A Far Out Rant

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Tequila Sunrise's picture
Joined: 2006-11-17
A Far Out Rant

I hate that the Far Realm has become the ultra-evil realm! I'm sorry, are nine hells of burning souls not evil enough? Are three endless plains of soul-numbing greyscape not evil enough? Not even an uncountable number of cursed chaos-scapes? It isn't enough that the denizens of these planes provide an endless variety of filthy, retched, malicious, scheming, 99% irredeemable fiends who have the evil subtype? We really need an even more ULTRA-EVIL REALM?

Honestly, how is a DM supposed to explain that a realm is more evil than the realms where murderers, rapists, genocidal maniacs and politicians go when they die? No, really, I'd love to hear the explanation!

Now, I'm not often nostalgic about second edition, but I remember my introduction to the Far Realm back when I discovered planescape. Maybe I didn't read all the first references to the Far Realm, or maybe I just blanked them out, but I remember when for me at least the Far Realm was just bizarre. And what's wrong with bizarre? Oh, I suppose that once the Far Realm became part of standard D&D it suddenly had to conform to the archetypal "Bizzare = Evil" standard, even at the cost of internal consistency.

I say, to the Abyss with "ultra-evil"! If I need a realm devoted to evil and insanity in my game, I'll just label another layer of the Abyss because THAT is the realm of evil and insanity. If I need a certain breed of aberrations to have a defined origin, I'll put such a place in Baator with the devils because THEY are the epitome of cunning, diabolics, arrogance and evil. In my game, the Far Realm will always be bizzare. PERIOD.

That feels better,

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
A Far Out Rant

Amen, brother

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
A Far Out Rant

I've only ever read about the Far Realm in 3rd edition books (Manual of the Planes and Lords of Madness) and I didn't get the impression that it was evil at all.

The way I understood the realm is that it exists outside of petty little concepts like good and evil and law and chaos. Its denizens aren't "evil", merely alien to anything the Great Wheel calls life.

Where did you get the idea that WotC is trying to make it evil?


Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
A Far Out Rant

'420' wrote:
Where did you get the idea that WotC is trying to make it evil?

That seems to be the way it's portrayed and envisioned by most people. Most people who aren't canny bloods, that is.


Pants of the North!

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
A Far Out Rant

I have never gotten the impression that the Far Realm is evil. Rather, it is beyond alignment. There are no morals or ethics in that plane, if you could call it a plane. Any aberrations that might have originated in the Far Realm but now live in the multiverse proper have alignments because they have become multiversal creatures - they are not far realm entities. Far realm entities are so different from anything we can imagine that any acts they do might be good/evil/neutral/chaotic/lawful or everything at once or none at all. However, when certain activities involve, say, sucking the brains out of a living creature or entrapping its soul and rending it with every breath - well, multiversal creatures usually consider that evil, simply because they are used to catagorizing activities as such.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
A Far Out Rant

The FAr Realm - played and run *right* - is outside the alignment system. Someone please pass that memo over to WotC so they can emphasize this concept? Eye-wink

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
A Far Out Rant

In my humble opinion, only a very tiny percentage of those that seek to visit the Far Realm succeed, only a small percentage of those who succeed survive, and those that survive are driven barmy the experience. In other words, no DM or, for that matter, sourcebook should describe the Far Realm in any but the vaguest of terms. This works well, considering it should be so odd that no mortal creature, including metagamingly the DM and players, would be able to fathom it.

Tequila Sunrise's picture
Joined: 2006-11-17
A Far Out Rant

Lately, I've seen a few posts about "the far realm: a place so evil that fiends fear to tread". Such inconsistencies just tick me off.

Personally, I'm not a fan of the "the Far Realm & denizens are outside of alignment" idea, but it doesn't bug me as much as the former.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
A Far Out Rant

Being outside the alignment system makes perfect sense, because the Far Realm isn't part of our multiverse. It only plays by our rules if it feals like it, and even then it tends to cheat. The Far Realm really isn't in any way evil, just inhospitable. People tend to confuse the two, however.

Moral-Decay's picture
Joined: 2007-02-22
A Far Out Rant

'Iavas' wrote:
I have never gotten the impression that the Far Realm is evil. Rather, it is beyond alignment. There are no morals or ethics in that plane, if you could call it a plane. Any aberrations that might have originated in the Far Realm but now live in the multiverse proper have alignments because they have become multiversal creatures - they are not far realm entities. Far realm entities are so different from anything we can imagine that any acts they do might be good/evil/neutral/chaotic/lawful or everything at once or none at all. However, when certain activities involve, say, sucking the brains out of a living creature or entrapping its soul and rending it with every breath - well, multiversal creatures usually consider that evil, simply because they are used to catagorizing activities as such.

Exactly. I doubt they even suck souls out deliberately, though it could easily happen as a side-effect of some alien action. Mostly their thoughts just drive anyone who contacts them gibberingly insane.

Tequila Sunrise's picture
Joined: 2006-11-17
A Far Out Rant

I'm not interested in a long, ad nauseum discussion, but when I DM all monsters have alignments. Period. This is Dungeons & Dragons, not Far Realms and Philosophies.

Alright, if I were ever to run a game that did away with alignment completely, that would be different...

Arytiss's picture
Joined: 2006-08-11
A Far Out Rant

'Tequila Sunrise' wrote:
I'm not interested in a long, ad nauseum discussion, but when I DM all monsters have alignments. Period. This is Dungeons & Dragons, not Far Realms and Philosophies.

This is Planescape.

Why do I feel like I should be kicking a Harmonium messenger down a well at this point?

But alignments are always grey. The Far Realm is greyer than most. From our perspective though, the creatures of the Far Realms are mainly evil. And it's belief that counts.

Tequila Sunrise's picture
Joined: 2006-11-17
A Far Out Rant

'Arytiss' wrote:
Why do I feel like I should be kicking a Harmonium messenger down a well at this point?
Well, I like to do it because they're just so stiff and overbalanced.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
A Far Out Rant

I'm not sure where you are seeing all these threads but I can't find anything on the planewalker forums about the Far Realm being evil.

Manual of the Planes (pg. 212)

No Alignment Traits: The Far Realm has nothing to do with morals or ethics.


Arytiss's picture
Joined: 2006-08-11
A Far Out Rant

Most likely the WotC boards. He made the same post over there.

Tequila Sunrise's picture
Joined: 2006-11-17
A Far Out Rant

'Arytiss' wrote:
Most likely the WotC boards. He made the same post over there.
Yeah, the posts that I speak of were from the WotC boards. Sometimes I don't know why I bother with those boards...well, it's usually good for a laugh.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
A Far Out Rant

The Far Realm is beyond alignment but if you must give some of its denizens an alignment, Neutral is probably your best bet. I'd just leave the alignment line blank though, personally.

Now for some other people who consistently have their alignments misrepresented, the Harmonium are pretty good competition for the Far Realm. Have you noticed that the Harmonium have been portrayed as being more and more evil as they go? Planescape: Torment actually had them kidnapping people and forcing them into slavery. In my mind, that's one of the biggest misuse of canon in the game.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
A Far Out Rant

Although I agree that the whole slavery deal was a bit much, I must say that the Harmonium as a whole, judging by their actions, sway a bit to the Evil side of Lawful. Yeah, sure, they practically worship the anal perfection of LLG Arcadia, but don't forget that they did a pretty nice job of tipping it over into Mechanus (and the way things are going with the Formians over there, it won't be long before it slides into Acheron). Anyway, call me an Indep, but anybody that tries to enforce their bloody opinions on me through force is no better than Tanar'ri slaver or a Baatezu lawyer.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
A Far Out Rant

The Harmonium are not evil. They use Neutral actions to achieve Good(ish) goals. They actually hate evil and everything it represents, but are sometimes willing to work with Lawful evil individuals to achieve greater harmony (an approach that has done a lot to corrupt them). Most Harmonium really are just trying to make a the multiverse a better place by getting everyone to work together, it's just their methods that are questionable (at best). The more malevolent acts of the Harmonium are generally perpetrated by corrupt individuals rather than the Harmonium high command. Their tendency to attack Indeps, for instance, never struck me as something the Harmonium high ups approved of, but at the same time, the Faction leadership didn't do much to stop it, and their bosses on Ortho probably didn't even know it was going on.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
A Far Out Rant

Or were heavily misinformed regarding it. Puzzled "The planar colonists sometimes like to 'embellish' their reports. They are still learning the Way of Harmony." Eye-wink

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
A Far Out Rant

Firstly, my apologies for derailing this thread further, but I feel I must clarify my statement:

As I said, the Harmonium as a whole leans to the evil side, despite the majority of their members being LG. Their ends are noble, but some of their acts are downright violent and cruel. Some of these are commited by dissidents within the group, but others are fully sanctioned or even planned by the factol or other high ups. They are just too, dare I say it, hard-headed to admit, maybe even realize, that they are sometimes wrong and their actions unjustifiable. Because of that, they continue doing whatever it is they do first and thinking later. While the greater goal is, for the most part, Good, their responses to those that disagree with them are too often evil.

Although all of that applies primarily to the planar branch, rather than the original Ortho group, the latter is not without its hidden sins. I really doubt every single elf, gnome, and fey decided to leave Ortho, and yet none exist there. Where oh where could they have gone? Hmm...

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
A Far Out Rant

Well, they say that some of those deep ocean trenches are a little.... *SLAM* Oh sweet Vecna! Where are you taking me?!

Alitis's picture
Joined: 2007-04-05
A Far Out Rant

On the original topic of the Far Realm, I've always envisioned it as something totally incomprehensible, largely due to a plethora of spatial dimensions. Think of it this way: if you're a two dimensional person in a two-dimensional world, the most you could see of some berk who stuck his finger through your flat planet would be a two-dimensional cross section. Probably vaguely circular, and changing circumference and shape as the finger moved up and down. Now take that idea and expand it. Maybe you're not separated by one dimension, but by several. What you see will be almost totally unrelated from what is actually present. And since you can perceive only an infinitely small slice of that world, nothing will seem to make any sense whatsoever. This is the Far Realm to creatures from our multiverse. Morals and ethics have no meaning when the world we experience and the world they experience are literally infinitely different.

EDIT: Added a bit about morals and ethics

Elder Elemental Jester's picture
Joined: 2007-04-17
A Far Out Rant

The Far Realm inhabitants aren't evil...they just SEEM that way because their thoughts and concerns have NOTHING TO DO with the kind of things that our thoughts and concerns are.

Do they care about your sanity? No...matter of fact, your sanity may injure them in some way. Do they care about an orphanage full of tiefer children? No...they don't have younglings and don't care about some cruddy little planars' beliefs in "wimmin and chilluns first." Do they want to help you get home? No...they have no homes and don't know what you mean by the term.

Basically, they're seen as evil because they epitomize what the Yugoloths have been striving for millenia to perfect: A perfect unfeeling, uncaring morality. Their laws would drive a modron barmy. Their conversation leaves a sladdi shaking its head. They'll stomp all over Heart's Rest and tend flowers in Ghenna. The things they say and do in the Far Realm just have no basis in our reality, which leads some to equate them with the neutral evil that the Ultraloths wish to achieve.

It's not hard to be unfeeling when you don't have feelings in the first place...Eye-wink

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
A Far Out Rant

Having been a huge fan of the writings of H.P. Lovecraft, I use the concept of the far realm and far realm entities in my game. Now, some of Lovecraft's monsters were evil, and some were void of morality altogether. Morality and alignment are always strange subjects anyway, because they are so subjective. To be sure, Lovecraft himself held personal ethics and ideas that, while more comman at the time he lived, I myself consider abhorent today, and which in fact show through some of his works.

As far as far realm entities go, some may be evil, but most are simply antithetical to the realities of the multiverse. Their existance threatens our existance because existance itself threatens them. Some may be actually evil, the ones who ENJOY our suffering. Certain Powers thought to be originaly from the far realm fit that bill, as do some of the Elder Evils known to the aboleth.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
A Far Out Rant

To para-phrase Terry Pratchett the Far-Realm is as evil as "a concrete wall across the highway is evil" (in moving pictures I think) they don't really mean us any harm but that doesn't mean the don't cause an immense amount of destruction. It's not dissimilar to a casually strolling human not meaning the ants they crush any harm. We just don't register to them as something they should be concerned about.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Vir'Aphelion's picture
Joined: 2007-03-15

'420' wrote:
I've only ever read about the Far Realm in 3rd edition books (Manual of the Planes and Lords of Madness) and I didn't get the impression that it was evil at all.

The way I understood the realm is that it exists outside of petty little concepts like good and evil and law and chaos. Its denizens aren't "evil", merely alien to anything the Great Wheel calls life.

Where did you get the idea that WotC is trying to make it evil?


When all races that come from Far Realm are "inchoate" and eat people and brains- yeah, you get that feeling all right. The Order of the Cerulean Sign? Dedicated to fighting encursion from the Far Realm. Name one race or creature given its own write-up from the Far Realm that doesn't do horrible things. (Templates do not count) Lords of Madness frames everything from the Far Realm in terms of an active threat- not a paranatural disaster.

I, too, love the Far Realm, and some Cthulu Mythos goodness is A+ ok in my book- BUUuuuuttt.....

I'm gonna have to 100% agree with the very first post made in this thread. Shaping the Far Realm to be some sort of "ultra-bad/evil" place lacks expertise, because it's simply another step towards new extremes, without exploiting the completely infinite scope afforded by an entire SEVEN infinite Lower planes. I remember when I got hooked on the planes in 1e, by that yummy little chart in the back of the Player's Handbook that had the first example of planar cartography I ever saw-- My mind raced! Places of infinite space with exemplifications of idealistic behavior? *drool*

Still, the whole 'Far Ream as uberevil' is something like trying to create a entity that can beat up Her Serenity- it misses the point. Yes, she's Large and In Charge- but in order to fire the imagination and inspire great storytelling, she does not need to be "trumped"- familiarity has bred a unwarranted degree of contempt for the common fenceposts of our planar multiverse.

And I know it doesn't fit well with this post's flow, but look up the changes for acquiring the "Alienist" Prestige Class between the 3.0e arcane magic book, "Tome and Blood" , and the 3.5e one (I forget the name). It WAS any alignment- then it became alignment-restricted. It's subtle, but it's persistent changes like that that make a few of us raise our collective eyebrows at the direction the Far Realm is going. The obscure example I bring up is simply a sign of very early change.

And really, our alignment system in the Great wheel is not petty. It defines massive swaths of planar geography and motivation. The Far Realm is the Oddball- not us. If we were to go there, that situation may be reversed- but since most people aren't running campaigns out of the Far Realm, when they come here, they get classified with an alignment befitting their characters. They also are by-in-large constrained by the spatial and temporal restrictions of our common multiverse the moment they step into it- even if back home they are 29-dimensional gods who only exist in the past and future but not present or whatever other gobbletygook passes for standard in the Far Realm.

Yeah. In D&D, my creatures get an alignment as well. Rock on!

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
A Far Out Rant

See, here's where the confusion comes from, at least as I see it:

There are no stats for true far-realm entities, nor should there be. The closest we get is pseudonatural creatures, kaorti, and abberations.

The first two cases are examples of material plane creatures being affected by the physically, mentally, and spiritually altering effects of the Far Realm. Nevertheless, they are still based originally on material plane creatures, and thus they retain some semblence of alignment. However, their behaviour and beliefs, if any, are an unnatural conglomeration of all of the existing alignments. Since ones alignment essentially depends on how the majority view them, and such creatures are only too often noticed when they break into the Multiverse violently, they are given an "Evil" or "Chaotic" alignment while in the Multiverse.

Likewise, the abberations used to be far-realm entities that have lived in the Multiverse so long that they have become multiversal creatures, albeit extremely strange ones. Much like the kaorti and other psuedonaturals, the abberations do not limit themselves with morals and ethics. Combined with their antisociality, this again creates their habit of only being noticed when creating some sort of trouble for others, although that is not their intent. They simply do whatever they please, unbound by any single belief or alignment.

True far-realm entities, when encountered on the far-realm, have no set statistics or alignment. Being as such, there is not much point in describing them in a monster manual, so none of the infinity of true far-realm entities are ever described, and those that are become Evil because they do not care when others get in their way.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
A Far Out Rant

'Vir'Aphelion' wrote:
And really, our alignment system in the Great wheel is not petty. It defines massive swaths of planar geography and motivation. The Far Realm is the Oddball- not us.
Or, the exact opposite of everything said there is true.


Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
A Far Out Rant

Yeah, I didn't notice that part of Vir'Aphelion's quote.

The Far Realm is like the ocean, both the surface and the depths, while the multiverse is but a single little island floating within it. The only thing that sets it apart is that it managed to get enough of what we call "law" to form a cohesive constancy. So, in reality, if you include the Far Realm in your count of existence, then the majority of exitence is the unfathomable stuff of the far realm, not the friendly alignment endowed multiverse.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
A Far Out Rant

Relevant link (related to a Far Realm encounter in Dungeon Magazine):


By the way, although I don't have any problem with Iavas' interpretation, I'm just as happy with the Far Realm as a "tiny little island" and the Great Wheel as the sea. I could go either way.

Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
Far Realm and alignment

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the Far Ream listed as being Neutrally-alligned in the Manual of the Planes for 3rd Edition? Now it's true that a lot of the creatures listed as originating in the Far Realm are evil, but that doesn't mean ALL of them are! The ones that are evil have noticed the existance of other realities (like the Great Wheel) and decided to exploit what they preceive to be weak, worthless creatures (us!) No doubt there are plenty of Far Realm beings that either don't know about us or don't care to bother us... and no doubt if you searched far enough you would encounter Far Realm creatures that behaved in a manner we would label "Good"... a question I have is whether the Far Realm is the same place where the Old Ones that supposedly created the multiverse live(d). After all, the Far Realm is also know as "Outside", which suggests it is outside our mutiverse... If so, it would also be the home plane(?) for the so-called "Blackballs" mentioned in the Epic Level Handbook (I forget their other name, sorry...) The Draedens sound like Far Realm entities, too (maybe their equivalent of Powers, since they fought a war against our realities' deities long ago.)

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