A New Online Campaign? Maybe...

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Big Fat Lemure's picture
Joined: 2005-06-27
A New Online Campaign? Maybe...

Hey all.

Well it's been a semester now stranded in this school in the backwoods of Pennsylvania and no one here seems to be into RPGs of the pen and paper variety. So I've decided, I want to try and start an online campaign to get some of these planescape ideas out of my head and into a game.

I ran a (very) brief Exalted game on the Shadownessence forums before their site seemed to have gone under, but beside that I really have next to no experience in running online games (regular kinds I have plenty of experience with, mostly as DM).

So here's the deal, if there's enough interest, I'd love to run a forum or weekly chat game for Planescape. If anyone has ideas how or where to do this, hit me with 'em, please. Anyone interested in actually playing let yourself be heard as well, can't very well have a game without players.

Till later

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
A New Online Campaign? Maybe...

Here at Planewalker we host some games on the forums. So, you don't even need to go anywhere else to facilitate your online gaming.


Pants of the North!

Big Fat Lemure's picture
Joined: 2005-06-27
A New Online Campaign? Maybe...

Ah, cool. I'll look into that if more interest shows up.

Guess I should state now though that I want to do something a little different from "standard" planescape fare.

The ideas I'm starting to put to paper now are mainly based on three sources of inspiration:
Planescape: Torment (the best computer game of all time)
The Eberron Campaign Setting
Farscape (an excellent sci-fi show that I recommend to pretty much everyone)

So first of all, I don't want to use DnD rules, I think they're a little too restrictive. I'm probably going to try a variant of White Wolf's Storyteller system, but I'm still open to persuasion to another system. This would allow even the PCs to have more of the kind of far-fetched, sky's-the-limit feel that the characters from Torment did, which seems to me to fit the planescape mood much better than set races and classes and such.

Second, I want to play with the setting a little. Toss Faction War before all else (always liked the factions and wondered why they felt the need to get rid of them) and then add a little more technology, primarily in the realm of primitive firearms and magical flying ships that traverse the planes (a la Eberron) to give it a high-adventure swashbuckling feel.

Finally, the story entails the PCs as inmates (justly or injustly imprisoned) on the Mercykiller prison ship Nemausian. The ship gets attacked on its way to Carceri by Githyanki and the protagonists are left with a damaged, plane-sailing ship and they're being hunted by both the triad of law and the githyanki, leading to an episodic series of adventures across the planes.

I know, I may have gone off the deep-end since these are some pretty substantial changes, but I think it might have some potential. Laughing out loud

Wretch's picture
Joined: 2006-01-13
A New Online Campaign? Maybe...

Keep talking.

Big Fat Lemure's picture
Joined: 2005-06-27
A New Online Campaign? Maybe...

'Wretch' wrote:
Keep talking.

?_? What more do you need to know?

Zuj's picture
Joined: 2005-06-08
A New Online Campaign? Maybe...

I'd be all for this kind of campaign. I have never done forum gaming, but I am very familiar with DnD/White Wolf. I've played planescape for 6 years now, and right now I have a very active Eberron campaign.

I would totally be all for playing this, Lemure. More info please! Laughing out loud

Big Fat Lemure's picture
Joined: 2005-06-27
A New Online Campaign? Maybe...

Alright, well. If anyone else read that issue of Dragon Magazine about running tv-series-style episodic campaigns, I intend to try that, with each adventure being a (mostly) self-contained story with a number of over-arching plot threads.

Each adventure should either feature some kind of important plot point that changes the direction of the story and/or focus on one character and either reveal more of their backstory or feature something that has radical impact on that PC.

Because of this, I'd need somewhat lengthy write-ups on each PC with plenty of character secrets to work with, but I think it would pay off in the end.

Hopefully, this campaign will be able to visit most if not all of the Outer Planes and a good number of Inner as well (maybe some Prime too).

Beyond that... I don't know. If you have any questions, go ahead.

Zuj's picture
Joined: 2005-06-08
A New Online Campaign? Maybe...

When do you wanna start? I could give you a character write up by this weekend. Maybe we should start next week?

Zuj's picture
Joined: 2005-06-08
A New Online Campaign? Maybe...

Also, I would propose still using at least an off-base d20 system. I undertsand what you mean with its restrictions, but for ease of keeping track of characters, it might be easier for more people to grasp character creation, rather than a different off-shoot system.

Also, you can just allow characters with higher ECL's to create truly 'sky's the limit' characters. As a player, I know it would be ALOT easier to understand the toys I'd be playing with when coming up with a character.

Finally, there is a built-in dice roller on these RP forums for d20's. By keeping it, you ensure more honesty (when it comes to rolling) all around.

Big Fat Lemure's picture
Joined: 2005-06-27
A New Online Campaign? Maybe...

Sorry, Zuj, I just can't see this working under d20 rules. The time that it would take to propose a variant system off say Storyteller system and then get everyone acquainted with it would probably be about equal to the time it would take to run a single fight scene under d20 on a forum game, especially with higher ECLs.

Besides, even with higher starting ECLs, characters are still limited. Say you come up with an idea for... a barbazu wizard (just off the top of my head), after applying the phenomonal ECL modifier, you end up with a wizard who has 100 hit points, a significant BAB... and he can cast magic missle twice a day. There's just not enough leeway to come up with characters unorthodox enough to be befitting a Planescape game and still have them work.

The pacing is too slow, it's too strategic (a lot of things [particularly combat] are hard in d20 without at least a map, if not graph paper), and too limiting. Sorry, but I just can't see d20 working right for this.

Verrigan's picture
Joined: 2006-01-22
A New Online Campaign? Maybe...

So first of all, I don't want to use DnD rules, I think they're a little too restrictive. I'm probably going to try a variant of White Wolf's Storyteller system, but I'm still open to persuasion to another system. This would allow even the PCs to have more of the kind of far-fetched, sky's-the-limit feel that the characters from Torment did, which seems to me to fit the planescape mood much better than set races and classes and such.

Hey all, sorry for the thread-jack, but I have a quick question.

Do you happen to have a link that explains this Storyteller system, Lemure? I too have thought on occasion that the d20 rules can be a tad restricting/tedious as far as combat and character creation goes.

Big Fat Lemure's picture
Joined: 2005-06-27
A New Online Campaign? Maybe...

Hmm... I suppose the best you'd get in that would be from White Wolf's site at http://www.white-wolf.com . Look for their quickstarts. Those should be what you're looking for, although they're each specific to one of the world of darkness games.

Wretch's picture
Joined: 2006-01-13
A New Online Campaign? Maybe...

Have you considered a diceless system? I've reviewed three in the course of time and they all pretty well break down the exact same way:

Every character has a number for a generic stat. If you have a higher number, you usually win. If you don't, you lose.

The one caveat is if you ROLEPLAY (though what that has to do with any d20 product Laughing out loud ) an advantage or spend a limited number of points to "boost your stats". So most people would be street meat vs a Vrock, but if you run into a narrow ally with clotheslines which inhibits his movements and use spears and...you get the idea.

The system requires absolute faith in the DM to administrate fairly. "Killing" the character is not impossible (no more then killing a 10 lvl, AC 25 Paladin with a ring of regeneration) but becomes more of a story element...or blatant stupidity on the player's part (I charge the baatezu legion with my +2 Shield of Kleenex. How long does it take me to kill them all?

Of course, this system requires a lot of work to translate the beasties into comperable challange levels.

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