sounds, though.


Pants of the North!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
A Question on Inter-Planar Conflict

this would be a hell of a lot easier to do in a text based game - graphicly... you'd have to provide alternate versions of the same area and choose which models to use based on a game variable (which plane you're attached to). It would take some tricky work but be possible. Your real 'sticking point' is what to do for the players that are current involved in the area when it shifts. Do you not show anythign different till they leave and come back? Or try to show the change while they're in the area - which is harder to do without nailing them in the midst of the change.

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
A Question on Inter-Planar Conflict

You could assign the colored luminance to every area, depending on aligment... Like, making the LE red, CG green, LG blue, LN brown, CE black etc... Then, when the area with some noticable landmark (village, magic treee, whatever...) of arcadia becomes evil and moves to baator, some pieces go from blue to red and the overall feeling changes (water gets muddy or bloody, fireballs start falling from the sky, I wouldn't even mention the residents...) and there you have it: Fighting for belief and stealing other aligments' areas.

Then just make enough areas with noticable landmarks and connect them with portals (going through them is infinitely short and they can connect between the planes) and paths (they have 3d6 areas of random wilderness between them and they usually lead to places on the same plane). Also add oceania/styx, a bunch of lesser outsider and petitioner "monsters" and then I think it would start taking shape

Now the fun part: You connect the whole thing to sigil (mostly no_PK zone) and let players join factions. Factions are less aligment dependent, so a LG and LE player can be a member of the same faction (eg. sodkillers) and in the planar battlefields, they could be found on opposing sides... Yep, sounds like a game you'd hate to love Laughing out loud

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