4e Planescape Race updates.

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Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
So - which races do we not

So - which races do we not yet have information on?

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
This is what I could gather

This is what I could gather we have (sorry if I missed any):

3-4 takes on tiefling - official, Kobold Avenger's, Navarion's, and possibly Kamikaze Midget's (I'm not sure if the general Planetouched race there is supposed to cover tieflings).

Planetouched (Kamikaze Midget).

Bariaur (Kamikaze Midget).

Githyanki, expanded (Kamikaze Midget).

Githzerai, expanded (Kamikaze Midget).

Outcast modron (Kamikaze Midget).

Nathri (Otogi).

2 takes on Shad - Otogi, Dunamin.

3 takes on Bladeling Otogi, Dunamin, catland.

Khaasta (Otogi).

Spiker (Otogi).

Rogue slaad (Otogi).

Cambion (Otogi).

Alu-fiend (Otogi).

catland93's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Bladelings are the only new

Bladelings are the only new playable race on the manual of the planes.

ar god's creation gone rogue

+2 Dex +2 Wis

Skill + 2 Initimidate

Normal vision
Acid Resistance

Razor Storm encounter power that causes spikes and blades to lead from your body and do a a close burst damage to all targets



Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
catland93 wrote:Bladelings

catland93 wrote:
Bladelings are the only new playable race on the manual of the planes.

So it would seem, judging from the Table of Contents...

Ah well, then we should probably focus on the others first.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
The other planetouched, to

The other planetouched, to be expanded upon later:

Law-touched (Axioms)

While nowhere as numerous as Tieflings and Aasimar/Deva there exist a variety of planetouched of lawful origins across the planes.  Like many planetouched, despite having law and order as part of their nature, not every one of the law-touched are driven by such forces.  Despite the nature of law there's plenty of variety in such planetouched, though there are few cases where a particular family bloodline all look exactly alike.  There are 3 major varieties of axioms, some of the differences between the 3 are very pronounced.

Abilty Scores: +2 con, +2 int Size: Medium Speed: 6 Vision: Low-light

Languages: Common & 1 other Skill Bonuses: +2 History, +2 Insight

Axani - Generations of living on the planes of law are thought to be the main source of the Axani bloodline.  Most Axani appear to be perfectly symetrical humanoids, some may have perfect features, some may have bland features or and others have metallic sheen to their skin. What tends to set Axani apart from other law-touched are their mind sets.

Clear mind: +1 racial bonus to will defense Autonomy: +5 racial bonus to saves against compulsion effects.

Rationalize (Plane-touched racial power)

You calm raging emotions enforcing rationality, causing doubts in the minds of your opponents and assisting your allies in the grip of emotions. Encounter Standard Action * Close Burst 3 Target: All enemies in burst Attack: Wis +2 vs. Will, +4 at 11th, +6 at 21st Hit: Target is slowed until the end of your next turn. Effect: All allies in the burst may make a saving throw against any fear effects.

Mechanitrix - The origins of the Mechanitrix bloodline can be clearly traced back to the plane of Mechanus.  Though many would argue that the Mechanitrix ties to the Modron race, as Modrons are incapable of breeding with others.  It's thought that the Mechanitrix are actually the result of an ancient experiment to combine humanoids with Modron like components.  Mechanitrix or Machine-folk as they're sometimes called are distinguished by the mechanical clockwork features they have in their bodies.

Vision: Darkvision Electrical Resistance: 5 +1/2 level resistance against electrical damage.

Electrical Discharge  (Plane-touched racial power)

From the mechanical parts in you arms you discharge electricity, reinvigorating yourself from a feedback loop. Encounter Standard Action * Close Blast 3 Target: All creatures in blast Attack: Con+2 vs. Fort, +4 at 11th, +6 at 21st Hit: 1d6 electrical damage, 2d6 at 11th level, 3d6 at 21st level Effect: You gain temporary hitpoints equal to your constitution modifier.

Zenythri - The exact origins of the Zenythri aren't as known as the origins of the other law-touched.  The lineage of this bloodline is thought to go back to an ancient race, long since passed from the multiverse, descendants of bringers of order in the ancient primordial past.  What distinguishes a Zenythri is that their skin is usually of a purplish or blue tint, in some ways they seem almost like statues in the smoothness of their features.

Single-minded Focus: +2 to damage against opponents who aren't adjacent to any creatures. Thunder Resistance: 5 + 1/2 resistance to thunder damage.

Insightful Strike (Plane-touched racial power)

You strike an undamaged oppoent with uncanny accuracy Encounter Minor Action * Personal Effect: You gain a +2 power bonus to hit an undamaged opponent.  This attack also ignores cover and concealment.

Coming soon: Chaos-Touched (Cansin, Chaonds, Anarkhim) and Neutral-Touched (Tuladhara, Kamarel, Nephilim)

catland93's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
I like too much your idea of

I like too much your idea of the 3 "sub-races".
Have you thought something about the 3 aasimar forms?
Now we should have the deva traits:
+2 Strenght, +2 Wisdom
+2 history, +2 religion
-necrotic and radiant resistence 5+1/2 level
-Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes (when makes an attack roll, saving throw, a skill check, or an ability check; encounter)
Roll 1d6 and add the result to the triggering roll.
-Astral Majesty
Deva gains a +1 bonus to all defenses against
attacks made by bloodied creatures.



Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Looks great, Kobold

Looks great, Kobold Avenger!

I note that you refer to compulsion effects with the Axani's Autonomy feature but is that technical a keyword in 4E? Perhaps make it Charm instead?

I'm intrigued by the upcoming Neutral-Touched subrace of Kamarel you're planning. Isn't kamerel canon-wise the former examplars of neutrality? I seem to recall something about them enforcing the philosophy of neutrality by isolation, then moving to the Plane of Mirror when the rilmani came along and took over their exemplar role?

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Dunamin wrote:Looks great,

Dunamin wrote:
Looks great, Kobold Avenger!

I note that you refer to compulsion effects with the Axani's Autonomy feature but is that technical a keyword in 4E? Perhaps make it Charm instead?

Charm, that's what I meant.

Dunamin wrote:
I'm intrigued by the upcoming Neutral-Touched subrace of Kamarel you're planning. Isn't kamerel canon-wise the former examplars of neutrality? I seem to recall something about them enforcing the philosophy of neutrality by isolation, then moving to the Plane of Mirror when the rilmani came along and took over their exemplar role?

Those are exactly the Kamarel I'm referring to, I felt it would be interesting if they're now a planetouched subrace.  They may not have been in the past, but things have changed for them.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Kobold Avenger

Kobold Avenger wrote:

Single-minded Focus: +2 to damage against opponents who aren't adjacent to any creatures.

 I'm guessing this is intended to say "opponents who aren't adjacent to any other creatures."


Pants of the North!

GunsmackIt's picture
Joined: 2008-12-30
One of the easiest

One of the easiest "updates" to make is to take the genasi as presented on the Roaming Genasi Tavern and update them to 4e. Basically all that's required is to create a new power, and three minor bonuses, like so for the positive energy plane genasi.

Lifesoul: You gain a +1 racial bonus to your Fortitude defense, resist 5 radiant, and the Crucible of Life power.

At 11th level, the resistance improves to 10 radiant. At 21st level, the resistance improves to 15 radiant.

Crucible of Life                    Lifesoul Genasi Racial Power


Your skin starts to radiate energy slightly as the pure radiance and life within you starts to bubble to greater and greater heights, eventually bursting forth to invigorate an ally or harm an enemy as their muscles and organs overexert themselves uselessly.


Encounter * Radiant

Standard Action             Range 5

Target: An enemy or ally within range.

Attack: Charisma +2 vs. Fortitude or Constitution +2 vs. Fortitude. Increase to +4 bonus at 11th level, and to +6 bonus at 21st level.

Hit: An enemy takes 1d4+Charisma or 1d4+Constitution (Must be the same as used to make the attack) or an ally gains twice as many (2d4+(2)x(Statistic Modifier)) temporary hitpoints.

Special: When you gain this manifestation, choose Charisma or Constitution as the ability score you use when making attack rolls with this power. This choice remains tthroughout your character’s life and does not change the power’s other effects. 




Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
True, one can lean close to

True, one can lean close to that model to ensure balance.

I like how the 5 genasi presented in the FRPG have very different powers and not just the same reflavored model, so I'd recommend we continue this trend if possible (the watersoul is particularly imaginative).

GunsmackIt's picture
Joined: 2008-12-30
Brightsoul: You gain a +1

Brightsoul: You gain a +1 racial bonus to your Will defense, can choose to produce light as a sunrod at-will, and the Radiant Revelation power.

Radiant Revelation                   Brightsoul Genasi Racial Power


The normal nimbus of light that surrounds you suddenly flares to shocking brightness, dazzling those nearby and shocking them out of hiding.


Encounter * Radiant

Standard Action             Close Burst 4

Target: All enemies within the burst and all allies with the burst.

Attack: Charisma +2 vs. Fortitude or Constitution +2 vs. Fortitude. Increase to +4 bonus at 11th level, and to +6 bonus at 21st level.

Hit: Any enemy hit is dazzled and loses the effects of concealment and any allies icluding the Brightsoul within the burst may automatically make a contested Perception vs. Stealth skill check against any hidden oponent, with the hider taking a -5 penalty on their roll.

Special: When you gain this manifestation, choose Charisma or Constitution as the ability score you use when making attack rolls with this power. This choice remains throughout your character’s life and does not change the power’s other effects. 



Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Chaos-touched (Anarchs,

Chaos-touched (Anarchs, Wyldelings)

The plane-touched of chaos are much like an exception to rules, coming from many varied origins, and in some cases coming about spontaneously.  Well in many cases there are reliable ways to spawn a chaos-touched, such as two chaos-touched parents having a child, many of their kin are random mutations.  It’s in the nature of chaos to bring about such changes, which can drastically alter the stability of any bloodline across the planes.  In more lawful places such children can be seen as an ill-omen, but for many they are strange blessing from unknowable and capricious forces.

Abilty Scores: +2 cha, +2 dex Size: Medium Speed: 6 Vision: Low-light

Languages: Common & 1 other Skill Bonuses: +2 Bluff, +2 Streetwise

Anarkhim – The forms of the anarkhim aren’t fixed like many other races, they change from day to day.  One theory posits that it was the anarkhim who eventually spawned the Doppelganger or Changeling race.  The forms of the anarkhim are much more fluid yet unrefined compared to Doppelgangers, yet they always resemble a humanoid in the forms they take day to day.  They do resemble humans mostly, except their skin can take on unusual colours and patterns, and their ears, hair and body can take unusual forms on some days, and the gender of an anarkhim can change from day to day.  Despite the changes they take, there are always physical features and a recognizable aura that’s distinct about an anarkhim.  The anarkhim were thought to be the offspring of amorphous entities and mortals from unknown places, yet some speak of the petitioners of Limbo taking form outside of that plane and giving shape to such a race. 

Adaptive Resilience: Reduce all ongoing damage effects by 2.  At 11th level reduce ongoing damage by 3, and at 21st level reduce all ongoing damage by 5. Fluid Form: After each extended rest change a physical feature such as hair, gender skin colour/patterns, or eyes.  An anarkhim can’t assume the form of any specific beings, nor can they gain any mechanical benefits or abilities from such alterations

Movements of Fluidity (Planetouched Racial Power) Your form briefly becomes fluid as your body stretches and twists as you step away before twisting back into your more natural form Encounter Standard Action * Personal Effect: You shift up to 5 squares and can make any sort of basic attack you know at any point during this shift.  This basic attack doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks.

Cansin – Thought to be some of the most randomly occurring out of all the chaos-touched, the cansin are spread through out many planes.  They are mercurial beings, often thought to be of fey origins.  It’s thought that the first Cansin were mortals who were altered by the wild magics of the Fey Realms as many can be found there, but the Cansin have appeared in places beyond.  As children of fickle fate and shifting probably: random occurrences and unusual tend to be attracted to a cansin of a generally minor nature.  Sometimes around a cansin objects don’t fall down, or unlocked doors slowly open, or anything of such a minor nature.  The cansin generally look elven or human in appearance, but there’s always some wild about one, and features that occasionally shift such as their eye colour or hair which tends to change with mood.

Fortune’s Favour: +1 to saving throws Force Resistance: 5 +1/2 level resistance against force damage.

Shield of the Improbable (Planetouched Racial Power) For daring to attack you, you can bring a random misfortune or unlikely event on those who’ve tried to harm you. Encounter Immediate Interrupt * Personal

Trigger: You are attacked by a creature. Target: The creature who attacked you. Effect: You gain a bonus +3 power bonus to all defenses against the triggering attack.  And roll from the table below to determine an effect that befalls you’re opponent.

Roll (d10) Effect

1-2 Attacker is slowed until the end of your next turn. 3-4 The attacker’s square and adjacent square is difficult terrain to your enemies until the end of the encounter. 5-6 The attacker takes 1d10 damage. 7-8 The attacker grants combat advantage to you and your allies until the end of your next turn. 9-10 The attacker is knocked prone.

Chaond (Slaadling) – The chaond were the original result of a slaad egg that altered someone, but didn’t change someone all the way.  They’re origins are perhaps the clearest among the chaos-touched though sometimes even the slaad have randomly formed from nowhere.  The slaad heritage is very obvious for most chaonds, as they appear somewhat toad-like, tend to have large upper bodies, or scaly skin of the color of a particular slaad type.  It’s thought by some that the chaond may be the most prolific of the chaos-touched, and it’s known that twin births are very common among them. 

Bloodied Speed: You gain +1 to speed when bloodied Variable Resistance: After a short rest you can become resistant against acid, cold, fire, lightning or thunder damage, of an amount equal to 1 + ½ your level.

Entropic Occurrence (Plane-touched racial power) With an injection of entropy you can break down the protections of even the hardiest of enemies, allowing them to be harmed even by that which they could not hurt them. Encounter Minor Action * Close Burst 10 Target: 1 creature within the burst Attack: Charisma or Dexterity +2 vs. Will, +4 at 11th, +6 at 21st Hit: Target loses all resistances and immunities until the end of your next turn.  And the target also gets vulnerable 5 against a random damage type determined in the table below, until the end of your next turn, that you and your allies are instantly aware of. Roll (d10) Vulnerability 1 Poison 2 Necrotic 3 Force 4 Acid 5 Radiant 6 Lightning 7 Cold 8 Thunder 9 Psychic 10 Fire

catland93's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
I like your Chaos

I like your Chaos touched.  Now I'm waiting for your Balance-Touched.

Have you some ideas about the 3 Aasimar-deva subraces? 



Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Great stuff, Kobold

Great stuff, Kobold Avenger!

I hear the new Sorcerer preview plays up the angle of Wild Magic, which might be implemented in some form with Chaos-touched (or just be a favorable choice of class). Thought I also read somewhere that the Player's Handbook 2 is going to provide devas, which essentially are renamed aasimars?

extropymine's picture
Joined: 2005-08-02
There's also a full write-up

There's also a full write-up on the Shadar-kai due out in February on D&D Insider.

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
Additional 4e Genasi

Additional 4e Genasi Writeups

Note - This is ALL first-draft material only, if you have a flavor or balance critique PLEASE raise it. I've done the best I can with powers and similar, but I'm only human.

Ashsoul Genasi - You gain a +1 racial bonus to your Fortitude defense and a +2 bonus against fear or charm effects. You also gain the lingering ashes power.

Lingering Ashes - Encounter, Cold, Free Action Use this power when you make a melee attack. One target hit by your attack takes ongoing cold damage equal to your Int modifier, Wis modifier or Cha modifier (save ends). Special: When you gain this manifestation, choose Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma as the ability score you use when activating this power. This choice remains throughout your character’s life and does not change the power’s other effects.

Dustsoul Genasi - You gain a +1 racial bonus to your Reflex defense. Once per turn when you take a move action, you can treat one square of difficult terrain as normal terrain. You also gain the freedom of dust power.

Freedom of Dust - Encounter, Immediate Reaction, Personal Trigger - You are hit by an attack that inflicts the dazed, immobilized, restrained or slowed status condition on you. Effect - If the effect is normally (save ends), it ends on the end of your next turn instead. Otherwise, the effect ends at the end of the attacker's current turn. If the attack affects multiple conditions from the triggering list, choose one to be affected by this power; the duration of the others continues as normal.

Mistsoul Genasi - Any opponent that makes a ranged attack against you from a distance of 5 squares away or more must make a Perception check against a DC of (10 + 1/2 your level). If this check fails, you gain concealment against the opponent's attacks. You also gain the shape of mist power.

Shape of Mist - Encounter, Immediate Reaction, Personal Trigger - An enemy makes a melee attack against you. Effect - You grant combat advantage to the enemy attacking you until the start of your next turn, and become insubstantial until the end of your next turn.

Slimesoul Genasi - You gain a +1 racial bonus to your Fortitude defense, resist 5 poison and the entangling slime encounter power.

Entangling Slime - Encounter, Minor Action, close Burst 1 Target - Each enemy in burst Attack - Strength +2 vs Fortitude, Constitution +2 vs Fortitude, or Dexterity +2 vs Fortitude. Increase to +4 bonus at 11th level and +6 bonus at 21st level. Hit: The opponent is slowed (save ends). If there is only one opponent within the burst, that opponent is instead immobilized (save ends).

Smokesoul Genasi - You gain a +1 racial bonus to your Reflex defense and a +2 bonus to saving throws against the blinded, dazed, restrained and weakened status conditions. You also gain the enshrouding smoke power. Enshrouding Smoke - Encounter, Standard Action, Close Blast 3 Target - 1 enemy in blast Attack - Intelligence +2 vs Reflex, Wisdom +2 vs Reflex, or Charisma +2 vs Reflex. Increase to +4 bonus at 11th level and +6 bonus at 21st level. Hit: The opponent is either blinded or dazed (choose when you make the attack) until the start of your next turn. Effect: Allies within the blast gain concealment from all enemies more than 5 squares away from them until the start of your next turn.

Voidsoul Genasi - You gain a +1 racial bonus to Fortitude saves, resist 5 necrotic and the resolve of void power.

Resolve of Void - Encounter, Minor Action, Personal Effect - You gain +2 to all saving throws you make until the start of your next turn. Special - If you are dying, you can activate this power without spending an action to get a +2 bonus to your next death saving throw. If you choose to do this and the result is lower than 10, you lose one healing surge.

catland93's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09

eldersphinx wrote:

Additional 4e Genasi Writeups

Note - This is ALL first-draft material only, if you have a flavor or balance critique PLEASE raise it. I've done the best I can with powers and similar, but I'm only human.

Ashsoul Genasi - You gain a +1 racial bonus to your Fortitude defense and a +2 bonus against fear or charm effects. You also gain the lingering ashes power.

Lingering Ashes - Encounter, Cold, Free Action Use this power when you make a melee attack. One target hit by your attack takes ongoing cold damage equal to your Int modifier, Wis modifier or Cha modifier (save ends). Special: When you gain this manifestation, choose Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma as the ability score you use when activating this power. This choice remains throughout your character’s life and does not change the power’s other effects.

Dustsoul Genasi - You gain a +1 racial bonus to your Reflex defense. Once per turn when you take a move action, you can treat one square of difficult terrain as normal terrain. You also gain the freedom of dust power.

Freedom of Dust - Encounter, Immediate Reaction, Personal Trigger - You are hit by an attack that inflicts the dazed, immobilized, restrained or slowed status condition on you. Effect - If the effect is normally (save ends), it ends on the end of your next turn instead. Otherwise, the effect ends at the end of the attacker's current turn. If the attack affects multiple conditions from the triggering list, choose one to be affected by this power; the duration of the others continues as normal.

Mistsoul Genasi - Any opponent that makes a ranged attack against you from a distance of 5 squares away or more must make a Perception check against a DC of (10 + 1/2 your level). If this check fails, you gain concealment against the opponent's attacks. You also gain the shape of mist power.

Shape of Mist - Encounter, Immediate Reaction, Personal Trigger - An enemy makes a melee attack against you. Effect - You grant combat advantage to the enemy attacking you until the start of your next turn, and become insubstantial until the end of your next turn.

Slimesoul Genasi - You gain a +1 racial bonus to your Fortitude defense, resist 5 poison and the entangling slime encounter power.

Entangling Slime - Encounter, Minor Action, close Burst 1 Target - Each enemy in burst Attack - Strength +2 vs Fortitude, Constitution +2 vs Fortitude, or Dexterity +2 vs Fortitude. Increase to +4 bonus at 11th level and +6 bonus at 21st level. Hit: The opponent is slowed (save ends). If there is only one opponent within the burst, that opponent is instead immobilized (save ends).

Smokesoul Genasi - You gain a +1 racial bonus to your Reflex defense and a +2 bonus to saving throws against the blinded, dazed, restrained and weakened status conditions. You also gain the enshrouding smoke power. Enshrouding Smoke - Encounter, Standard Action, Close Blast 3 Target - 1 enemy in blast Attack - Intelligence +2 vs Reflex, Wisdom +2 vs Reflex, or Charisma +2 vs Reflex. Increase to +4 bonus at 11th level and +6 bonus at 21st level. Hit: The opponent is either blinded or dazed (choose when you make the attack) until the start of your next turn. Effect: Allies within the blast gain concealment from all enemies more than 5 squares away from them until the start of your next turn.

Voidsoul Genasi - You gain a +1 racial bonus to Fortitude saves, resist 5 necrotic and the resolve of void power.

Resolve of Void - Encounter, Minor Action, Personal Effect - You gain +2 to all saving throws you make until the start of your next turn. Special - If you are dying, you can activate this power without spending an action to get a +2 bonus to your next death saving throw. If you choose to do this and the result is lower than 10, you lose one healing surge.

In the 4e mechanics the basic racial defence bonus is only for races with the 2 bonus ability scores  enhance the same defence.

I think they could be good with the mixed planar hereditage feat.

Ooze: earth+water, Magma: earth and fire etc...

So, we need only the positive and negative traits



catland93's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
+ Rouge MODRON

+ Rouge MODRON +


Height: 6’ exactly

Average Weight: 200 lbs exactly


Ability Scores: +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence

Size: Medium

Speed: 6 Squares

Vision: Low light vision


Skill Bonus: +2 History, +2 Perception

Odd Shape: Though considered humanoids, a modron has a very unusual body shape. They retain the normal magic item slots. However, when dealing with armor not made specifically for a modron, they cannot use it until after a short rest. The enchant item ritual can also form a suit of armor to a modron’s form.

Construct: You have the construct keyword

Living Construct: As a living construct, you have the following traits:

+2 bonus to saving throws against ongoing damage

You don’t need to eat, drink, or breathe, but this doesn’t make you immune to any effect

Rather than sleep, outcaste modrons spend 4 hours refraining from strenuous activity. This has the effect of a 6-hour rest for you, but you remain entirely aware of your surroundings.

 When you make a death saving throw, you may take the better of your die roll, or 10. You still die at the normal negative hit point total.

Focus of the Modron: You can use Focus of the Modron as an encounter power.

Focus of the Modron         Rouge Modron Racial Power

You are able to block out all nonessential data and focus on a single task.

Minor action                                                          Personal

Effect: Until the end of your turn you may take the better of your die roll, or 10 to all die rolls.




+ Bariaur +


Average Height: 5’0” – 5’10”

Average Weight: 155-270 lbs


Ability Scores: +2 Strength, +2 Wisdom

Size: Medium

Speed: 6 Squares

Vision: Normal


Skill Bonus: +2 Nature, +2 Athletics

Quadruped: Bariaur can carry 1/2 more load then biped creatures (humans, elves etc.)

Fey Origin: Your ancestors were native to the Feywild, so you are considered a fey creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.

Born Runner: You may run overland (which doubles your overland movement speed) without pushing yourself. You gain a +1 racial bonus to speed while running.

Freedom of Body: You ignore difficult terrain when run or on a charge.

Bariaur Charge: You can use bariaur charge as an encounter power.


Bariaur  Charge                              Bariaur Racial Power

You hurl yourself forward, horns-first

Encounter, Horns

Standard Action                                                  Melee 1

Requirement: You must use as part of a charge attack.

Attack: Strength +2 vs. AC, Strength +4 vs. AC at 11th level, and Strength +6 vs. AC at 21st level.

Hit: 1d6 + Strength modifier damage and the target is prone.

Increase to 2d6 + Strength modifier damage at 11th level, and to 3d6 + Strength modifier damage at 21st level.




eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
catland93 wrote:In the 4e

catland93 wrote:
In the 4e mechanics the basic racial defence bonus is only for races with the 2 bonus ability scores enhance the same defence.

Really?  Would you care to recheck page 10 of the 4e Forgotten Realms Player's Guide and explain exactly what the Earthsoul genasi is doing with a +1 racial bonus to Fortitude defense, then?  Ditto for the Stormsoul genasi, and the +1 racial bonus to defense for the Stormsoul genasi.

I think they could be good with the mixed planar hereditage feat.

Ooze: earth+water, Magma: earth and fire etc...

So, we need only the positive and negative traits

Um, no.  First, because stormsoul genasi already exist, and manifestly are not Wind + Radiant mixed heritage.  They're their own thing, which involves chucking around lightning bolts.  Second, because several other genasi heritages do not work as a mix of basic genasi manifestations.  You'd have the frostsoul genasi flying around (windwalker) and moving rapidly over dangerous surfaces (swiftcurrent), and the ashsoul genasi able to blast with retaliatory fire!  

 I'm all for constructive criticism, but make it informed, please?

catland93's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Sorry for my comment about

Sorry for my comment about the defense bonus. I' m very informed and updated with 4e d&d but sometimes I am wrong. Don't you ever? anyway the genasi are the only exception.

I know stormsoul genasi but this not change my thought about a 4e planescape genasi conversion.

The mixture hereditage idea for para and quasi is not mine. We have discussed it here and I like it and in my campaign i have used it and I have removed stormsoul. Obviously this give to genasi a new face, something like the ruvkova. We also have discussed something of similar about tiefling, aasimar, chaos touched,law touched etc...

Anyway after my stupid criticism I will try to be constructive. 

The basic racial features are ok.

About encounter power I agree with all except for :

Freedom of Dust : it is a bit confusing. You could gain an immediate extra save( with a bonus?) vs. one of these effects.

The Entangling Slime is lightly overpowered because it is  "save ends".

Resolve of Void : It is lightly underpowered. I prefer it as free action +2 to all saving throws you make until the start of your next turn. You can activate this power whan you are dying.

So, am I now enough constructive?



Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Does the "horns" keyword in

Does the "horns" keyword in the Bariaur Charge power mean anything in particular? Are there any other abilities that refer to or trigger off of this keyword?


Pants of the North!

catland93's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
I'm thinking about a bariuar

I'm thinking about a bariuar paragon path and some feats...
but maybe we don't need of the "horns" keyword.



Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
And now times for the

And now times for the Aasimar bloodlines

Aasimar (Devas)Through out the planes, they are known as the celestial children.  The ones touched by the Gods and by the Angels.  Some said to be Angels in the flesh whether by choice or by curse, others said to be the mortal offspring of Angels, and more than a few were said to be from bloodlines blessed by such forces.  Angels are creatures that were said to originally the be the children of the Gods, but over time forces such as Good and Evil, Law and Chaos shaped them into tribes such as the Celestian Archons, the Guardinals, the Aasimon, the Ascended Eladrin, Asuras, and more such as the Tanar’ri, Baatezu, Yugoloths, Slaadi, Modrons and Rilmani are said to also have been Angels who were shaped by such forces.Size: MediumSpeed: 6Vision: NormalSkills: +2 History, +2 ReligionImmortal Origin: You count as an immortal creatureLanguages: Common & 2 othersAstral Majesty: You have a +1 bonus to defences against all bloodied creatures.Astral Resistance: You have 5+1/2 level resistance to radiant and necrotic damage.Lunar Aasimar (Incarnated Devas)  – Some have theorized that the Lunar Aasimar bloodline traces its origins back to the plane of Mount Celestial, even though Lunars don’t have any particular affinity to the nature of the plane.  The Lunar Aasimar is perhaps the most well-known bloodline, having the ability to call on memories from beyond. Contrary to some beliefs, many Lunar Aasimar can and do have children.  Some of them are known to reincarnate over multiple lifetimes due to a pact with primal spirits forged when they were once Angels, others can simple draw upon the racial memory of all ancestors in what they call “The Other Memory”.  A Lunar is best identified by their light or dark skin, which sometimes has both in patterns or changes with the phases of the moon, or by their slightly silver skin tone.Ability Scores: +2 Intelligence, +2 WisdomMemory of a Thousand Lifetime (Lunar Aasimar Racial Power) See Player’s Handbook 2Solar Aasimar (Skyseers) – The Solar Aasimar tend to the children of great dynasties across the plane of revered heroes, prophets, and nobles; or so they claim.  In many cases they were simply mortals who were infused with limitless astral energies associated with creation.  This makes some messianic, others into madness out of touch with reality.  Solar Aasimars are walking batteries of celestial energies, and are best identified by the fact that they are glowing with power and radiance.  It’s thought that the sun and lights of many worlds alone are all that’s needed to sustain a Solar Aasimar, and that darkness will starve a Solar Aasimar.Ability Scores: +2 Strength, +2 CharismaBlood of the Sun (Solar Aasimar Racial Power)The celestial energy that courses through your veins violently erupts from your body when injured.Encounter * RadiantImmediate Reaction * Close Burst 1Trigger: You are damaged.Target: Each Enemy in burstAttack: Charisma +2 vs. Reflex, +4 vs. Reflex at 11th, +6 vs. Reflex at 21st.Hit: 5+Charisma modifier radiant damage, at 11th level this becomes 7+Charisma modifier radiant damage, and at 21sth level this becomes 10+Charisma modifier radiant damage.Sidereal Aasimar (Blessed) – This bloodline of Aasimar is said to be connected to the Court of Stars, though such Aasimar don’t all necessarily have affinity to the fey.  They are said to be blessed by fate itself, many to become great heroes, or in some cases great villains.  They are perhaps the most subtle bloodlines of the Aasimar, best known as wanderers across the planes, driven by the many voices and visions only they perceive or the instincts that lead them there.  To some Sidereal Aasimar this can be a curse as they are driven mad by the voices, especially among those who don’t know of their origins.  They are best identified by their unusual birthmarks, or by the shine their skin tends to give even in the darkness.Ability Scores: +2 Charisma, +2 WisdomChoice of Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes orFates Choosing (Sidereal Aasimar Racial Power)Fate offers rewards, whether you fail or succeed.EcounterNo Action * PersonalTrigger: You make a saving throw.Effect: If you succeed at your saving throw, you may shift 3 squares and gain a +2 bonus to defences till the end of your next turn as fate protects you.If you fail at your saving throw, you and your allies adjacent to you gain a +2 bonus to all saves till the end of your next turn.

And as an added bonus I have a new racial feat for Shifters, this one representing the mortal offspring of the Guardinals.

Guardinal Shifter BloodlinePrerequisite: ShifterBenefit: When you use your Shifter power, all allies within 2 squares of you gain +1 to defences and temporary hit points equal to 3 + your wisdom modifier for as long as your shifter power lasts.  You also qualify as an Aasimar for the prerequisites of feats and paragon paths.

rsek's picture
Joined: 2010-04-30
Re: 4e Planescape Race updates.

Hi there. First time poster here.

Here's my attempt at a simple Aasimar update. Most of the abilities are cribbed from other races to some extent, in the hopes that this will prevent any blatant imbalance on my part. I've left out the 'fluff' for the the time being, since I doubt it needs any sort of major update from me. Any constructive criticism would be appreciated.

My intent was to produce something resembling both the original incarnation of the Aasimar in 2e Planescape (specifically the Planewalker's handbook) and in 3e/3.5. It turned out better than I thought, especially since races with variable ability bonuses are not uncommon in some of the more recent 4e material (so the wis and str/cha bonus option is preserved).

The only thing I don't feel I quite captured is the fire/cold resistance. This was intentional, and there are a few reasons why:

1) Fire and cold resistances (and lightning and poison for that matter) showed up everywhere for extraplanar creatures in previous editions. They got a bit tired and overdone, I think.

2) I don't think Aasimars need fire/cold resistance to be true to the 'spirit' of the race.

3) Having both fire and cold resistance would probably be a bit overpowered in 4e, given how prevalent these damage types are.

4) Radiant/necrotic resist, on the other hand, make sense thematically and are just uncommon enough that having both of them won't be overpowered.

I do really like the idea of Aasimar bloodlines, but I'm not sure having several subraces is the best way to handle it.

Perhaps it could be done as a racial feat, specifically the sort in the Forgotten Realms player's guide. Essentially, there's an appropriate feat for each subrace (Wood Elf Luck, Wild Elf Agility, Moon Elf Resilience, et cetera) that is mutually exclusive with other feats of the same category.

Anyways, I digress. Here's the stat block that I came up with.


Average Height: 6'1" - 6'6"
Average Weight: 175 - 280

Ability Scores: +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma or Strength
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Vision: Normal

Languages: Common, choice of one other
Skill Bonuses: +2 Perception, +2 Insight
Astral Resistance: You have resistance to necrotic damage and radiant damage equal to 5 + one-half your level.
Celestial Radiance: You can use celestial radiance as an encounter power.
Heavenly Conviction: You gain a +1 racial bonus to your Will defense.
Immortal Origin: You are considered an immortal creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.
Radiant Touch: Once per encounter, you can use the wizard cantrip light as a minor action. This ability has the Divine keyword in place of the Arcane keyword.

Celestial Radiance Aasimar Racial Power
A nimbus of light surrounds you, temporarily blinding nearby enemies.
Encounter * Divine, Radiant
Minor Action Close burst 1
Target: Enemies in burst.
Attack: Charisma +2 vs. Fortitude or Wisdom +2 vs. Fortitude
Increase to +4 bonus at 11th level, and to +6 bonus at 21st level.
Hit: The target is blinded until the end of your next turn.
Special: When you create your character, choose Wisdom, or Charisma as the ability score you use when making attack rolls with this power. This choice remains throughout your character’s life and does not change the power’s other effects.

rsek's picture
Joined: 2010-04-30
Re: 4e Planescape Race updates.

For a lark I wrote up my take on Planescape Genasi in 4e. Main difference is in the ability score bonuses (in fact I think that's the only difference, aside from the altered height/weight), which now vary based on elemental type. I like the idea of different skill bonuses as well, but I'm having trouble deciding who should get what. Air would probably get Acrobatics plus one more, Earth would get Endurance plus one more. Water and Fire get a bit trickier, though. Honestly, for the sake of simplicity I may just leave it as-is unless someone cleverer than myself can think of an elegant solution.

If you're wondering, the height and weight are borrowed from other races with an eye towards them resembling those of the 2e genasi. The planewalker's handbook describes Air as short and light, Earth as tall and heavy, and Fire/Water as somewhere in between (though somewhat shorter than humans). With that in mind, Air Genasi use the height/weight of elves, Earth uses half-orc, and Fire/Water use half-elf.

Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares.
Vision: Normal

Languages: Common, Primordial
Skill Bonuses: +2 Endurance, +2 Nature
Elemental Origins: Your ancestors were native to one of the Elemental Planes, so you are considered an elemental creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.

Average Height: 5' 4" - 6'0"
Average Weight: 130 - 170

Ability Scores: +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence
Cold Resistance: You gain resist 5 cold. At 11th level, the resistance improves to 10 cold. At 21st level, the resistance improves to 15 cold.
Windwalker: You gain the windwalker power.

Average Height: 5'9" - 6'4"
Average Weight: 155 - 225

Ability Scores: +2 Constitution, +2 Strength
Enduring Earth: You gain a +1 racial bonus to your Fortitude defense and a +1 racial bonus to saving throws.
Earthshock: You gain the earthshock power.

Average Height: 5'5" - 6'2"
Average Weight: 130 - 190

Ability Scores: +2 Intelligence, +2 Strength
Dancing Flame: You gain a +1 racial bonus to your Reflex defense.
Firepulse: You gain the firepulse power.
Fire Resistance: You have resist 5 fire. At 11th level, the resistance improves to 10 fire. At 21st level, the resistance improves to 15 fire.

Average Height: 5'5" - 6'2"
Average Weight: 130 - 190

Ability Scores: +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom
Child of the Waves: You can breathe underwater.
Heart of the Tides: You gain a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against ongoing damage.
Swiftcurrent: You gain the swiftcurrent power.

rsek's picture
Joined: 2010-04-30
Re: 4e Planescape Race updates.

Ah, what the hey, here's my take on bariaur (with gender specific abilities). Again, most of the traits are shamelessly stolen from other races in the interest of balance.

Average Height: 6'11" - 7'6"
Average Weight: 680 - 760

Size: Medium
Speed: 7 squares.
Vision: Normal

BARIAUR (male)
Ability scores: +2 Strength, +2 Constitution
Skill Bonuses: +2 Athletics, +2 Nature.
Fey Origin: Your ancestors were native to the Feywild, so you are considered a fey creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.
Liberated Heart: You gain a +1 racial bonus to your Will defense. In addition, you gain a +5 racial bonus to saving throws against fear effects.
Daring Charge: You have the daring charge power.
Unfettered Charge: You ignore difficult terrain when you charge.

Daring Charge
You charge and headbutt your enemy, knocking them off their feet.
Standard Action Melee 1
Effect: You charge and make the following attack in place of a melee basic attack.
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength, Constitution, or Dexterity + 4 (6 at 11th level and 8 at 21st level) vs. AC
Hit: 1d6 + Strength modifier, Constitution modifier, or Dexterity modifier damage, and you knock the target prone.
Level 11: 2d6 + Strength modifier, Constitution modifier, or Dexterity modifier damage.
Level 21: 3d6 + Strength modifier, Constitution modifier, or Dexterity modifier damage.

BARIAUR (female)

Ability scores: +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom
Skill Bonuses: +2 Nature, +2 Perception
Danger Sense: You gain a +2 bonus to Initiative checks.
Fey Origin: Your ancestors were native to the Feywild, so you are considered a fey creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.
Liberated Heart: You gain a +1 racial bonus to your Will defense. In addition, you gain a +5 racial bonus to saving throws against fear effects.
Unshackled Spirit: You gain the unshackled spirit power.

Unshackled Spirit
Your indomitable will allows you to shake off effects that might hamper you.
Immediate Reaction Personal
Trigger: You suffer an effect that a save can end
Effect: You make a saving throw against the effect.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Re: 4e Planescape Race updates.

Of some importance to this thread is that Tieflings got Infernal Wrath Updated to a close burst 10 effect against one target that does d6 per tier + charisma or intelligence mod fire damage, as a free action that's triggered when an enemy hits. And a bunch of their feats have been updated accordingly.

I'm going to look more into their feats, and when it comes out, what the bloodlines in the upcoming tiefling book, before I come up with some revised rules for my version of them.

catland93's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Re: 4e Planescape Race updates.

Kobold Avenger wrote:
Of some importance to this thread is that Tieflings got Infernal Wrath Updated to a close burst 10 effect against one target that does d6 per tier + charisma or intelligence mod fire damage, as a free action that's triggered when an enemy hits. And a bunch of their feats have been updated accordingly.

I'm going to look more into their feats, and when it comes out, what the bloodlines in the upcoming tiefling book, before I come up with some revised rules for my version of them.

I have done this revisions for my campaign. What do you think of?

Average Height: 5’ 5”–6’ 2”
Average Weight: 100–200 lb.

Ability Scores: +2 Intelligence or Constitution, +2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Vision: Normal

Languages: Common and another
Skill Bonuses: +2 bluff, +2 stealth
Immortal Origin: You count as an immortal

Bloodhunt, Fire Resistance and Infernal Wrath(revised)
as the PHB tiefling

Blood Fury: You gain +2 to damage when you
are bloodied
Lightning Resistance: 5 +1/2 your level lightning
Abyssal Dread: You have the Abyssal Dread

Exploit Weakness: Bloodied creatures cannot to get combat
advantage vs. you
Acid Resistance: 5 + 1/2 your level acid
Corrupting Whispers: You have the Corrupting
Whispers power.

Abyssal Dread Tiefling Racial Power
You unleash a small portion of the infinite terror and dread
of the Abyss.
Encounter ✦ Fear
Minor Action Close Burst 1
Target: Each Enemy in Burst
Attack: Charisma or Intelligence + 2 (4 at 11th level and 6 at 21st level) vs. Will
Hit: Target is pushed 1 square and takes a -2 penalty to
attacks until the end of your next turn.

Corrupting Whispers Tiefling Racial Power
Your whispers are an insidious poison, that can bring out
the worst of thoughts like a weight on a soul.
Encounter ✦ Psychic
Minor Action Ranged 5
Target: One creature
Effect: Target is slowed until the end of your next turn.



Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Re: 4e Planescape Race updates.

One of my major concerns with the Tiefling had to do with having an easier way to have existing tiefling feats (especially the class specific ones in Martial/Arcane/Divine Power) work with their powers, without having to make a new feat to do so.

catland93's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Re: 4e Planescape Race updates.

Surely this is the best choice.
Another possibility could be to use the abyssal genasi racial powers, cindersoul and plaguesoul. I see these two manifestatons very good to represent gloomy and abyssal tieflings.



Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Re: 4e Planescape Race updates.

Seeing as most of the Tiefling feats are now "you/your allies do X to the target of your Infernal Wrath" they are distinctly single target and I don't think many of the feats rely on what triggered Infernal Wrath anymore.

Also I think there should be the rule to substitute Infernal Wrath, with the power of any Bloodline feat (such the ones in Dragon mag like Mantle of Misfortune or what I think the upcoming Tiefling book is getting) which you get for free.

catland93's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Re: 4e Planescape Race updates.

New Version of Rouge Modron (after the dungeon's article)

Average Height: 6’
Average Weight: 500 lbs.

Abilty Scores: +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Vision: Darkvision

Languages: Common & 1 other
Skill Bonuses: +2 History, +2 Perception

Animate: You don’t need to eat, drink, or breathe,
but this doesn’t make you immune to any effect.
Immortal Origin: You are native to the Astral Sea.
So you are considered an immortal creature for
the purpose of effects that relate to creature
Implacable: An enemy cannot enter the modron’s
space by any means.
Modron Resilience::+2 bonus to saving throws
against ongoing damage and charme or fear
Mechanical Instincts : Once per encounter, you
can use either the Modron Shift power or the
Precondition power.
Odd Shape: Though considered humanoids, a
modron has a very unusual body shape. They
retain the normal magic item slots. However,
when dealing with armor not made specifically for
a modron, they cannot use it until after a short
rest. The enchant item ritual can also form a suit
of armor to a modron’s form.
Unsleeping Watcher: Rather than sleep, outcaste
modrons spend 4 hours refraining from strenuous
activity. This has the effect of a 6-hour rest for
you, but you remain entirely aware of your

Modron Shift Modron Racial Power
Encounter ✦ Special
Move Action Personal
Effect: You ends any slowing or immobilizing effect on
it and shifts up to 5 squares, ignoring difficult terrain..

Precondition Modron Racial Power
The enemy behaves as expected and you retaliate as planned.
Encounter ✦ Special
Immediate Interrupt Personal
Effect: a predefinite action has effect.
Special: Choose a specific trigger and a specific action or an
at-will power following the guidelines for readying an action.
Once chosen, the trigger and effect cannot be changed.
You gain an extra condition for each tier of play.
This power may gain additional keywords depending on the
chosen action or at-will power.



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