A layer I have no idea what to do with.

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Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
A layer I have no idea what to do with.

Had this idea, was thinking it might make a good site somewhere on the Outer Planes, haven't the foggiest where it might go though. I give it to you as... something. A god's domain? A layer of the Abyss? A section of Mechanus? A section of the modern, high-tech Mechanus? A large site in the third layer of Pandemonium? A secret test site in Belierin? An ethereal demiplane? Part of UnderSigil? ...too many ideas...

The Binding Leys

As your eyes adjust to the dimness, you realize that the tiny light in this vast space comes from inscribed runes that make overlapping circles and lines on the floor, big enough for a large creature to stand in and walk through. As your ears sift through the susurrations of the air, you realize that several of these circles contain creatures, few of whom seem pleased with their situation. And as you examine your surroundings, it suddenly dawns on you that your gate has let you out within one of these circles yourself...

This region consists of an enormous stone surface on which there are a large number of permanently inscribed spells of magic circle against evil, as well as law, and chaos. (Perhaps good as well, depending on its ultimate nature, though circles against law and chaos would also suffice to contain archons and eladrin, though not guardinals.)

The circles appear in many different styles: shining metal, dried blood, inlaid gems, letters incised in stone, powdered sand, arrays of quartz crystals and wires, and more. Each is of enormous size -- the typical magic circle spell would not be big enough -- and all are enhanced with calling diagrams to anchor their prey. In addition, some of them are oddly shaped, laid out as long straight or twisting tunnels. The surface on which they are writ is not flat: it rises, slopes, branches, and loops, forming a huge network of paths hanging in what appears to be darkened space. Many of the circles are linked. Many of them are currently inhabited.

A common case in the Leys is simple and ironic: a demon and a devil are both bound in a magic circle, one against law and the other against chaos. The two circles overlap slightly. Each could free the other. There are plenty of odder shapes: one may come across a pair of magic circles against chaos, one focused inward and a smaller one focused outward, the annulus between them containing a demon, and inside the smaller circle a yet smaller magic circle against law containing a devil. An entire array of active, interlinked magic circles against evil may require a devil to wander through prescribed passages, in a mazelike fashion, or surround and block off access to a gate, where a human could simply walk across.

Such measures are effective since the entire realm has volumes of forbiddance spells covering vast swaths of the place (and affecting all manner of alignments, some of which change without notice). They can be dispelled (the cast is apparently of rather high level), but eventually a given forbiddance will pop back in to existence. Whether there is a pattern to these things is not imediately clear: there never seems to be a caster around to cast the forbiddance, or to activate the circles or summon a creature into them. Sometimes spell effects will also simply cease, often letting two blood enemies who have been snarling at each other for days tear into one another. The survivor can then go off and hunt for a gate out of the place, of which there are several.

While a simple, prime-material human can walk across the diagrams with ease, safety is another matter. It's easy to accidentally disturb one if passing casually, thereby freeing the inhabitant. Plenty of the inhabitants of the circles have the ability to become invisible, and when a traveler is inside the circle they are free to attack, charm, or otherwise affect him. It is quite impossible to navigate the entire realm without ever crossing a circle, especially if one wishes to avoid counter-aligned forbiddance effects.
There are also the encounters one may have in the Leys: freed creatures seeking a gate, or creatures who freed themselves and now are wandering the Leys for some other purpose, such as to prey on travellers or learn its nature. There could always be the beings who made the Leys, pursuing their purposes.


So, two big questions. Why would one wish to come here? And why would anyone build such a place? If a planewalker is of a nature that allows them to be summoned and bound as an extraplanar creature, they might find themselves trapped here, and having to work their way out, but anyone else is likely to either slip through a portal accidentally or come here looking for something. Perhaps this is a place where, inscribed among the diagrams, one may find the lost true names of many fiends. Perhaps they're here to rescue an archon who has becomed trapped in a magic circle against law (or good). Perhaps some spellcasters are here to research the behavior of extraplanar creatures, or summoning and binding spells, or related matters.

As for who built the place and why, answers could range from an obsessed Prime wizard's powerful ethereal demiplane to the arcanaloths to the guardinals... unless it somehow arose naturally. And there's always gods, who are about the only entities in the multiverse capable of running a long, complex demon-summoning project without the whole affair being likely to crash down onto their heads fatally. Annoying some demons and devils for a few days each (eventually they'll make the Will save to escape a given circle) is hardly worth the expense of time and magical energy it must have taken to create this place, so there's almost certainly something the builder wants.

Are the summoned creatures' energies being sucked away by the network to power some experiment deep within the leys? Is the point to harness energy from the clashes of beings of different alignment (which would mean that you'd have a much more potent reason to add magic circle against good to the mix, and throw celestials against fiends)? Is it to study how extreme alignments interact (maybe a project of the rilmani, then)? Or an attempt at examining the behavior of a large, complex, organized system -- the network itself -- faced with the chaos of conflict and chance Will saves (so a project of a lawful group examining tactics to press against universal entropy)? As part of UnderSigil, instead of summonings and worrying about beings teleporting out, you'd simply have portals all over the place, dumping exemplars into binding circles for a few days and letting them go or resupplying whenever they needed more -- a sort of alignment counterweight system to the city above.

Lots of options. Who can say? The Leys await your creativity.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
A layer I have no idea what to do with.

I have to confess that no easy explanation for the Leys (excellent though they are) come to mind. The 'prison' aspect suits Carceri, but I like the mystery of the place, and the feeling that it "kind of makes sense but its really weird..."

So I'd vote for the Hinterlands actually, somewhere the PC can end up by accident - or it would make an excellent starting scenario for some Planars, plus primers who stumble through a portal... Creeping through the maze of lines and symbols to free or confer with one of the inmates is an great ideas to. In my opinon, including the Protection From Good circles adds to the Symmetry of the place, and makes it a little more worrying and odd. This place is all about disturbing the PCs - making their skin crawl and their eyes dart nervously as they pick their way between the circles in search of a portal out.

As to exactly why... screw the explanation. It works just fine as a mystery.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
A layer I have no idea what to do with.

Ooh! I absolutely love the idea.

The two burning questions are who made it and where can it be placed? It seems a bit too orderly for one of the layers of the Abyss, not to mention the fact that it is working as much against the demons as the devils. The entire half-taunting half-gladiatorial aspect of the place makes it far too evil for the likes of the Celestials. If it were the Rilmani, then the Celestials would have to be trapped as well to balance it all out.

It could be one of the lawful exemplars, such as the Modrons, perhaps as a smaller model of the Blood War like Primus' orrery is a model of the outer planes. It could also be the Yugoloths, who are known to pit demon vs devil and could use this as a laboratory of sorts. It could be one of the Lady of Pain's creations, such as the mazes, but specifically for Evil outsiders who cause trouble. All of the inmates inside are left over from the last attempted invasion of Sigil by the fiends. Finally, it could be by some unknown power or entity, such as a Baernaloth or even a Far Realm entity, although I am loathe to assign such meaning and understanding of outsider emotions to the latter.

The next question is where. As I already said, the Abyss is probably out. THe rest depends on size. Most likely it is a demiplane, but if it is small, by planar standards, then it could be a realm located on any of the outer planes, from Mechanus to Carceri. It could even be within a mount of Gehenna or Khin-oin, albeit with some spacial anomaly.

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
A layer I have no idea what to do with.

Oooh. I like this. I think I'll put this away somewhere to use the next time a group of PCs is sent to "a random planar destination." I think it works better the less the PCs can actually discover about it.

Where is it? I don't think it matters. The PCs won't be finding out any time soon unless you design a campaign arc around finding out or somesuch.

Who made it? Again, they'll never know. Sprinkle some hints around, but make sure a few are vague or incomprehensible or downright contradictory.
I think the best thing this layer has going for it is its mystery. Giving away more clues than necessary will just make it "one of those places" that the PCs know about. Much better for it to be "That unknowable strage prison-thing that we know very little about and just barely managed to escape."

Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
Joined: 2006-05-31
A layer I have no idea what to do with.

This is really cool. I think you should write it as an article, so it is preserved and available on PW in the future.

Rilmani, Hinterlands, and some god's realm are the most likely locations I can think of. Maybe a god's realm in the Hinterlands. But leaving it a mystery, at least from the PCs perspective, is the best way to run it I think.

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
A layer I have no idea what to do with.

'Hymneth' wrote:
Where is it? I don't think it matters. The PCs won't be finding out any time soon unless you design a campaign arc around finding out or somesuch.

I agree, it could be anywhere or anywhen, prehaps distant future (end of multiverse) in witch last survivors of their races have placed themselves in magic circles to protect them from increasing entropy (circles register to players as protetction from law/chaos/good/evil but they are actualy circle of protection from entropy).

Here is some more ideas: circles are part of some planar museum, private collection of some powerfull entity that likes hunting, or some sort of extraplanar zoo (or theme park - "Fiend land") of some unknown race(prehaps race of pure mental energy) that is nearing grand oppening (so there is still not any visitors, or they are here but invisible), but zoo builders still want some more intresting specimens to add. (see elfis domnesticus vulgaris, and please don´t feed the dwarf).

Anyways, planescape setting have allways been about ideas, so let your imagination soar. Smiling


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
A layer I have no idea what to do with.

I could easily see this as a Yugoloth experiment or maybe something related to the night hags or demodands. The entire thing with demons and devils having to help each other out in order to escape and being entirely unable to out of hatred seems like it is just too perfect for them, if you go with the entire 'experiments into the nature of evil and selfishness' thing the 'loths got.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
A layer I have no idea what to do with.

I vote that nobody really knows WHO built it, but all kinds of beings (from Sigil factions to exemplars) would really like to know. So these groups try to find out, send adventuring parties/NPC groups out, and quite possibly conflict with each other in the process.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Alitis's picture
Joined: 2007-04-05
A layer I have no idea what to do with.

I definitely agree with the yugoloth hypothesis; this kind of experimentation just begs for a cabal of ultraloths and arcanaloths to be pulling the strings. As to where the place is located, I had two ideas:

1) A demiplane in the Deep Ethereal. Their features and specific laws of physics tend to be pretty unique, which meshes well with the odd nature of this place. They're also pretty isolated; without a portal or gate a body has to actually find the place using the Curtain of Vaporous Color. Finally, a good number of demi-planes don't have an ethereal border area. So any sod who passes into the place could materialize right in the thick of things, as you described above.

2) A dreamscape. Maybe the 'loths have managed to keep some being captive and unconscious, and through either powerful magic or psionics can control what it dreams. If the dreamscape is powerful enough (and I'd say this qualifies), then a bulge can form in the Curtain that allows planewalkers to enter. Since it's infinite, only bloods who know where the place is would even be able to reach it. This could also let some group of 'Directors' exist, who have power over the form of the dreamscape much like a power has control of their realm.

By the way, I know you mentioned the site being on the Outer Planes....but I think the Ethereal and Inner Planes need some interesting sites like this to draw adventurers. Laughing out loud

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
A layer I have no idea what to do with.

Actually, in retrospect, it reminds me a bit of the Wells of Darkness layer of the Abyss (FC2), albeit crueler, cooler, and with a touch of TRON. Just felt like throwing that out there.

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