A question about illithids

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Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
A question about illithids

Can illithids...

De-brain each other?

Prior to Lords of Madness, I would normally say "definitely." Estriss from the Spelljammer novels violently de-brained at least two other mind flayers during the series.

However, while Lords of Madness doesn't explicitly say "No, they can't," it does say that illithid mucus (the layer of slime all illithids have on their skin) IS resistant to tentacle acid. Who's right?


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Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
A question about illithids

Well, if says that they cannot becouse of that muckus that protects their brains, than officialy they cannot.
But consider this: how many people have actualy read "Lords of Madness" or spelljamer books. I mean every society have its debased and sick persons who comits atrocites like canibalisam.
I guess that such ilithid would not even need his tentacles. You alredy know that ilithids have invented various tools that they attach on their tenticales (like drills for example), and muckus can always be washed or peelled away.
I guess that some minor bit of cannon and rules should not stop you from creating interesting villian: ilithid version of Hanibal Lector. :twisted:


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Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
A question about illithids

Ooh thats just what an evil race needs to make it all the more evil. A Sociopathic Illithid. Damn.

Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13

I tend to agree, if you are the gm and you have a cool idea, don't let some rule ruin it for you ... especially in Planescape where rules are just a difference in philosophy between you and the writer. ::smirks::

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
A question about illithids

Y'know, I've also wondered about decerebration, of, say, exemplars. Since there are numerous referances to the Illithid Empire at its height overshadowing the blood war, I'm inclined to think that the mind flayers can eat outsiders' brains. I also assume a summoned outsider's body dissolves away upon death.

"What're we having tonight?"


"Ugh, too spicy."

"Archon, maybe?"

"Kind of light ..."

"How about Slaad?"

"Well, you never know with them ..."

"Humph, if you don't want to eat out, just say so."

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
A question about illithids

Would the brain of a petitioner, as opposed to a living humanoid, provide meaningful sustenance to an illithid? There's a tough one. Smiling


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Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
A question about illithids

'Zimrazim' wrote:
Would the brain of a petitioner, as opposed to a living humanoid, provide meaningful sustenance to an illithid? There's a tough one.

"Meh, kind of bland ... "

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
A question about illithids

Giths? Laughing out loud


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Azure's picture
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A question about illithids

'Zimrazim' wrote:


Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
A question about illithids

'Azure' wrote:
'Zimrazim' wrote:


Yeah, thought so!


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weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
A question about illithids


Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
A question about illithids


By the above logic, the only things restricting whose brains a mind flayer can eat are,
1- Size: An illithid might be able, with some effort, to eat a giant's brain, and a group might concievably stand around and dine on a restrained aboleth, but in the normal scheme of things, if a being is larger than large size, the 'thid's going to have a tough time of it.
2 - Elemental composition: Is eating the brain of an efreet considered an extreme sport?
3 - Undead: Ewww. Rotting brains? What am I, salmonella?

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
A question about illithids

'Azure' wrote:

By the above logic, the only things restricting whose brains a mind flayer can eat are,
1- Size: An illithid might be able, with some effort, to eat a giant's brain, and a group might concievably stand around and dine on a restrained aboleth, but in the normal scheme of things, if a being is larger than large size, the 'thid's going to have a tough time of it.
2 - Elemental composition: Is eating the brain of an efreet considered an extreme sport?
3 - Undead: Ewww. Rotting brains? What am I, salmonella?

Is debraining an exemplar actually fatal, though? Many exemplars can withstand ridiculous injuries, and have regeneration, and aren't 'normal' anyway...


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Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
A question about illithids

I just had a very weird idea.

The Astral Plane has a lot of 'astral winds' -- mental emanations that come from the thoughts and feelings of people on other planes. If there's a massive battle on the Prime, for example, a whole bunch of strong astral winds are formed somewhere on the plane.

Illithids eat brains for one reason. They can get almost everything else they need from other organs of the body, except a brain's psychic awareness.

Can an illithid eat astral emanations, which, after all, are made from pure thought? Would it derive any sustenance from it, or just pleasure? Is it like sugar to them?


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weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
A question about illithids

Is debraining an exemplar actually fatal, though? Many exemplars can withstand ridiculous injuries, and have regeneration, and aren't 'normal' anyway...

--Things with immunity or resistance to acid would probably pose a problem. (Would a ring of acid resistance protect against debraining)

--Outsider DR is damage that heals instantly, this may well stop extracting a brian with tentacles, since the skull heals or is just too thick. Same deal with regeneration, probably.

--Exempelar brains are probably pretty wierd, considering they're quite diferent from mortal brains--being composed of the stuff of the exempelar's plane and all. It might have side effects, or maybe a mind flayer who ate too many archon brains would become LG.

Can an illithid eat astral emanations, which, after all, are made from pure thought? Would it derive any sustenance from it, or just pleasure? Is it like sugar to them?

I think you're giving Azure ideas. I don't want to see a sugar high ghaik. EVER. They'd need actual nutrients in adition to the psychic stuff, so I guess they could becone "hind flayers" like in that haiku, and get thier psychic energy from the astral.

But then you have the scariness factor to consider. It's kinda hard to take a hind flayer or spleen flayer seriously.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
A question about illithids

sugar high ghaik

Brains, they're grrrrrrreat!

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
A question about illithids

'weishan' wrote:

--Things with immunity or resistance to acid would probably pose a problem. (Would a ring of acid resistance protect against debraining)

I think acid immune creatures should be immune to brain extraction. As for resistant... the MM entry really ought to provide "does X amount of acid damage per round," to determine what happens in the case of acid resistances.

'Weishan' wrote:
--Outsider DR is damage that heals instantly, this may well stop extracting a brian with tentacles, since the skull heals or is just too thick. Same deal with regeneration, probably.

Mostly agree on the DR. I think there are a few psionic abilities (under Psi-Warrior, I think) that can technically be used to give effective "pluses" to a tentacle, but the average illithid won't have those.

'Weishan' wrote:
--Exempelar brains are probably pretty wierd, considering they're quite diferent from mortal brains--being composed of the stuff of the exempelar's plane and all. It might have side effects, or maybe a mind flayer who ate too many archon brains would become LG.

You are what you eat...

Can an illithid eat astral emanations, which, after all, are made from pure thought? Would it derive any sustenance from it, or just pleasure? Is it like sugar to them?

'Weishan' wrote:
I think you're giving Azure ideas. I don't want to see a sugar high ghaik. EVER.

Sugar high illlithid = an illithid who has just consumed the brain of a psion with a fairly full power point reserve. :shock:


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Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
A question about illithids

'Weishan' wrote:
It's kinda hard to take a hind flayer or spleen flayer seriously.

I don't know. I don't want to mess with something calling itself a 'spleen flayer.'


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weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
A question about illithids

Think about the practical complications though, a torso is harder to grab than a head, and you'd need larger and stronger tentacles and more time.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
A question about illithids

'weishan' wrote:
Think about the practical complications though, a torso is harder to grab than a head, and you'd need larger and stronger tentacles and more time.

I think Spleen Flayer would be, like, an AMAZING April Fool's entry. =D


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Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
A question about illithids

You know, I think that average ilithid ilithid is pretty content with the brains of lesser "catlle" races (demihumans, humanoids, monstrous humanoids and gigants). Eating brains of greater planar races would be just plain stupid even for ilithid (yes, you can eat their brains but they will reform on their home plane and then will probbably go after you).

Then again, there is always "Hanibal Lector" ilithid who would consider finding way how to eat these "impossible" brains mental chalenge.
Secondly there are always adventurers, and you know how many wizards ask them to bring the head of this creature or that crature. (Ilithids in disguise). Puzzled
And fianly have you asked yourselfs why Mi-Go collect brains anyways. They are probbably working as food suply for Mc Ilithids space restourants. Laughing out loud

Fairy brains - shugar and drugs. Bad combo.


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Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
A question about illithids

'Squaff' wrote:
(yes, you can eat their brains but they will reform on their home plane and then will probbably go after you). .

That's why they want a plane spanning empire. It's pointless to kill a summoned creature. You have to eat an outsider on it's home plane to kill it permanantly, right?. Unless it is a mortal outsider like a tiefling (mmm ... spicy). I always figured petitioners actually accend pretty quickly, because the most of the outer planes seem way underpopulated compared to the primes, with certain exceptions like the Abyss. 'Native outsiders' or whatever, y'know planar humanoids, are probably exotic and expensive fare.

Goblins are fried chicken, or chicken wings.

Gith are a thick juicy steak (or a portabella burger for you vegie-lovers out there)


Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
A question about illithids

'Azure' wrote:
Goblins are fried chicken, or chicken wings.

Gith are a thick juicy steak (or a portabella burger for you vegie-lovers out there)

Githyanki psions.


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Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
A question about illithids

'Zimrazim' wrote:
Githyanki psions.

I think Homer Simpson said it best - "Ohhhhhh"

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
A question about illithids

Absolutely drenched in psionically charged cerebrospinal fluid! And that pineal gland!!


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