A few cards short of a full deck...

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Githyankee's picture
Joined: 2006-12-06
A few cards short of a full deck...

Since I was introduced to the concept, I was disappointed with the "Deck of Many Things". It is, after all, a Deck of Many Things...not two dozen. There've been lots of variants I've seen, but not a lot of them had the punch and flavor of the original.

Here's my attempt at creating some alternate cards, closer to a full deck. Some of them are more flavored and original than others, some of them are really powerful (both positive and negative). This is based on the original so some are tweaked versions of those cards:

  note: the suits match a real deck, progressing Ace to King, but they aren't really organized in a specific order, it's just a list I made to match them up with a real card deck.



01: Magician – Gain a minor spell-like ability useable at will.

02: Monkey – Be afflicted with a cursed item.

03: Heart – Gain immunity to mind/soul effects.

04: Chalice – Healed, as well as cured of all diseases, curses, and afflictions, and gains resistance to such things in the future.

05: Balance – Shift behavior to opposite extreme or suffer the effects of geas.

06: The Fates -- Avoid any situation you choose . . . once.

07: Shades – Become harried by creatures from the plane of shadow. Such creatures will attack about once every week.

08: Key -- Gain a major magic item (usually a weapon) that will be of use in some future venture.

09: Hermit -- Gain a look at a critical future event.

10: Wheel – Over the course of a year, lose all wealth/items, and gain replacements.

11: Knight -- Gain the loyal service of a powerful warrior.

12: Vizier -- Know the answer to your next dilemma.

13: Mirror – Defeat an aleax or be forever destroyed. If you win, gain a level.


14: Butterfly -- Gain the favor of fey-kind.

15: Sickle – Lose all spellcasting abilities permanently. No more can be gained.

16: Chariot – Immediately transports you and any relevant items and companions to the place you most desire to reach.

17: Ring – Summons an Artifact, a one foot diameter hoop that generates a constant antimagic field in a 100 foot radius.

18: Mantra – Sense living things within 100 ft. You can tell their emotional state, as well as predict what actions they will take during the next round.

19: Clock – Subject is trapped in a permanent Time Stop. This is actually an alternate reality…in the real world they appear to be in an eternal coma.

20: Judgment – Calls down a supernatural storm upon the area.

21: World – Within the next year you will begin a great adventure that will take an entire year to complete. At the end, you will either be powerful, wealthy, and famous…or dead.

22: Moon -- You are granted 3 wishes.

23: Sun – Gain enlightenment and a magical talisman.

24: Star – Gain a permanent increase to ability of choice.

25: The Void -- Body functions, but soul is trapped elsewhere.

26: Talons -- All magic items you possess are mysteriously snatched away.


27: Flames -- Enmity between you and an outsider.

28: Donjon -- You are imprisoned.

29: Throne -- Gain a charisma bonus, followers, and a small keep.

30: Skull – Be transformed into a skeletal creature (as bone creature template from Book of Vile Darkness), but retain your own alignment and personality. Does not affect ECL.

31: Diamonds – You find your pocket (or similar space) always has a diamond in it.

32: Eclipse – Gain 3 wishes. However, the opposite effect takes place. This card is indistinguishable from The Moon until the wishes are made.

33: Rogue -- One of your friends turns against you.

34: Dice -- The area in a 100 yard radius of the drawer renders all magical effects random. Spells cast act as a rod of wonder, and items abilities shift every ten minutes. This effect lasts one hour.

35: Silver Sword – Lose your shadow. You become unable to exist in sunlight, taking 1 point of Constitution damage for every minute spent in sunlight. When constitution becomes 0 you disintegrate. You shadow becomes a copy of you with the Umbral Creature template (Savage Species) and may be neutral, friendly, or hostile depending on your personality. In any case, however, it is unwilling to rejoin with you and must be coerced to do so.

36: Brain – All items on your person become sentient. They gain no further abilities. They do, however, gain a retroactive memory to the moment of crafting into present form.

37: Construct – you are permanently trapped in a suit of Golem Armor. This does not affect your spellcasting abilities, and you no longer need to eat or drink (you must still sleep and breathe).

38: Guillotine – You die. You can be raised via True Resurrection.

39: Faceless – Gain the ability to change shape (as polymorph), but never to your original form.


40: Beast – You are forever followed by a huge invisible beast that has causes fear (as per Frightful Prescence, even though no one can see it). See invisibility and similar powers reveal the Beast, in which case it acts as a Phantasmal Killer.

41: Nymph – Gain the ability to speak with animals, speak with plants, and stone tell at will.

42: Black Rose – Find True Love.

43: Sky – Your weapons and armor become infused with the power of Air, granting electrical burst to the weapon, and electrical immunity to the armor. A random item of some value of yours bestows flight.

44: Gate – Gain friendship with an extraplanar creature.

45: Thorns – Become wracked with eternal pain. No longer need to eat, drink, sleep, or breathe.

46: Bliss – Induces a state of permanent euphoria. No longer need to eat, drink, sleep, or breathe.

47: Tower – Lose all nonmagical wealth.

48: Euryale – Turn to stone. Only a wish/miracle can undo this effect.

49: Fool – Lose experience and draw two more cards.

50: Jester – Gain experience and draw two more cards.

51: Pyramid – Gain the Paragon template (no change to ECL).

52: Comet – Within the next few hours, the party will be challenged by a group of adventurer’s that mirror them in skill and persona. If victorious, they will gain greater experience and ability increases.

53: Smiley (Joker) – Gain an aura that causes uneasiness and loathing with reality. This even effects nonliving objects (this manifests as a luck penalty to all rolls that depend on such objects, equal to your charisma score). Plants and animals react hostiley towards you (but do not attack). Bad weather and disaster follow you. Even the dead will return to life and gather around to mock you (though they do not attack). Intelligent creatures do not feel this loathing, but will no doubt distrust you because of the visible effects. This effect can only be undone by a deity.




Any thoughts? Any ideas of your own for cards?



Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
I like it so far - and

I like it so far - and you're right, the old version of the Deck has a lot of flavour that newer ones didn't. I'd love to have a planar-orriented version of the Deck. Have you considered tightening up the writing on this and submitting it as an article on the site once you get some feedback? Eye-wink

Githyankee's picture
Joined: 2006-12-06
Clueless wrote:I like it so

Clueless wrote:
I like it so far - and you're right, the old version of the Deck has a lot of flavour that newer ones didn't. I'd love to have a planar-orriented version of the Deck. Have you considered tightening up the writing on this and submitting it as an article on the site once you get some feedback? Eye-wink


Ooh, yeah, I could do that. Revise it up, clarify any mechanical aspects. Sure.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Sorry - I know I'm a whiner

Sorry - I know I'm a whiner for new articles Eye-wink

I found a site that will do custom card decks: www.artscow.com - that would be kinda cool to be able to create your own deck of these. 

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Githyankee wrote: 53:

Githyankee wrote:
53: Smiley (Joker) – Gain an aura that causes uneasiness and loathing with reality. This even effects nonliving objects (this manifests as a luck penalty to all rolls that depend on such objects, equal to your charisma score). Plants and animals react hostiley towards you (but do not attack). Bad weather and disaster follow you. Even the dead will return to life and gather around to mock you (though they do not attack). Intelligent creatures do not feel this loathing, but will no doubt distrust you because of the visible effects. This effect can only be undone by a deity.

Any thoughts? Any ideas of your own for cards?

Personally, I would suggest letting a few other things undo this effect.  A wish spell perhaps, or a long, difficult quest...


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

JellyPooga's picture
Joined: 2007-04-02
I like it! On a related

I like it! On a related note, a couple of years back I created an Intelligent Item that took the form a deck of cards...here he is if you're at all interested!


Vael'Kplax; The Deck of (not so) Useful Things

Vael'Kplax appears to be a rather worn and tatty deck of illustrated cards with faded designs and frayed edges. Upon counting the cards, there is usually about 20, but occasionally there are slightly more or less. If a card is drawn from the deck, randomly or not, and thrown to the ground (or any hard surface, like a table), the image on the card becomes a real and useful manifestation. However, bound into this deck of cards is a somewhat mischievous sentience; Vael'Kplax.
Vael'Kplax was once a rather minor demon or spirit, he's not entirely sure any more of what he was (it was such a long time ago), whos mind was bound to this deck by a fervant follower of the Maid of Misfortune, Beshaba, to spread her "blessings" across the Planes. Vael'Kplax himself is not religious and has no care for Beshaba himself, but he shares many of her setiments and delights in playing pranks and causing little misfortunes. He has the ability to change the images on each of the cards and what they produce, but he also has the ability to disguise a card so that the owner believes he is summoning one thing and will get something entirely different. Vael'Kplax prefers to keep his identity a secret from his owners, but if discovered, will continually attempt to persuade his owner to play tricks and practical jokes on those he or she meets.

Magical Properties:
Five time per day, the user of The Deck of (not so) Useful Things can select a card from the deck and throw it onto any hard surface to produce the item depicted. The available items are listed below. The user can try to produce the same item five times in one day, five different items or any combination of up to five items. Searching the Deck for a particular card is a move equivalent action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Throwing a card (to produce the item) is a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
When The Deck is first found, randomly select the 20 cards that are currently depicted from the list of available items. Whenever the user of The Deck tries to find a particular card, there is a 20% chance that Vael'Kplax has changed it for another, randomly determine what the card has been changed to. Duplicate cards are possible.





Treasure Horde

1d10 gems (100gp value) and 5d20gp


Comfy Bed

A somewhat worn, but extremely comfortable bed, big enough for two medium creatures. Disappears after 8 hours.


Dark Hole

An open pit with a permanent Darkness effect (as the spell) filling it, 10ft diameter, 15ft deep. Extradimensional space. Expires after 1d20 days.


Cold Dinner

A highly nourishing meal of rather bland food. Anyone eating the meal will not require further sustenance for the next 24 hours.


Warm Dinner

An extemely tasy dish of anti-nourishing food. Anyone eating the meal must eat twice as much food as normal for the next 24 hours.


Tangled Rope

50ft of silk rope. Disappears after d% minutes.


Coiled Rope

50ft of silk rope. Disappears after 4 hours.


Bouquet of Flowers

A bunch of freshly cut, sweet smelling flowers.


Blood-Stained Dagger

A MW dagger. Blood-stained. Lasts for 1 hour.


Puddle of Grease

A 5ft square of grease (as the spell).


Pretty Colours

An area, 10ftx10ftx10ft, of continually changing coloured, insubstantial lights. Illuminates 5ft beyond the area clearly and a further 5ft in shadowy illumination.


Red-Eyed Rat

A normal rat.


Green Potion

A random potion from the Minor Potions and Oils table.


Red Potion

A random potion from the Medium Potions and Oils table.


Blue Potion

A phial of water.


Black Potion

A phial of ink.


A Rock

A rock. Roll 1d6; on an odd result it is small enough to pick up in one hand and throw easily (for a Small or Medium creature), on an even result it is 10ftx10ftx10ft.


Bent-Backed Serf

A Human Commoner 1, dressed in rags, that does your every bidding as if you had succesfully cast Dominate Person on it (Caster Level equals your Character Level).



A Human Commoner 1. Clothed.


Naked Peasant

A Human Commoner 1. Un-Clothed.


Angry Peasant

A Human Commoner 1, clothed and armed with either a scythe, pitchfork or burning torch (equal chance of each). Hostile.


Indeterminate Coin

A coin; roll 1d4 to determine it's value: 1-Copper, 2-Silver, 3-Gold, 4-Platinum.


Merry Campfire

A campfire about 2ft square. Burns for 8 hours unless extinguished (possible by any normal means).



A ladder. 10ft long. Disappears after 1 hour.


Broken Ladder

A ladder. 10ft long. Broken into two 5ft halves. Dissapears after 2 hours.


Empty Backpack

A Backpack. Empty.


Bulging Backpack

A Backpack with 14 days of trail rations (for a Medium creature). Both the backpack and the rations disappear after 1d20 days (unless already consumed in that time).


Grappling Hook

A grappling hook. Disappears after 1 hour.


Lump of Chalk

A piece of chalk.


Lump of Coal

A piece of coal.



A pewter tankard full of good quality ale. The tankard dissapears when empty.



A full waterskin. Disappears when empty.


Holy Waterskin

A waterskin with various holy symbols designed onto it. Filled with Holy Water. Disappears when empty.



A shovel.


Broken Shovel

A shovel with the handle broken.


Rusty Miners Pick

A miners pick.


Shiny Miners Pick

An adamantium miners pick. Disappears after 1d8x1d10 minutes.



A cart. Disappears after 8 hours.


Worn-Out Cart

A cart. Automatically breaks if moved more than 5ft from its creation location. Disappears 1 minute after being broken.



A docile mule with bit and bridle. Disappears after 8 hours.


Kicking Mule

A hostile mule. Disappears after 24 hours.


Bow and Arrow

A Composite Longbow (+0 Str bonus) and a single MW arrow. Both dissapear after 1 hour or the arrow has been fired (whichever comes first).


Quiver of Arrows

20 Arrows in a quiver. All disappear 1 round after the last arrow is drawn from the quiver.


Lit Lantern

A lit bulls-eye lantern with 6 hours worth of oil in the reservoir. Disappears when the reservoir is empty.


Un-lit Lantern

A hooded lantern. Disappears after 24 hours.


Official Looking Document

A piece of parchment with indecipherable writing. If handed to an official or similar authoritarian figure, it will grant one creature passage over a single border, through a single gate or portal, for one ships journey or other similar effect as if it were the required official document. DM's discretion. This is a mind-affecting effect. Disappears after use.


Stack of Paper

20 sheets of parchment; blank.


Hooded Hawk

A trained hawk. Any Handle Animal check you make in regard to it is automatically successful (even if you are untrained). Disappears after 24 hours.


Fine Sword

A highly decorative MW Longsword. Disappears after 1d4 days.


Oak Wardrobe

An oak wardrobe with a wide selection of fine clothes and jewellery, enough for 10 outfits (Nobles, Courtiers, Clerics or Entertainers). The wardrobe disappears 10 minutes after any outfit is taken from it unless that outfit is returned within that time. Any outfit taken from the wardrobe disappears 2d6 hours after being removed from the wardrobe.

Intelligent Item Powers: Int:17, Wis:10, Cha:17, 120ft Darkvision and hearing, 10 Ranks in Bluff, Locate Object 3/day, Minor Image 3/day, Faerie Fire 3/day. Alignment: Chaotic Neutral. Ego: 13

Vael'Kplax can communicate telepathically or vocally (languages known: Common, Abyssal, Infernal and Draconic) and can read the languages it can speak. He uses his Minor Image SLA to change the apparant pictures on cards as users of The Deck try to use them so that they use cards that they didn't want to. He uses his Locate Object ability to find items that might be useful in a practical joke or other planned mishap. He rarely uses his Faerie Fire ability because it's a bit too overt for him, but on occasion he will use it simply for the expression on peoples faces when they suddenly light up for no apparent reason.



Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
I want one. 

I want one.  :)


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Rock the House's picture
Joined: 2009-04-04
I just started doin'

I just started doin' something like this, I haven't finish it though. I hope its not too huge for a forum. First post!



The Sigilian Tarot Said to be have been created by the whimsical she-goblin Nixal Dee, a forty-third generation Hiver with a family as large as a titans arse; Nixal was a master of cartomancy and one of the few people to be called truly patriotic towards the Cage.


At their creation, there were eighteen cards, however the number of cards has grown over time, some seemed to have appeared within in the pack in a puff of raw magic, with design matching the originals, others were stolen and twisted to suit the Tarot, for you see, it has a nasty habit of eating other magical decks. There is currently thought to be twenty-seven to forty-five cards.


The cards are especially coveted by Sensates because the images on the cards move constantly, some of them showing hours worth of interesting arcane animation.  To have the Tarot is a change of fortune, Factols have secretly risen to power on it's worn pack and equally, regal dragons have been humbled by it's twisting, churning old magic.


Some who have come in contact with the deck have tried to use it to tell the future, others still claim that each card tells a particular event and that some have already come to pass, most find it an amusing and dangerous diversion.  


When a card is drawn from the pack, the card taken won’t release it’s magic effect unless invoked in some manner, such as saying “card, begin your work” “go” or something equally simple, but if its magic is not released it will not perform again for anyone present in its drawing. None of the powers the Tarot grants can be turned off (Not including the diverse means the Planes offer, such as the Wish spell). 

Spoiler: Highlight to view

1. The Little Sounder – The faded image on the card is of a gazetteer seller calling at blindfolded passers by; the seller is surrounded by hovering mimirs. 

You learn one piece of information about the object, person or landscape in front of you. The card many incorrectly give you a fact about something on the person you pointed at, describe a specific point on the horizon rather than the world around you ect.


2. The Right-Proper Fraud – The silvery image on the card is ever changing, everything from the Fraud to the chair he sits on are mimics and doppelgangers.

You gain the ability to polymorph into any medium (or small or large if you are naturally that size) creature. However, whenever you leave your party, they will forget about you.


3. The Off-Red Dissenter – The shining, ruby image on the card is of a Hardhead standing in front of a cowering elf-like figure, as a group of veteran Harmonium draw their weapons.

You gain the friendship of a group of people that are in opposition to your alignment. People of an opposing faction act as amicably as possible to you. The card will not let itself be drawn for a matter of months.


4. The Hooligan-Prince – The crude, charcoal image on the card is of a raving thug being beaten, all the while laughing, by a calm dwarven sage.

You gain immunity to poison, drainging, mind and soul damaging effects. You gain between +1 and +4 to Strength and Constitution.


5. The Headless Dabus – The image consists of pictograms, though not of dabus design, which describe a dead dabus and how the others continue without him.

You die and become a ghost.


6. The Pattern Finders – The stark, monochrome image on the card appears to be of a Guvner and a Xaositect in lively debate. Nixal may have lived long before The Lady’s ban on many of the Factions, so “The Pattern Finders” may have been a short lived Faction and she may have been part of it.

Your mind is filled with ancient dark on Sigil, but how much is true and how much is out of date is unknown to you. You can also see invisible and know when something has shapeshifted, though you won’t know what lurks beneath its current form.


7. The Greybeard – The smokey, blurred image on the card is of an Incantifer sat alone in a bar, his table covered in scrolls.

You gain a +2 bonus to Intelligence, 4 ranks in Use Magic Devise and 4 ranks in Spellcraft. You will fail all social rolls a week after invoking this card.


8. Wheels Awer – The green glass-like image on the card is of several Fated pushing an oversized wheel down a hill, scattering the nobles and peasants clinging to it. 

You can avoid pain twice and death once. But another person must die when you avoid it, and they return as a fairly tough vampire.


9. Diktat – The card is unnaturally heavy and coated in iron. The image on the card is of a modron wearing judges clothes, glaring at someone beyond view.

You gain the ability to see other’s alignment twice per day. Your action become abnormally Lawful for the next week.


10. The Black Matron – The image on the card has troubled many scholars. A goblin in bloody witches robes, tending to hundreds of goblins, she holds each of them by the head, then the left foot and drops them as another cries.

You can now speak fluent goblin. You may gain or lose 4 Wisdom. You and your party gain green skin, even if they were not present at the drawing of the card.


11. The Nob’s Precipice – The yellowing old image on the card is of a rich, young Sensate gawking at the Abyss through a portal, as a demon stares over his shoulder.

A demon appears behind you and acts accordingly. The closest person to the invoker of the card becomes evil, at least in the eyes of the invoker.


12. The Baker’s Card – The calm, pastel card shows a gaggle of children being given loafs of bread.

Enough rations for a week appears, as does some rope, some bedrolls, a few random potions and a bag of copper. The copper is stolen from someone’s pocket. The rest of the gear may also be stolen.


13. Fifth in Glades – The first of the noticeably stolen cards, presumed to have come from the forgotten Beastland game, Spring’s Gamble. It is grey with a vine design wrapping around it.

The card asks you to pick a number between one and twenty, depending on your choice, large savage beasts may begin attacking you or aiding you for a day, then they vanish. If the card was thinking of the number one and it was guessed corerctly, the invoker gains ape-like features.


14. The Crack in the Spire – While in keeping with the original design, this card is double sided, on side shows the Spire as we know it, the other shows a colossal worm working its way to the top, leaving the Spire torn in various places.

15. The Delve of the Godlings – The card is without imagery.

16. The Barmy ‘sylum – The glimmering image on the card flicks between the Aslum of Sigil and the plane of Elysium. The bottom of the card has scorch marks.

17. Sunny – The card is made of radiance and will cause a faint burn if the person holding it is evil.

18. Oh Buggery – The colourful image on the card is of a modron in judges clothes is being dragged off by Mercykillers and slung into a pit of scorpions.

19. Torus Torus Afloat – The card can be folded out into a miniature map of Sigil, though it is basic and out of date.

20. Ace of Spades – This card is stolen from some unknown deck, it is also without arcane animation. It is white with a black shape in the middle.

21. Many Three’d Sisters – The card is large and opaque with three slowly altering figures, one young, one blossoming into maturity, and the last figure hunched and wrinkled.

22. Lock and Key – The inky image on the card is of a door with a cat walking past, a golden key around it’s neck.

23. The Blubbering Tiefling – The tattered card is from another Tarot, with the image of a chariot rider upon it, however, someone has drawn a mock-tiefling on it, the character is sucking his thumb.

24. The Bruise – The card has no art work, but painted as if it is bruised skin, the underside of the card is painted as if it is beneath the skin.

25. The Services of the Lacy Angel – A rather explicit, though humorous image, stolen by the pack from an old Planes Militia deck.

26. Aoskar – The cracked oil painted image on the card is one of the strangest, it shows the flayed God being mummified by the Dustmen, but the cards were made before his death.

 The cards will open the nearest portals, which will cause a lot of damage and upsets the dabus.

 27. The Unsure One – If the planes are built on belief, the Unsure One is whatever you think it will be.



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