A New Album: Planar Burgs!!!

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mikeshanley's picture
Joined: 2008-04-20
A New Album: Planar Burgs!!!

Hello Cutters!

I've got both a favor to ask and a gift to offer... And they happen to be one in the same!

Just today, on my very special birthday, I completed my 12th album, Planar Burgs. It's been a project I've worked on for a long time--from the beginning of my music making years ago--and has finally come together now.

Inspired, very naturally, by Planescape and my undying devotion to it, I think that all of the bashers and bloods that roam these boards will find the music useful for their campaigns, if not downright awesome... But then, I'll let you be the judge.

I release everything under a Creative Commons license, which you can find more info about on my site, though I also sell everything I've created on Amazon.com (through right now, these are a bit haywire, so everything a jumble with amazon).

If you like Planar Burgs, don't be afraid to check out my other music and books because, though they are all very different, I'm sure there's something on my site for every one of you.

I think the best tracks for newcomers to my work are Exiled to Cocytus, Orgasm on the River (Oceanus), and Swami of the Spire.

Thanks for your time and happy UN-birthday to all of you!

Laughing out loud

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
A New Album: Planar Burgs!!!





Happy Bithday!

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
A New Album: Planar Burgs!!!

I love playing mood music in games -- I generally GM electronically, and often share tracks with my players. I've mailed CDs in the past, even; but non-DRM'ed mp3s under a Creative Commons license are perfect for this! Thank you very much for this reverse birthday gift, and happy birthday!

mikeshanley's picture
Joined: 2008-04-20
A New Album: Planar Burgs!!!

The whole reason I started making music was actually to compliment my DMing. Many of the original ideas for this album came from songs I used at the table.

'Exiled to Cocytus' was the song I played when the group first encountered Cynosure as saw part of their performance.

The tale of the Hanged Man is parallel to how one of the PCs died. The group was predominantly chaotic good and got 'trapped' in a lawful sinkhole in Arcadia. It was almost like the plane's own secret purgatory city. The Master Conformant who ruled Fall-to-Rise dictated that because the PCs couldn't leave their town, they'd have to work in it just like everyone else. One of the PCs refused to go into the field and was offered work that he could do from home.

Again he refused, and the townsfolk came with The Test: "Claim one thing you've done for us, and we won't hang you." "I failed this test." he said and was hanged at dawn. Just as he sighed his last breath, a portal opened, and nearly everyone in the town ran through it... Into the Gray Waste. And so began the next wave of suffering.

On the album, the concept is actually slanted to be more about the Hanged Man of the tarot, though. It being my 12th album, and the Hanged Man being the 12th card, this is how it had to happen.

Thanks for the feedback! I'm curious to know what else you think!

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