A Preview of my Project

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Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
A Preview of my Project

As a thanks to those who have offered their ideas and thoughts in my discussions of philosophy, I offer this. It is a preview of the project I seek to use philosophical ideas for, since the project will address several of the matters I presented. So, thank you for your participation thus far, and I hope you will be willing to participate in future questions.

Finally, please forgive any screen-stretching the image does. I would arrange it differently, but the effect does not carry as well unless they are side by side.

Click here to see a slightly larger version of the image.

Once again, thank you.

all-characters.jpg167.5 KB

http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

http://www.planescapemetamorphosis.com/ -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
...the concept of the

...the concept of the blindfolded medusa oracle singularly, absolutely rocks.  Mythic potential there.

jareddm's picture
Joined: 2007-12-12
A bulezau demon huh?  You

A bulezau demon huh?  You don't get to see those around too often.  Definetely a very interesting choice of race.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Thank you.  I hope I can

Thank you.  I hope I can live up to expectations regarding the medusa.  As for the bulezau, I selected him because not only are bulezau rather unusual as characters, but the potential to make him different from other bulezau is much greater.

 The heights in the picture are roughly accurate, though I must clarify a few discrepancies. 

K'zink really is that short and is full-grown.  He is approximately in his 40s, which I believe is the genasi equivalent of about 20.  For the purposes of his character development I am taking information on ice genasi from The Roaming Genasi Tavern Website.  Scroll down to click on "Children of the Glacier" to see what is suggested there.

I intend for Qul and Ianthe to be roughly the same height from top of the skull to base of the feet.  Qul's crest makes him taller, but without, he and the medusa would be close.

Lasc will potentially be a bit taller once he has feet.  I ran out of paper in my sketchbook and I have little love for digital sketching.


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

http://www.planescapemetamorphosis.com/ -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Here is an update on the

Here is an update on the project. Slow-going, but gradually getting there.

Presenting K'zink, the Ice genasi



http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

http://www.planescapemetamorphosis.com/ -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Background and information

Background and information for the second character.

Ianthe, the blindfolded medusa oracle.

You'll need to be able to log in to see it because it's marked mature for exposed breasts. If you can't log in but want to see anyway, let me know and I'll put up an alternate link.



http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

http://www.planescapemetamorphosis.com/ -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Yes, please.  I'd like to

Yes, please.  I'd like to see the background story as well as the portrait, and DA won't even let me see that.  I'd rather not create yet another account if it can be avoided.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Here is the alternate

Here is the alternate link.  Again, "Not Safe For Work" warning because of exposed breasts.



http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

http://www.planescapemetamorphosis.com/ -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Interesting; she has normal

Interesting; she has normal sight, darkvision, the medusa gaze, the gift of second sight, and when powered up she has psionic vision.  An impressive array of senses, and some of them potentially in conflict.  I continue to anticipate that this will be the most interesting character of the bunch.  :^)

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Thank you! Two more to go,

Thank you! Two more to go, but they will probably have to wait until I finish my final paper :-/

 She is one of my favorites, too, though she was one of the hardest to both develop and incorporate into the story.  I am trying to convey a sense to readers that she is running and hiding, even if this will not be apparent to the characters. Now that I have a good sense of who she is and where she comes from, I am having difficulty raising the "interesting" level of a couple of other characters -- especially K'zink and a little bit with Qul.  Lasc is fairly straightforward on the surface (a fiend struggling to rise), but I think when his background is revealed, it will put him well into the "interesting" category.

I'm trying to make each character different, still interesting, and give them stories that can be woven into Qul's main plot (which will be addressed when I complete his profile later -- he's next on the list).  They all fill assorted roles and tropes that are mostly different from each other.  Some of these are apparent right away.

Qul is the Main Character, Boy of Destiny, and Clueless Newbie.

K'zink is the Tout, the Chant-Broker, and the Wanderer with a sort of Tiefling Past (in that he doesn't even know what it is since it predates him).

Ianthe is a subversion of the Blind Seer.

Lasc has his own background that I am actually very pleased with.  Otherwise, he's a Rising Fiend with a Heart of Gold. 

 The difficult part is weaving all that together and still maintaining the story Eye-wink


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

http://www.planescapemetamorphosis.com/ -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Another update, featuring

Another update, featuring the story's central character.


I've been meaning to put Ssilir up on the Log X thread but I've been really lazy or busy with classes lately.


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

http://www.planescapemetamorphosis.com/ -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
This is the sketch page 6

This is the sketch page 6 of my comic, but it has a sort of panoramic view of the Ssilirian city where Qul lives, so you can get a rough idea of what Ssilirian architecture and cities are like.  The large building dominating the foreground is a temple.  Ssilirian tradition/law prohibits any building in the city from being taller than the city's main temple.  All temples also have 6 tiers, one for each of their major gods.

Since the cities are usually built on water, they use the water as natural roadways.  Thus, the space between the "blocks" is actually water, not land. 




http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

http://www.planescapemetamorphosis.com/ -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I know I've been really

I know I've been really quiet lately but I have still been working hard on this project.  Indeed, it's coming into fruition slowly but surely.  I'm still anticipating a summer start time since I should have plenty of opportunity to get some solid work done on the project without getting harangued by school.  I am posting here primarily to show off a couple of pieces of art and to announce the website.


I'm trying to come up with a shorter name that I can also use, but for now the site is best reached at the above address.  Any suggestions for something shorter would be very welcome! Smiling

Currently, there are some test pages up so I can see how the page format will look on the site.  The Cast page and the Gallery page are both working and will be filled out over the next few weeks.  The About page is more or less done.  "New to PS" may be changed -- I'm not entirely sure what I want there.  Subscribe will give you an RSS link that you can use to get automatic notification of comic updates.  I will, however, post in a thread here at Planewalker every time I update the comic and I'll provide a link to the latest page.

Planned additions include a wiki-like page setup that discusses Ssilir, the Prime world that Qul hails from, in much more detail, and an expansion of the Cast page to include a chart of the fifteen Ssilirian men and women that came to the Multiverse before Qul did.  I also need to get the comic navigation buttons designed and working again.

I'm going to go hunt down the pictures I want to post here, but for now, let me post a short teaser by listing the titles of the first seven planned chapters.

  1. Sigil: City of Doors
  2. The Athar
  3. The Harmonium
  4. The River Oceanus
  5. The Great Tree: Yggdrasil
  6. Death of Innocence
  7. Fo Ling Po: City of Painted Memories

Let me know if there's anything glaringly wrong on the website that you notice, or if you have any suggestions for things to add or improve, or ideas that you think might make the site better.  Once I have the whole website set up closer to how I want it, I'll open user registration to allow folks to post comments and so forth. 



http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

http://www.planescapemetamorphosis.com/ -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Hm, I can't embed the image

Hm, I can't embed the image using dA's little thing so here is a new picture to show off.


Click to see larger version!


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

http://www.planescapemetamorphosis.com/ -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Well that can't possibly be

Well that can't possibly be a good spread for the poor schmuck getting the reading...  ;^)

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Oh no, not at all Depending

Oh no, not at all Smiling Depending on who it is, though, she'll tell a lie and make it sound much better than it is.  Much better.


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

http://www.planescapemetamorphosis.com/ -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

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