A bug in viewing the Final Death domain

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ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
A bug in viewing the Final Death domain


ERROR [getDataDomain.runQuery]: Query failed:

Table 'planew2_ps3e.phpbb_users' doesn't exist

Query was:SELECT E.intEntryID, E.strTitle, E.intOwnerUserID, E.strStatusID, E.dtmLastModified, E.strCategoryID, E.strSummary, E.intLocationID, E.dtmStart, E.dtmEnd, U.username, D.strDeities, D.strPower, D.str1Name, D.str1Desc, D.str2Name, D.str2Desc, D.str3Name, D.str3Desc, D.str4Name, D.str4Desc, D.str5Name, D.str5Desc, D.str6Name, D.str6Desc, D.str7Name, D.str7Desc, D.str8Name, D.str8Desc, D.str9Name, D.str9Desc FROM tEntry E INNER JOIN tData_Domain D ON E.intEntryID = D.intEntryID LEFT JOIN phpbb_users U ON E.intOwnerUserID = U.user_id WHERE E.intEntryID = 10423

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
A bug in viewing the Final Death domain


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