A call to …class.

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Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
A call to …class.

Greetings, as some of you may know I have been working on a module for a starting Planescape campaign, set post-FactionWar, in a school environment in Sigil called “The Toymaker’s Mansion.” I would like to do some playtesting of sorts, and run an online play-by-post board game and am now looking for people who might be interested in making characters for the game. I have run this game once as a one-shot tabletop game, with a fair amount of success, but that time all characters were pre-generated.

The action of the game will focus around a large mansion in the slags area of the Hive ward, nominally in control of the Fraternity of Order. The mansion itself is filled with the constructs and experiments of a former Fraternity member and was bequeathed to the Guvners upon his death. The player characters will be students in a school run by the constructs of the mansion which are following the wishes and programming of their late creator. At first the Guvners attempted to stop the schools from forming and to take the children back where they came from, but since then they have given up and look at the growing school as a possible recruiting ground for new members and as an example of the “triumphant march of progress;” besides most of them are too busy using the place’s many and well stocked, and automated laboratories for their own important research to have to worry about keeping track of stray children.

Characters for this game will be created by the players. The characters will start out at level 1 and be juvenile for their race. This means that several races might have their ECLs reduced because of undeveloped abilities etc. Most every child that finds their way to the mansion and becomes a student is an orphan of some variety, either through actual lack of parents or simply because they have no one watching out for them.

Barking_Wilder's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
A call to …class.

Kewl, as long as it is played through email and not on forums ill give it a shot. Whats the character generation rules and restrictions? Either tell here or email me details


Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
A call to …class.

Character Generation

For online characters I want players to generate their characters stats by starting off with all 10s in each stat and then having 24 points to spread around. Points may be subtracted from 10 to add in elsewhere. Racial modifiers must be listed the first time I see the character sheet.

I hold the right to veto any character for any reason of my choosing, but generally will just give you points on how to modify the character to fit the game.

Characters are to be generated at level 1. For characters of races that have an ECL or extra HD send me a message and we will work things out. ECL one characters (such as tiefling or aasimar) are fairly easy to do, mostly I will reduce the ECL by removing SLAs, and other powers that might not have matured yet.

As this is an online game I will be using a fairly rules light approach, and the exact character stats will be more of a guide to show what the character can do rather than a reference to see how many dice should be rolled. The back story, character concept and personality are all far more important than the stats.

Remember, the characters are supposed to be kids, still children in many if not most ways. Granted they are still PCs and thus heroic children, but children none the less. The mansion itself has managed to somehow attract and bring children to it, seeming to have selected kids who are without parental support, protection or guidance, and those that have some potential in their future.

The reason most of the kids stick around is simply because the mansion is relatively safe inside, it provides shelter, water, food, and even entertainment and education. Most children in the mansion's school are from the hive and so their situation is vastly better. Furthermore there is nothing particularly keeping any of the kids in the mansion against their will. The constructs may try to keep a kid from leaving during a temper tantrum, but if the child really wants to leave they will not stop them for the most part.

Players may read the posts I've made to the OOC boards for more information on the mansion and background for this game. However not all of that information will be available in character.

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
A call to …class.

I'm all for it but are we using the boards or an e-mail system?

Nikomis's picture
Joined: 2006-08-03
A call to …class.

I'm also interested, but also need to know game-format. (email, boards, messenger? and when?)

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
A call to …class.

Email will be the format. Sorry for not posting this sooner.

Email me: [REDACTED]

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
A call to …class.

Then I'm not going to able to play my e-mail kinda fritzy. :oops:

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
A call to …class.

You could always get a gmail account perro?

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
A call to …class.

Hey all. I've got a couple of players now, so I'd like to start the official first post of this game one week from now.

So if you want in, send me a line either here or [REDACTED]

Exact stats are not so important as an idea of what you want to play.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
A call to …class.

Hey all. I've got a couple of players now, so I'd like to start the official first post of this game one week from now.

So if you want in, send me a line either here or [REDACTED]

Exact stats are not so important as an idea of what you want to play.

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
A call to …class.

I'm interested, I have a few high-end characters of mine I'd love to find out the origins of. I'm looking at Erudin, my human artificer. Nice kid, calm with an eye for business. Hit me back here or at [REDACTED].

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
A call to …class.

Aye, count me in if ya need another tot dreaming of being a powerful blood someday. Eye-wink

Rei's picture
Joined: 2006-12-08
A call to …class.

Count Rei in if this game gets going. I'd love to make a toddler searching for his/her place in this great big confusing multivers

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