A loth on a Leash: An adventure hook

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Joined: 2004-05-10
A loth on a Leash: An adventure hook

This story does not contain spoilers for the adventure it is linked to.  I am looking for comments.

The figure stepped into the Fortunes Wheel.  About seven feet high shrouded in a thick voluminous robe of grey velvet with a wide shoulder plate from which a cape of a red hue that seemed to have been almost but not quite entirely drained of its color while still retaining a certain depth, hung down further concealing the wearer's true proportions.  All that was visible from the folds of the robe was a black porcelain mask polished over most of the face with unpolished matte lips and eyes for decoration.  The figure moves unimpeded through the crowd at the peak of evening and up the stairs to the private rooms.  At first there was little notice as such things are not too uncommon in the City of Doors.  What happened next caught the attention of all.

A few minutes later the figure appeared on the steps holding a black leather leash in a finely embroidered glove of the same color as the cloak.  The other end of the leash was connected to a thin leather collar around the neck of one of the city's most powerful fiends.  The jackal woman seemed to bristle from the tip of every hair and fur on her body with hatred for the figure but her muscles and movements obeyed his every command without thought.  

She came down the steps behind him her body moving but it seemed trying to rebel against every movement of her own muscles and such was the rage that covered her face as she crawled down the steps on hands and knees baubles from her ornately decorated dress of silk and other things of more value and dearer price littered the floor behind her.

The crowd seemed to part as the figure walked through quietly humming to himself, or was it a her the voice did not seem to give any clues.  About halfway across the floor to the entrance the figure turned, light shining upon the mask who's expression had changed to a jaunty grin, to face the Wheel's owner a dragon with its head stuck in a portal, "Just taking her out for a walk.  It is so sad to see them cooped up in their kennels for too long, best to let them see the city with a proper walk every now and then."

Shemeska growled at the words and let out a slight yelp as the figure produced from its robe a rolled up copy of "The Great Sigilian Truth Sayer" one of the city's papers she owned to bring it down on the tip of her nose.

"Bad girl! No growl!  Be a nice puppy and you'll get a treat." It scolded and chuckled as it would any common dumb dog.  Turning back to the dragon, "Sorry, I think she must be coming into season.  They do get so uppity that time of year..."  With that the figure simply strolled out the doors and down the wide way of Lady's ward on its way to a park.

As the two went the Marauder seemed to boil in her own skin with rage at the humiliation, but she did so silently unable to fight back even to make a sound as the figure hummed a soft tune and walked as if it was taking a leisurely stroll out with its pet for the evening.  No one attempted to stop or hinder them though all on the way looked at the pair.

The figure led the loth into a quiet corner of the park letting her drink at a pool of water; she finding herself unable to keep from lapping up the cool water like an ordinary canine.  With a sigh the figure knelt in front of the fiend.

"Our time is coming to an end girl, but you have been a good girl and as promised..." from the folds of that robe the figure produced a single black soul gem balancing it on the tip of Shemeska's nose, "your treat. Now Wait until I'm gone before snacking."  Adding with a snicker, "That's a GOOD girl!"  Then a faint ripple of light shone from between an old stonework arch an ancient and rarely opened portal came into being and the figure stepped through.

Seconds later a tearing howl of rage echoed out from the park as the fiend broke her bonds and stalked to her feet.  An inexperienced footman of hers got to her first rushing to help his mistress and come into her good graces; her fury was such that he perhaps was not in pain for long.  She stamped back to the Wheel with his entrails and part of his skull in her claws and no one looked at her then.

This is a rough draft of an adventure hook I am going to use for an upcoming NCGameday, a five hour, single shot game that is open for any gamer to sign up and play.  http://ncgameday.dhorizon.org/ is the site if you are interested and in the Raleigh area around Jan 31st. 

I am currently working on the basic plotline of the adventure.  The PCs are going to be working for Shemmy to investigate the figure that humiliated her.   The above information will more or less be known to the PCs ICly except perhaps the details towards the end about the soulgem(there were some witnesses in the park but not that many). In otherwords there are people who might play in this game and I'd like to say that this thread will not have any spoilers.

What I AM looking for are your thoughts on what the immediate fallout, social and pollitical ramifications of this incident would be.  It has been a while since I've played or run Planescape and I need to brush off some of the rust.

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