I don't know how closely everyone's following the 4th Ed thing ('cause if you are, this is old news), but just in case: The 4th Ed Pit Fiend statblock is up at Wizards.
The first few pages of the enWorld thread do a decent job of explaining what the numbers mean.
Well stats is all chinese to me, but as artist and old Planescape fan I cannot say that I like new Pit Fiend art very much. (They look just like Balors except they have mace instead whip and sword).
I mean even before TonyD they have drawn Pit Fiands as large stocky fiends with big bellies. Tony than added that iressistable iconic grin from ear to ear for compleate "Evil Santa" look.
And now they put poor Pit Fiend trough slim fast diet. Is it just me or they are trying to say that fat is "uncool". Yeech! :roll: :x
One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."