A little help with a character background

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Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
A little help with a character background

The problem is the following:
My character is a fey, to be more exact, a pixie from Arborea. Not only that, but also an epic level monk/sorcerer and therefore very, very lawful good. Now, the problem is: the character, as I envision him, started out as a rather normal chaotic good pixie sorcerer, and not a bad one at that, but then something converted him to law. What could that be? Any ideas?

TheSky's picture
Joined: 2007-09-28
A little help with a character background

Perhaps he once lived with a large clan of pixies and they went to war with a group of imps famed for their tactics. The pixies plan was just to overrun the enemy and attack.
They lost and numberous pixies died, from then on he has learned hundreds of battle tactics and believes for his people to survive they need to be strict and plan.

Or, simply, the pixie loves tradition, history and culture. Whenever he begins to talk to a person of a different race, he goes overboard with politeness and knows their ways and laws.

Or both. Smiling

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
A little help with a character background

Hmm. Becoming Lawful to fight Baatezu... Nice idea. Ok, I like that.

However, after some consideration, I changed it to Tanar'ri. It would make more sense to become lawful to fight the Tanar'ri. Also, being chaotic as they are, why should they not attack Arborea some day.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
A little help with a character background

I always hated the alignment restrictions on monks I'm glad Swordsages (the usable version of the class) don't have any.

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
A little help with a character background

Solved it by having Tanar'ri burning down his home, after which he was forced to flee to Celestia. To be able to take revenge, he trained under a martial arts master for five-hundred years. And if that doesn't make you lawful, nothing does.

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