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catland93's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09




Prerequisite: Cha 17

Benefit: You are careful to keep your moral and ethical beliefs hidden. Every attempt of insight versus you rolls twice and use the lower result..


Accomplished Swimmer [REGIONAL]

Region: Elemental Plane of Water

Benefit: Almost all natives to the Plane of Water are exceptional swimmers, and even inhabitants of races not initially from the plane show remarkable aptitude. +2 to speed when you swim and roll twice and use the higher result to Athletics check to swim or to tread water.


Arcane Dabbler

Prerequisite: Int 13, Trained in Arcana.

Benefit: Though not a dedicated spellcaster, you have studied arcane principles enough to pick up a few useful cantrips. You gain prestidigitation, ghost sound and light at encounter.


Calculating Vigilance [REGIONAL]

Region: Mechanus

Prerequisite: Int 15

Benefit: You analyse combat on an intellectual level, watching for the correct time and place to strike.  In melee combat, use your intelligence modifier to determine bonus damage rather than your strength modifier.


Deep Ethereal Traveler [REGIONAL]

Region: Ethereal Plane

Benefit: Those who frequent the Deep Ethereal learn how to negotiate it more easily, despite its lack of landmarks. When calculating the time taken to travel to a location in the deep ethereal, roll a d4 rather than a d10.


Devoted Worker [REGIONAL]

The craftsmen of Bytopia are renown for devotion to their work, finding tiredness only a minor setback.

Region: Bytopia

Prerequisite: Con 17

Benefit: The craftsmen of Bytopia are renown for devotion to their work, finding tiredness only a minor setback. You gain +2 bonus to endurance skill and increase number of healing surges by 1.



Prerequisite: Faction Initiate Feat, any Channel Belief Feat

Benefit: Their fanaticism derives not from loyalty to the faction, but a willingness to believe that is beyond even that of most servants of the Powers. You can spend an action point to regain the use of your channel Belief encounter power.


Faerie Friend [REGIONAL]

Region: Arborea

Prerequisite: Human, Elf, Eladrin or Half-elf, Cha 13

Benefit: You are favored by the good fey of Arborea, who react more agreeably towards you You roll twice and use the higher result to all charisma-based skills when interacting with good-aligned fey.


Lessons of War [REGIONAL]

Region: Acheron

Benefit: In the eternal wars of Acheron you have learned how to defend yourself effectively in mass combat. When using the „Aid Another combat action to aid a friend in combat, you also gain the +2 bonus to AC until the begin of your next turn.


Mind of Conflict [REGIONAL]

Region: Acheron

Benefit: Having come from a world locked in vicious conflict, your soul is devoid of emotion. You gain +5 to to saving throws vs. charm and fear.


Minor Negativity [REGIONAL]

Region: Quasielemental Planes (Ash, Dust, Salt, Vacuum)

Benefit: Coming from one of the Quasielemental Planes bordering the Negative Energy Plane, your body possesses a slight negative charge. You gain necrotic resistance 5 + ½ level and radiant vulnerability 5.


Minor Positivity[REGIONAL]

Region: Quasielemental Planes (Lighting, Mineral, Radiance, Steam)

Benefit: Coming from one of the Quasielemental Planes bordering the Positive Energy Plane, your body possesses a slight positive charge. You gain radiant resistance 5 + ½ level and necrotic vulnerability 5.


Mountain’s Stoicism [REGIONAL]

Region: Elemental Plane of Earth

Prerequisite: Con 15, Trained in Endurance

Benefit: Your respect for the endurance of the mountain has taught you resilience in combat. When fighting defensively, you gain resist all as your constitution modifier until the begin of your nex turn.


One with the Wild [REGIONAL]

Regions: The Beastlands.

Prerequisite: Wis 15, Cha 15, any nonlawful, nonevil alignment.

Benefit: You are recognized as a distinguished part of the natural order. Animals and plants recognize and trust you as a creature of the land, and will not attack you unless you threaten them first. You may grant this protection to a number of people traveling with you equal to your Charisma modifier for 24 hours. Everyone of these must to expend an healing surge to gain the truce. After this period you cannot reinitiate it until after an extendend rest and after everyone expends another healing surge. If anyone violates the truce it's broken for all members and cannot be reinitiated for another 24 hours.


Paragon of Virtue [REGIONAL]

Region: Elysium, Mount Celestia

Prerequisite: Cha 15, Any good alignment

Benefit: Your very essence seems to radiate a moral and caring quality, telling those who follow you that they fight for a just cause. All bloodied allies +2 bonus to all attack rolls as long as they are adiacents of your character.


Parting the Veil [DIVINITY]

Prerequisite: Wis 17, any Channel Divinity feat.

Benefit: Your devotion to the greater forces in the multiverse has brought new revelations on the mysteries of the planes, allowing you to manipulate divine energy more fluidly.  You can spend an action point to regain the use of your channel Divinity encounter power.


Patience of the Waves [REGIONAL]

Region: Elemental Plane of Water

Prerequisite: Sag 15

Benefit: You have learned from the patient yet relentless nature of the ocean, applying it to your fighting style. You may spend a standard action focusing of your intended target. During your next attack you gain a +3 to your next attack roll against that creature.


Primal Energy [REGIONAL]

Region: the Beastlands

Benefit: You can unlock the primal urges that lurk in the depths of your mind, allowing you to keep standing in battle. When dropped to 0 or less hit points, you do not fall unconscious until the end of your next turn.


Self-Sufficiency [REGIONAL]

Region: Gehenna

Benefit: You have learned to support yourself, rarely needing to rely upon others.

When a character chooses to assist you in a skill check you may opt to decline their help. By doing so you gain an automatic +1 circumstance bonus to the skill check in question. You may decline help from multiple helpers during the same round, each providing a +1 circumstance bonus in the process.


Stored Rituals

Prerequisite: Master and perform rituals ability by class

Benefit: Storing a ritual works the same as performing a ritual (PHB 298), including the ability for others to assist. It requires the same components and takes the same amount of time. At the end of the ritual, however, the ritual caster must expend a healing surge in order to lock the ritual into an item related to the ritual itself, known as a ritual object (a key for Knock, a desiccated tongue for Comprehend Languages, etc.). A ritual will remain stored in the object for a number of days equal to the character’s Intelligence modifier (min. 1). If a character has a stored ritual when he takes an extended rest, he recovers one fewer healing surge per stored ritual. For example, a wizard that normally had eight healing surges after each extended rest would only start with seven if he had stored a Detect Secret Doors ritual the previous day but had not used it yet. A character can store a number of rituals equal to his Intelligence modifier (min. 1).

Using a Stored Ritual

It requires a standard action and the expenditure of another healing surge to use a stored ritual. The character must be holding the ritual object when he takes the action.

Releasing a Stored Ritual

A character can release a stored ritual at any time as a free action. He need not be holding the ritual object, and the ritual magic dissipates without effect. He does not immediately regain his healing surge, but can recover it with an extended rest or other ability that allows the recovery of a healing surge.


Swiftness of Flames [REGIONAL]

Region: Elemental Plane of Fire

Benefit: The speed and destructive potential of fire inspires you in combat. Every time you inflict a critical hit during combat, you gain a bonus to your initiative until the end of the enconunter equal to your charisma modifier.



Prerequisite: Channel Divinity class feature, must worship Asmodeus

Benefit: You can invoke the power of your divinity to use Fiery Rebuke of Asmodeus

Channel Divinity: Fiery Rebuke of Asmodeus

Encounter   Divine, Fire, Implement

Standard * Close burst 5

Target: All creatures in burst except you.

Effect: All targets take fire damage equal to your Charisma bonus. If any allies of yours take damage, make a secondary attack against one enemy in the burst. You gain a +2 bonus on the attack roll, and deal +1d6 damage, for each ally damaged by this effect.

Secondary Attack: Cha vs. Will

Hit: Damage: 1d6 + Cha fire damage




Prerequisite: Tiefling

Benefit: You gain  3 of these 4 resistences: cold, lightning, fire and acid 5.



Prerequisite: Planetouched, Low light Vision

Benefit: You gain Darkvision



Prerequisite: Tiefling

Benefit: You gain cloud of darkness as tiefling racial power. Once per encounter, you can use either cloud of darkness or your basic tiefling racial power.

Cloud of Darkness                    Tiefling Racial Power

A shroud of blackness descends around you, hiding you from sight.


Minor Action Close burst 1

Effect: The burst creates a cloud of darkness that remains in place until the end of your next turn. The cloud blocks line of sight, squares within it are totally obscured, and creatures entirely within it are blinded until they exit. You are immune to these effects.



Prerequisite: Infernal Tiefling

Benefit: The Diabolic Eyes racial utility power replaces your 6th-level utility power. If you do not yet have a 6th-level utility power, you can replace the power when you gain it.

Diabolic Eyes            Feat Power

Le creature invisibili sono per te visibili


Standard Action                                   personal

Effect: You see invisible creatures.

Sustain Standard



Prerequisite: Abyssal Tiefling

Benefit: +1 attack and damage with lightning and fear powers.



Prerequisite: Abyssal Tiefling

Benefit: The change shape racial utility power replaces your 6th-level utility power. If you do not yet have a 6th-level utility power, you can replace the power when you gain it.

Change  Shape              Feat Power

You alter your form to look like some other humanoid.

Encounter   Polymorph

Minor Action                                       personal

Effect: You can alter your physical form to take on the appearance of any Medium humanoid



Prerequisite: Gloom Blood Tiefling

Benefit: +1 attack and damage with acid and psychic.



Prerequisite: Gloom Blood Tiefling

Benefit: The Tongue of the ‘Loth racial utility power replaces your 6th-level utility power. If you do not yet have a 6th-level utility power, you can replace the power when you gain it.

Tongue of the ‘Loth        Feat Power

You silently invoke the  power to bestow eloquence and persuasiveness.


Immediate Interrupt

Target: personal

Effect: The target rerolls a Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate check he just rolled, with a +5 power bonus. He uses the new result, even if it is lower than the original result.


Improved Abyssal Dread [Tiefling]

Prerequisite: Tiefling, Abyssal Dread power Benefit: The area of your Abyssal dread power increases to close blast 2 and your push targets an additional square.


Improved Corrupting Whispers [Tiefling]

Prerequisite: Tiefling, Corrupting power Benefit: The damage dice done by your Corrupting Whispers power increases to d8's.


Mixed Bloodline [Planetouched]

Prerequisite: Planetouched Benefit: You can use the power from another bloodline of your planetouched race.  After a short or extended rest you can decide on which power you can use. Special: You can take this feat multiple times.  Each time you pick a different bloodline.


Mixed Planar Heritage [Planetouched]

Prerequisite: Planetouched race Benefit: You can use the power of another planetouched race's bloodline or manifestation due to due to your mixed heritage.  After a short or extended rest you can decide on which power you can use for the encounter.




Abyssal Wrath [Tiefling]

Prerequisite: Tiefling, Abyssal Dread power, Charisma 15+ Benefit: Targets affected by your Abyssal Dread power take a penalty equal to 1 + your charisma modifier.

Corrupting Secrets [Tiefling]

Prerequisite: Tiefling, Corrupting Whispers power Benefit: Targets affected by your Corrupting Whispers power are also dazed.

Fury of the Abyss [Tiefling]

Prerequisite: Tiefling, Abyssal Dread power Benefit: When you become bloodied you regain the use of Abyssal Dread.

Spread of Corrupting Influence [Tiefling]

Prerequisite: Tiefling, Corrupting Whispers power, Charisma 15+ Benefit: Corrupting Whispers becomes an area burst 1 within 10 square ranged power.

Versatile Bloodline [Planetouched]

Prerequisite: Planetouched, More than 1 bloodline or element manifestation Benefit: You can use all the different bloodline/manifestation powers you have for each encounter.

Vestigal Wings [Tiefling, Deva]

Prerequisite: Tiefling or Deva, Dex 13+ Benefit: You have a pair of small wings on your back, which reduces the damage from which you fall by 50 feet.  If you're wearing light or no armour you can also fly at your speed, but you must end your turn on a horizontal surface or you will fall to the ground.



Full Wings [Tiefling, Deva]

Prerequisite: Tiefling or Deva, Vestigal Wings Dex 15+ Benefit: The wings on your back are more fully-formed, when wearing light or no armour you are immune to falling damage and can fly up to your speed, staying in air if you spend a minor action to do so.



Banishment                                       Ritual Level 18

You send a supernatural creature back to the plane that spawned it.

Category: Binding

Component Cost: 6,800 gp + 2 healing surges or 1 action point

Time: 1 minute

Market Price: 17,000 gp

Duration: Instant

Key Skill: Arcana

Effect: You make an Arcana vs. target’s will +10 to send an extraplanar creature back to its home plane.


Reincarnate                                           Ritual Level 6

You bring back a dead creature in another body

Category: Restoration

Component Cost: 160 gp

Time: 2 hours

Market Price: 420 gp

Duration: Instantaneous

Key Skill: Nature

Effect: To perform the Reincarnate ritual, you must have a part of the corpse of a creature that died no more than a week ago. The condition of the remains is not a factor. So long as some small portion of the creature’s body still exists, it can be reincarnated, but the portion receiving the ritual must have been part of the creature’s body at the time of death. The ritual of the spell creates an entirely new young adult body for the soul to inhabit from the natural elements at hand. The subject returns to life as if he or she had taken an extended rest. The subject is freed of any permanent conditions suffered at death.

The subject’s soul must be free and willing to return to life. Some magical effects trap the soul and thus prevent Reincarnate from working, and the gods can intervene to prevent a soul from journeying back to the realm of the living. In all cases, death is less inclined to return paragon and epic heroes; the component cost is 2,000 gp for paragon tier characters and 20,000 gp for epic tier characters.




Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Here's some ideas for feats

Here's some ideas for feats mainly building off of my expansion to the Tiefling race.  Back in this thread.

Note for feats, Planetouched as a requirement refers to Tieflings, Genasi, Devas/Aasimar, Chaonds, Cansin, Axani, Zenythri, Mechanitrix, Tuladhara, and whatever else I may have missed.

Heroic Tier

Improved Abyssal Dread [Tiefling] Prerequisite: Tiefling, Abyssal Dread power Benefit: The area of your Abyssal dread power increases to close blast 2 and your push targets an additional square.

Improved Corrupting Whispers [Tiefling] Prerequisite: Tiefling, Corrupting power Benefit: The damage dice done by your Corrupting Whispers power increases to d8's.

Mixed Bloodline [Planetouched] Prerequisite: Planetouched Benefit: You can use the power from another bloodline of your planetouched race.  After a short or extended rest you can decide on which power you can use. Special: You can take this feat multiple times.  Each time you pick a different bloodline.

Mixed Planar Heritage [Planetouched] Prerequisite: Planetouched race Benefit: You can use the power of another planetouched race's bloodline or manifestation due to due to your mixed heritage.  After a short or extended rest you can decide on which power you can use for the encounter.

Paragon Tier

Abyssal Wrath [Tiefling] Prerequisite: Tiefling, Abyssal Dread power, Charisma 15+ Benefit: Targets affected by your Abyssal Dread power take a penalty equal to 1 + your charisma modifier.

Corrupting Secrets [Tiefling] Prerequisite: Tiefling, Corrupting Whispers power Benefit: Targets affected by your Corrupting Whispers power are also dazed.

Fury of the Abyss [Tiefling] Prerequisite: Tiefling, Abyssal Dread power Benefit: When you become bloodied you regain the use of Abyssal Dread.

Spread of Corrupting Influence [Tiefling] Prerequisite: Tiefling, Corrupting Whispers power, Charisma 15+ Benefit: Corrupting Whispers becomes an area burst 1 within 10 square ranged power.

Versatile Bloodline [Planetouched] Prerequisite: Planetouched, More than 1 bloodline or element manifestation Benefit: You can use all the different bloodline/manifestation powers you have for each encounter.

Vestigal Wings [Tiefling, Deva] Prerequisite: Tiefling or Deva, Dex 13+ Benefit: You have a pair of small wings on your back, which reduces the damage from which you fall by 50 feet.  If you're wearing light or no armour you can also fly at your speed, but you must end your turn on a horizontal surface or you will fall to the ground.

Epic Feats

Full Wings [Tiefling, Deva] Prerequisite: Tiefling or Deva, Vestigal Wings Dex 15+ Benefit: The wings on your back are more fully-formed, when wearing light or no armour you are immune to falling damage and can fly up to your speed, staying in air if you spend a minor action to do so.  

catland93's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Good Work. The only thing

Good Work.

The only thing I disagree are the 2 "mixed feats".  There aren't encounter powers preparation that I've seen in 4e. You can choose every encounter what do you cast.



catland93's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Now I try to support your

Now I try to support your staff with this:



Prerequisite: Tiefling

Benefit: You gain 3 of these 4 resistences: cold, lightning, fire and acid 5.


Prerequisite: Tiefling

Benefit: You gain Darkvision


Prerequisite: Tiefling

Benefit: You gain cloud of darkness as tiefling racial power. Once per encounter, you can use either cloud of darkness or your basic tiefling racial power.

Cloud of Darkness Tiefling Racial Power

A shroud of blackness descends around you, hiding you from sight.


Minor Action Close burst 1

Effect: The burst creates a cloud of darkness that remains in place until the end of your next turn. The cloud blocks line of sight, squares within it are totally obscured, and creatures entirely within it are blinded until they exit. You are immune to these effects.


Prerequisite: Infernal Tiefling

Benefit: The Diabolic Eyes racial utility power replaces your 6th-level utility power. If you do not yet have a 6th-level utility power, you can replace the power when you gain it.

Diabolic Eyes Feat Power

Le creature invisibili sono per te visibili

Encounter *

Standard Action personal

Effect: You see invisible creatures.

Sustain Standard


Prerequisite: Abyssal Tiefling

Benefit: +1 attack and damage with lightning and fear powers.


Prerequisite: Abyssal Tiefling

Benefit: The change shape racial utility power replaces your 6th-level utility power. If you do not yet have a 6th-level utility power, you can replace the power when you gain it.

Change Shape  Feat Power

You alter your form to look like some other humanoid.

Encounter * Polymorph

Minor Action personal

Effect: You can alter your physical form to take on the appearance of any Medium humanoid


Prerequisite: Gloom Blood Tiefling

Benefit: +1 attack and damage with acid and psychic.


Prerequisite: Gloom Blood Tiefling

Benefit: The Tongue of the ‘Loth racial utility power replaces your 6th-level utility power. If you do not yet have a 6th-level utility power, you can replace the power when you gain it.

Tongue of the ‘Loth Feat Power

You silently invoke the power to bestow eloquence and persuasiveness.

Encounter * Divine

Immediate Interrupt

Target: personal

Effect: The target rerolls a Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate check he just rolled, with a +5 power bonus. He uses the new result, even if it is lower than the original result.


Prerequisite: Channel Divinity class feature, must worship Asmodeus

Benefit: You can invoke the power of your divinity to use Fiery Rebuke of Asmodeus

Channel Divinity: Fiery Rebuke of Asmodeus

Encounter * Divine, Fire, Implement

Standard * Close burst 5

Target: All creatures in burst except you.

Effect: All targets take fire damage equal to your Charisma bonus. If any allies of yours take damage, make a secondary attack against one enemy in the burst. You gain a +2 bonus on the attack roll, and deal +1d6 damage, for each ally damaged by this effect.

Secondary Attack: Cha vs. Will

Hit: Damage: 1d6 + Cha fire damage



Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
catland93 wrote: Good

catland93 wrote:

Good Work.

The only thing I disagree are the 2 "mixed feats".  There aren't encounter powers preparation that I've seen in 4e. You can choose every encounter what do you cast.

Actually there is, it's called "Extra Manifestation" a Genasi feat.  Though it goes farther in also selecting the energy resistance and one other potential ability a Genasi has.  But I don't think the picking and choosing encounter powers last very long for most Genasi PCs past heroic tier, as there are feats and paragon paths that let them use all in an encounter, and I'd definitely see most players picking those as soon as they can.

catland93's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Yes, it's good. But do you

Yes, it's good. But do you like the forgotten realms concept of genasi mixture for planescape?



Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
catland93 wrote:Yes, it's

catland93 wrote:
Yes, it's good. But do you like the forgotten realms concept of genasi mixture for planescape?

I'm fine with it, since it's possible that Genasi (and Rukova tribes) have mixed over the years and it saves having to make things like Magma Genasi as mixed manifestations can certainly represent paraelements, and then there's the idea that with the right ammount of belief and knowing a Genasi just might gain enough understanding of another element to be capable of manifesting it.  And I've allowed Tieflings to get some Aasimar powers and vice versa with one of those feats.

The only thing I don't like about the FR Genasi is the look, which can be easily fixed.

catland93's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Yes, It looks like a

Yes, It looks like a ruvkova.



Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
catland93 wrote:Mountain’s

catland93 wrote:
Mountain’s Stoicism Region: Elemental Plane of Earth Prerequisite: Con 15, Trained in Endurance Benefit: Your respect for the endurance of the mountain has taught you resilience in combat. When fighting defensively, you gain damage resistance as your constitution modifier until the beginning of your next turn.

By damage resistance I assume you mean resist all?

One with the Wild Regions: The Beastlands. Prerequisite: Wis 15, Cha 15, any nonlawful, nonevil alignment. Benefit: You are recognized as a distinguished part of the natural order. Animals and plants recognize and trust you as a creature of the land, and will not attack you unless you threaten them first. You may grant this protection to a number of people traveling with you equal to your Charisma modifier for 24 hours. If anyone violates the truce it is broken for all members and cannot be reinitiated for another 24 hours.

I would suggest that the truce cannot be reinitiated until after an extended rest is taken. Seems to fit better with how 4e handles this sort of thing.

Also, are all these feats heroic tier? You didn't really specify.


Pants of the North!

catland93's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Good Suggestions. Now I

Good Suggestions. Now I update with your corredges.
The basic idea of these feats is for heroic tier but if It's something overpowered we can change it to paragon tier.



catland93's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Update all our assembled

Update all our assembled works with small corredges.



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