4e, will anyone use it?

Darkness_Elemental's picture

Like I said in the other thread, I don't think that 4th ed is particularly incompatible with Planescape. That said, it will definitly take some work to run Planescape with it (precisly how much work depends on what you do, of course, but may include Faction powers, paths, destinies, etc; new races, new monsters, and mechanics for the interaction of Planar alignment with character alignment).

So, a poll.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
4e, will anyone use it?

But they'll make allot of money. Who cares about artistic vision when it compromises making lots of money? Aside from socialist lunatics like myself I mean.

Besides, as most people who supports this will tell you, gratuitous blood and gore, and pornography (Which is apparently defined as anything banned by the GSL) is completely useless as a story telling tool.

HeavenShallBurn's picture
Joined: 2008-04-09
4e, will anyone use it?

Before you do anything else read the GSL. It's provisions are very restrictive. For one any material published under the GSL may not at any time be reverted to the OGL even after the GSL is revoked. Meaning no one is going to produce material they want to keep around under the license. And the restrictions make it hard even to do the things it's supposed to promote. Try designing an adventure where if you use a monster out of the SRD you not only aren't allowed to print its stat block, you aren't even allowed to refer to the page on which you can find it just that it's in the MM. It's so bad that Orcus of Necromancer Games has said they will be keeping all their important products OGL because of the restrictions and that Tome of Horrors will be released under the OGL for Pathfinder. That if they do stuff for the GSL it will be throw away one-off modules.

Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
sex and violence

Sex, MM pg. 67: "Succibi serve more powerful devils as scouts, advisors, and even concubines." Violence, DMG pg. 173: A Halfling wielding a hammer or maul bashes in the face of a Boneclaw, crushing its skull and splattering viscera all over in the process... this is "no sex and violence"??? And as reguards the licencing thing above, Dire Lemon and pals are right, WOTC has its head up its caboose if they think third party publishers are going to want to write under those restrictions! Maybe they are trying to KILL OFF third party 4E books??? That sucks about the Tome Of Horrors... I was looking forward to a 4E compatible version, and now it won't happen! :roll: As for sex and violence in Planescape, am I missing something, or wasn't all that material fairly squeaky-clean? I can't remember reading a Planescape book that had anything offensive in it, nothing there that I can recall that you couldn't show the kids, so how are the new "sex and violence" restrictions a threat to Planescape? The most "offensive" thing in there was the presence of Fiends and the acceptance of a polytheistic universe. Maybe I missed the adventure where the Sensates had an orgy or something (with illustrations!)... Cool

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
4e, will anyone use it?

Well, I'm fairly new to Planescape. I just figured that since every game I've seen portrays Sigil as rather dark and violent with prostitution being common, that that was how the books portrayed it. But anyway, like you've said, the rules don't seem to apply to Wizards' official material, only third party stuff.

Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
4e, will anyone use it?

There's a distinction between what is merely mentioned in the books and how graphic the DM gets into it...

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
4e, will anyone use it?

I know that, but if every experience you had with a setting had similar features it's fairly logical to assume that they are an inherent part of that setting isn't it? If not, and that's just the way everyone likes to run it, then I guess that's one thing we don't have to worry so much about them ruining.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
4e, will anyone use it?

'Anime Fan' wrote:
As for sex and violence in Planescape, am I missing something, or wasn't all that material fairly squeaky-clean? I can't remember reading a Planescape book that had anything offensive in it

Hellbound: The Blood War boxed set. The Fortress of Indifference, in particular.

Although, come to think of it, one might question how the Illithiad got published in the 2e days, given that particular illustration of a performance-eating in progress.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Xjel's picture
Joined: 2007-08-23
4e, will anyone use it?

I'm vaguely curious to see how the new planes work out but have no plans to use them in my PS games so far. The fluff seems to have been horribly mutilated for quite a lot of stuff, but it's fluff, it can be changed easily in any of my games. What I am looking forward to is the dungeon designer with DDI that might arrive some time this century, though I'm using AutoRealm quite adeptly these days.


It writes and designs dungeons, adventures and encounters. Do not feed after midnight.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
4e, will anyone use it?

You're paying the fee for DDI?

Xjel's picture
Joined: 2007-08-23
4e, will anyone use it?

Nope. Or at least, not until I've heard enough to warrant using it. Behold the mighty quote from the DDI Dungeon Designer page:

The D&D Dungeon Builder is a free client application that allows you to build 2D dungeons using a library of dungeon tiles and basic drawing tools. Once you've built a map, you can save it, print it, or (if you're a subscriber) import it into the D&D Game Table as a 3D play environment.


It writes and designs dungeons, adventures and encounters. Do not feed after midnight.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
4e, will anyone use it?

Or you could easily download one like dungeoncrafter or dungeonforge for free. Alternatively, you could pay a flat $40.00 for a copy of dundjini, which is way better than WotC's stuff and has a dedicated comunity producing tiles and the like.

BruisedOoze's picture
Joined: 2008-05-11
4e, will anyone use it?

I think I'm going to step away from 4E. Just not my type of game.

For Planescape I'm thinking of turning to another system outside of DnD or 3.x in particular. Maybe adapting Exalted rules, and other WhiteWolf products to establish a more narrative take on combat.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
4e, will anyone use it?

After playing 4e a couple weeks now, I've got to say that the only thing I like significantly better is the skill system. The combat system works better (especially if you've invested in the minis) but doesn't lend enough to require a whole new system. Imho 3.5 should have been more like this and 4e should be more like 3.0. I've got 4 leather-bound magic item books from 2e, 1 from 3e and I'd be really surprised if I got any worthwhile from this shite.


Xjel's picture
Joined: 2007-08-23
4e, will anyone use it?

You don't. That's the level you need to be to get the brew potion ritual.


It writes and designs dungeons, adventures and encounters. Do not feed after midnight.

Githyankee's picture
Joined: 2006-12-06
4e, will anyone use it?

'Anonymous' wrote:


that'd be lame if they institued level limits for items, like in som MMO's. I can just see the rationalization: "Your spirit is too weak. The magic of the potion rejects you!"

Brom Blackforge's picture
Joined: 2008-07-01
4e, will anyone use it?

'Dunamin' wrote:
I think it would be great if we make conversions for both 4E and Pathfinder.

Just so the new conversions don't bump the 3.5 conversion off the site. Some people will simply stay with 3.5, and I hope that the 3.5 conversion stays here for them to find.

As for the original question, I will probably play some 4E, but I don't foresee leaving 3.5 behind entirely. They're different games, and I don't think that 4E offers everything I want from D&D.

Mindbomb's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
4e, will anyone use it?

Actually there is a level 5 limit on the first potion. The PHB reads this way.

Name and Level
The name of the magic item and the item’s level
appear on the first line of the description. If an item’s
level line ends with a plus sign, that item is available at
more than one level, with higher-level versions having
a greater enhancement bonus or more potent powers
and properties.
The holy avenger is available as a 25th-level item and
also comes in a higher-level version.

Lvl Name Price (gp)
5 Potion of healing 50
15 Potion of vitality 1,000
25 Potion of recovery 25,000
30 Potion of life 125,000

Potion of Healing Level 5
This simple potion draws on the body’s natural healing ability to
cure your wounds.
Potion 50 gp
Power (Consumable ✦ Healing): Minor Action. Drink this
potion and spend a healing surge. Instead of the hit points
you would normally regain, you regain 10 hit points.

Unless there's something I've missed that's what it sounds like to me, level limits on all items,....even potions.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
4e, will anyone use it?

'Mindbomb' wrote:
Potion of Healing Level 5 This simple potion draws on the body’s natural healing ability to cure your wounds. Potion 50 gp Power (Consumable ✦ Healing): Minor Action. Drink this potion and spend a healing surge. Instead of the hit points you would normally regain, you regain 10 hit points.

Unless there's something I've missed that's what it sounds like to me, level limits on all items,....even potions.

That's not a level limit, that's the magic item's level which is used for a rough guideline for what levels they should be used for as treasure for the DMs and it's standard market price.

PCs should get items within 5 levels of their actual levels and 'balance' will be just be 'fine'. Anything lower than 5 levels or higher than 5 levels of the PC levels will supposedly unbalance the game.

Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
Item level limits

It's NOT, repeat, NOT a limit on what level you have to be to USE THE ITEM... just what level you need to be to MAKE THE ITEM using the Enchant an Item ritual!!! Any item, including rings, CAN BE USED by any level character who happens upon them... At the start of the magic item section, it specifically mentions the case of a 10th level character finding a 20th level sword and says that the character could use it just fine! The levels also suggest when they should be handed out as treasure by the DM, but the DM is not bound by it as an ironclad rule. Cool

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
4e, will anyone use it?

I'd actually be interested in playing a 4E game if I could get into one that didn't end before it got anywhere. Evil

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