A need for new drugs

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WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
A need for new drugs

Attracted by the subject line? No, I'm not looking for a dealer. I'm writing up a faction called the "Order of Being", nicknamed "druggies", so you can guess what they're into. Anyways I need some ideas for things that they might take take, smoke, or inject. At first I was going to just use RL drugs, but I decided it might be cool to come to the community first. So post your ideas, but remember, real winners don't take drugs. Laughing out loud

Eyeohn's picture
Joined: 2005-01-13
A need for new drugs

The book of Vile Darkness(I think..) has a good number of drugs and their effects within it.

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
A need for new drugs

Poisons are a good source, especially for those beings who are immune to their more negative effects.

I'd also like to say.. perhaps touch of idiocy or feeblemind spelled powders that only cause their effects temporarily, but give massive boosts to other ability scores and cause confusion and the temporary ability to make actions while in the negative HPs? Or auto-pass fort saves vs. death, but die at the end (ala the Frenzied Berserker PrC, but done via drug that is both expensive, and probably fairly illegal... for obvious reasons)

Lubaf's picture
Joined: 2005-11-28
A need for new drugs

What kind of help do you want? Drug names? Effects? Or both attached to one another?

My suggestions for some Planescape drugs:

"Slap": causes the user instant clarity, as if they had just suffered a short, sharp shock. Downsides include: Memory loss (short and, eventually, long term), and long term use can lead to symptoms similar to pugilistic Parkinson's syndrome.
"Hound": increases your sense of smell, to the point that it starts to interfere with your other senses. Similar drugs include "Bat" (for hearing), "Hawk" (sight), "Ant"/"Anteater" (taste), "Worm" (touch), and "Black cat" (ESP). All are popular in Sensate circles.
"Bleaker's Delight" or "Dustman's Delight": Dulls the senses. Oddly, also popular in Sensate circles.
"Truthies": User is incapible of making up a lie for the duration of the effect; note that prepared lies are unaffected.
"Zen", plural "Zennies": Causes the user to temperarily partially commune with the plane they are currently on.

Luc "Ideas" French

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
A need for new drugs

The book of Vile Darkness(I think..) has a good number of drugs and their effects within it.

I'll have a look, but I'm a little loathe to, since the Order of Being is actually a Chaotic Good faction. I also am not of the opinion that taking drugs doesn't automatically make you evil.

What kind of help do you want? Drug names? Effects? Or both attached to one another?

Yes, in particular recreation drugs. I don't need game mechanics, just short descripition. I like "Slap", "Hound", "Ant/Anteater", "Worm", "Black Cat", "Bleaker's Delight", and "Zen". "Hawk" sounds more utilitarian, "Truthies" ditto, and "Bat" might actually be painful.

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
A need for new drugs

'WithoutNationality' wrote:
I'll have a look, but I'm a little loathe to, since the Order of Being is actually a Chaotic Good faction. I also am not of the opinion that taking drugs doesn't automatically make you evil.

Not even alcohol, coffee or tobacco? :twisted:

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
A need for new drugs

*Ahem* let me correct myself. I don't believe that taking drugs automatically makes you evil. But that's irrelevant, post your new drugs here!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
A need for new drugs

"Web" - appears as threads of what seems to be spider silk spun into thin cords or threads. They are dissolved upon the tounge, and upon consumption the user is overwhelmed with an intense feeling of power and grace. His agression is enhanced, as well as his dexterity and speed. The user becomes immediately aware of any presence of tanarri within his vicinity and finds their proximity annoying at best, and enough to assault them at worst. The effects last for roughly thirty minutes, afterwhich the user is exhausted and prone to severe depression and feelings of intense guilt. Web is commonly seen used by Blood War troops (on the Baatazu side). Web is one of the few substances on the Planes which is toxic to tannarri. Web orriginates from Harmonium experiements with bebilith - and is in fact, specially treated bebilith webbing. The Harmonium was not able to contain the secret for making this substance, which they orriginally developed as an enhancement for their own troops against the Abyss. It is *not* a cheap drug considering the dangers of gathering bebilith webbing - but its effects are spectacular enough in battle that the baatazu are willing to pay top dollar for it.

(I'll leave the numbers to others. Eye-wink )

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
A need for new drugs

Hey, WM: what kind of drugs do Laughers like to get high on?

And I got a few chemicals to add myself

XBlood: This is a powerful "combat booster" that comes from the blood of Exemplars. It is injected directly into the blood stream, and last for 6-8 hours, depending on the power of the donor Exemplar. The effects vary from each species. The most commonly available type is "AngelBlood-C", which comes from Archons and other LG celestials (the 'C' stands for Celestia). The Harmonium built Clinics across Arcadia and Mount Celestia and hold regular 'donation drives'. Their desired donors are quite willing to give blood, provided they have some oversight over distribution. Invariably, though, the supply will outstrip the demand from the Harmonium and other 'approved' organizations, and AngelBlood-C winds up being available to any cutter who needs a Booster. AngelBlood-C is toxic to Chaonds and Tieflings. Tiefers are alergic to the other varieties as well (AngelBlood-E and AngelBlood-A).

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
A need for new drugs

Hey, WM: what kind of drugs do Laughers like to get high on?

Well, that's why I started this thread. I think sedatives, hallucinogenics, and sensory enhancers. Specifically, they'd take Zen, Bleaker's Delight, and any of "Hound", "Bat", "Hawk", "Worm", and "Anteater". I don't think they'd take combat drugs, though.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
A need for new drugs

Astral Weed - grass that grows on dead gods. Smoking this puts the thoughts of the ex-deity into your brain box for a while. For extra fun, mix A-weed from one god with another.

Dust - powdered bones of undead. Makes you feel numb. Also called "zombie".

Drops - A fungus that grows on the Upper Planes of Conflict. Believed to grow from Phoenix droppings (bunch of screed, according to planar biologists, but the name stuck). Chewing drops will give you a warm sensation and make your eyes glow.

Vine - A little bit of chemistry turns razorvine into a cheap booster that's popular with Sodkiller gangs.

More to come...

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
A need for new drugs

Darksight: this drug is interesting in that it blinds most users temporarily, but it enhances physical sensation by a large margin and acts as a mild hallucinogen which tends to produce auditory hallucinations. (Essentially, it gives Tremorsense 30ft and blinds the user for 1d4 hours) It is made by refining a plant found in the Outlands and magically enhancing it's pre-existing properties.

Ice: a pretty simple drug whose primary effect is acting as a sedative as well as rendering a person temporarily resistant to cold damage.

Gehennan Spike: A yugoloth-made substance whose primary propertes are speeding up the metabolism of it's users and acting as a touch-sense enhancer. So named because it tends to make users feel as if spikes were jabbing into their body. Sometimes mixed with other combat-enhancement drugs, but the combos tend to really harm the user if taken repeatedly. Blood War fighters who take the combos tend to be fiends, so they don't really care anyway.

Syrup: This drug is made from a combination of Astral ingredients plus some juices of Arborean fruit. It is a powerful sedative and acts to induce minor telepathy in it's users. The telepathy has very limited range, but has a strong ability for emotional sensation.

Chaond's Delight: An unusual drug whose primary property requires mixing it with other psychoactive substances. It substantially alters the effect of other drugs, often radically changing their effects, making them act like other substances. When it doesn't, it tends to produce a more chaotic version of the normal effects.

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
A need for new drugs

This is exactly what I had wanted. Thanks Smiling

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
A need for new drugs

Y'know, all this talk about drugs has given me a great idea for a Revealing Light prestige class: The Gonzo Journalist

"We had two bags of ice, seventy-five pellets of chaond-D, five sheets of high-powered gehennan spike, a salt shaker half-full of mixed A-weed and a whole cosmos of multicolored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers... also a quart of bloody marrow, a quart of rum, a case of Bub-Wiser, a pint of raw syrup, and two dozen zennies."
-Excerpt from Fear and Loathing in The Madhouse

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
A need for new drugs

Actually, I think that PrC should be open to any Sensate/Revealing Light/Order of Being member of sufficient rank. The Laughers and Sensates would take the drugs just to take the drugs, and the Archiver would take them so he could reveal what happens when you take them. Different reasons, but all philosophically inclined to becoming 'gonzo journalist' types.

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
A need for new drugs

Alchemist's Potluck

If you're a blood that want's to commit suicide, you might as well go out with a bang. As if magically enhanced drugs made from the body parts of outsiders weren't dangerous enough, some idiots think it's a good idea to throw all their drugs in a pot, mix it up, and smoke/inject/sniff it. This, known as the Alchemist's Potluck, kills half it's users and sends the other hurtling into transcendant existance.

So whose desperate enough to do this? People who are about to die, usually, or people that wish they were, or those who really like to gamble. Occasionally, it's practiced by a group who throw everything they own into the pot. It's such a problem among the Baatezu mercenaries that fiends discipline people who bring any drugs that aren't "approved" by the Baatezu are punished so severely as to be "worse than death". However, taking a Alchemist's Delight of combat drugs is perfectly fine, just as long as they can somehow place you behind Ta'anarri lines.

Needless to say, most people die. But there's a miniscule chance you'll actually become an Outsider after taking it, spontaneously having permanent psychic and magical abilities. If you're lucky, nothing will happen to you at all.

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