4e Planescape Class Discussions

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Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
4e Planescape Class Discussions

Because I think there's a need for some discussion about character classes on the planes.

Martial Classes

"Among all the bashers you find out there in the planes, most of them rely on pure skill and physical training.  It's what some greybeards describe as"martial power".  Easily among some of the most underestimated skills, but more common than all the others you find out there.

Why is such a mundane seeming source of power so common among the planes a body might ask?  Well that's because such abilities don't rely on any screed such as esoteric training, misplaced faith or anything that barmy.  You see, with the rules of reality varying between plane to plane, the most reliable thing should be a basher's own wits and might.  Martial abilities don't require too much for a basher to know, and therefore it's the most common out there.  With that being said, as common as you'll find plenty of bashers with martial training, true bloods with martial training are hard to find.  Most bashers with martial training are merely thugs, knights of the post and other berks.

The mightiest most top shelf bloods with martial training can fight off hordes of the Blood War with little effort, they can wrestle a proxy down and easily nick some lizard to the dead-book.  Just like anything else it relies on constant dedication, the right mindset and constant adversity.  What martial abilities lack is anything flashy, through martial training a cutter is not going to be flying through the air (unless they have wings), they're not going to be jumping across the planes under their own powers, she can't create something from nothing or rewrite the laws of reality.  For some, many would see that as a limitation, and it's perhaps why there aren't bloods everywhere with such abilities, but the greatest of such bashers rely on their canniness just like many others.

So who among the planes have need for a cutter with a good swordarm who knows  what they're doing?  Well the answer is everybody.  Every single one of the former factions had a need for such bashers. The training and dedication, have given many such bashers the right mindset and view of how the 'verse is to excel in their factions.  Some would say that martial training drives them more than it does with many other bashers.  They have less to take as granted with such abilities, bringing quite a few of them to the top-shelf of their respective factions.

The Hardheads, Mercykillers and Sinkers had plenty of uses for fighters, and while most of those bashers were nothing more than common thugs there was always a few bloods among them.  The Anarchists and Sensates attracted plenty of rogues who were quick with a blade and good with the words that came out of their brainbox, some of the most subtle and canniest bloods were such.  Certainly among my former faction and many others, a cutter such as a ranger who's good in the infinite wilderness and cities of the planes were in demand.  And everyone always had a need for a warlord, a basher that's as good at fighting as they are at leading, as it's an inevitable truth that there will always be conflict among the planes.  And it's not just the factions that had use for such bashers, even the powers themselves saw such uses for them."

-Rayl Whitespoon (CN female githzerai swordmage) former academy trainer of the Fated

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Mind if I add this to the

Mind if I add this to the PS4E discussion thread to be included?

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Sure, add this.

Sure, add this.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Great stuff! Looking

Great stuff!

Looking forward to your presentations of the other power sources. Smile

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Arcane Classes "No power

Arcane Classes

"No power in the 'verse can overcome Arcane Magic, it is a force that's within every facet of existence.  From a body, to the rocks and the air to the  very forces that bind the planes together.  Arcane power lies everywhere, from the furthest reaches of the Astral, to the limitless expanses of the Elements and Outer Planes, the depths of the Shadow and everywhere between and beyond.  It's the laws of reality, and as well the heart and soul of reality itself.  The only way for one to become a true blood is through arcane magic, a force beyond the tiny inferior minds of most of the berks out there.

You see, magic the one and only true force of all reality is the greatest force there is in all of existence.  A cutter who knows what he's doing bends the multiverse to his will, a feat that's only possible through the power of the arcane itself.  To be a real blood, you must be able to understand the complexities of how existence works around you.  It's something that only the enlightened, the truly canny and capable of doing, the rest of the sods out there are mere mortals.  Years of study and a constant drive to learn more of the secrets of the verse is perhaps the most reliable path to such power.  But the art of the arcane comes in many forms and practices as the art was never something so easily limited by methods and narrow paths.  For some bloods magic comes naturally, but perfection can even come in the form of tinkering with trinkets and formula, the very soul of power from music and art itself, to more base methods such as the darks gleaned from terrible unknowable beings to vulgar techniques with tools such as swords.

Others are foolish enough to prostate to deities, or to limit themselves to small aspects of reality such as the elements, the shadows and the natural world.  The arcane encompasses those aspects and more, it is not something as infantile as swinging a sword or endless navel gazing.  Of the berks in Sigil's thought guilds, every one of them tries to lure in the powerful to push their agendas around, only a few of them are truly accommodating to enlightened.  In the past they were the Sensates, the Takers, the Guvners, Godsmen, Signers and Xaosmen, as each of those factions had a portion of understanding how the arcane works, but now they've all fallen by the wayside.  It was never about the true lifeblood of the planes, but always their petty political games and power plays with those factions.  Now they are sects just like the rest of us.  The might of the arcane is the only thing that's concrete, with the right darks a top-shelf enlightened one can reshape the planes and bring the Gods to their knees, what more needs to be said.

You feel the hunger for knowing, the thirst for power as I do.  Well perhaps you can learn some of my secrets for a price if we meet at anti-peak in the sub-basement below the Lower Ward storefront Thriden Anvil on the crossroads of Obsidian and Walker's Lane.  There's a lot we both hunger for with all the possibilities of the Arcane."

-Kadrol Errith D'iern (NE male aasimar wizard) ancient archmage of the former Incantifiers of Sigil

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Hehe, Kadrol sure is a

Hehe, Kadrol sure is a modest man with balanced views! Laughing


Very nice once again, if somewhat overtly fanatic: "You see, magic the one and only true force of all reality is the greatest force there is in all of existence."

I just noticed, the Martial Classes section is associated with a swordmage - perhaps it ought to be a practitioner of martial training rather than arcane?

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
[quote=Dunamin] I just

Dunamin wrote:

I just noticed, the Martial Classes section is associated with a swordmage - perhaps it ought to be a practitioner of martial training rather than arcane?

I think some people can see outside the merits of their own power sources...  And Rayl was a fighter/wizard back in 2e, picking a name from the Factol's Manifesto.  Being that she's described as the one who instructs the Takers in matters of warfare and magic, she'd know a thing about or two about both subjects.

As for Kadrol, well he knows all he needs to talk about.  Of course asking a member of the Incantifiers about the subject Arcane magic is going to be fair and balanced.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Divine Classes "Belief

Divine Classes

"Belief has power, it shapes and moves planes, it gives life and meaning to existence and it's an essential part of us. Belief is everywhere, and such is the power of the divine. It's an essential part of existence and creation, a spark that exists within all. While the Gods themselves are an essential part of the divine, enough to be called 'Powers' by many, but they are not the exclusive sources of the divine.

Divine power is a force that is both ephemeral and material, mostly tied to the outer planes the final emanation of the known planes of existence. It is not contained by the Gods, though the easiest and most reliable path of divine power comes from investiture to them, others can draw upon this power with strength of faith in other concepts. For most it's much easier to call upon a higher being, who thinks much as they do than to draw on something more nebulous. Divine power in relation to the Gods and the rest is much like this: the Gods are cutters like the rest of us who draw upon a pool of water we all live in; many of us need not get the water directly from them. Many such as myself can draw from this pool of water without being powers ourselves.

Among my former faction before the great joining called this pool of water the Source. The Source is the final convergence of the great forces of the 'verse from which we are formed, and it is the final destination for which we are driven to ascend to. A great cycle in which are lives and existence move along. The divine is what drives us; it's what gives us meaning and purpose. Without divine power we would all the shells that would fall apart, it sustains us and it's something to makes us greater than we are, a drive to perfection. Through these tests we can become Powers ourselves, and things even greater, as there are destinies that lie even beyond the Powers. Many of you may ask, in what ways is Divine Power material? Well look around you and you will see that everything became the ways they are now based on the concepts and ideas that formed them.

And while great power and miracles can come from the body, the mind and the soul, it's divine power that the essence of these three brought to a great purpose formed by their convergence. The Outer Planes is where divine energy is mostly concentrated, as it's where it's been most apparent in how beliefs all come together. But even in the other planes of the 'verse such as the prime and the inner planes, divine power still emanates in those planes. It's has the power to tame other such forces, and bring balance to the extremes of the 'verse that would clearly tear existence in many directions. As divine power is belief it can rewrite laws of reality and it can renew and refresh the stagnant.

Of those who wield the powers of the divine, it's perhaps invokers like myself that have the greatest understanding of this force, as we draw upon the divine power used by the Gods. Clerics are the most common among wielders of the divine, and it's perhaps them who possess the strongest faith, leading others to callings beyond. Paladins and avengers are the soldiers of the divine, as it's with divine power that many concepts come from, and with the existence of all these concepts there will surely be conflicts, thus the existence of such soldiers are needed.

As to how the former factions are with divine power, despite their beliefs many factioneers put their faith in the powers, as most feel a need for a personal voice to divinity. There are of course exceptions, many of the more destructive factions such as the Doomguard, Bleakers and Dustmen often scoff at the powers, while others look to the Powers as great inspirations to their beliefs. The Athar in their defiance of the powers, look to pure divinity itself, it is where many of them draw upon the essences that many of the powers have horded from the mortals. And finally the Believers of the Source for which I belonged to once, we looked upon the Source as held in the great sea of power, and the Gods within, as the essences for which we all strive for perfection."

-Leithyse Arghandra (N female tiefling invoker) chronicler and lorekeeper of the Mind's Eye

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Primal Classes "Many

Primal Classes

"Many bashers out there get the wrong ideas when referring to the spirits and so-called primal energy. First wrong assumption is the one that the spirit world only has a connection to the prime material plane. While it's true that some of the most easily distinguished spirits are based on the prime, every plane out there in the 'verse has its own spiritual reflection. The Outer Planes are not the exclusive domain of the astral powers, and neither is the Inner Planes the exclusive domain of the primordial powers. Every plane has its consciousness and fractions of consciousness, sure as Sigil itself the Beastlands has one, Ysgard has one, Limbo has one, the Outlands do, and the Abyss most certainly has a malevolent one.

Another wrong assumption about spirits and the spirit world is that they're all about trees and rivers. In regards to the planes they're on, they may just be about that, but the spirits of Mechanus don't give a cranium rat's arse about trees and furry critters, they're more about gears and rotations. So this brings us to the question on just what are the spirits? Well as I said they are the consciousness of the planes, the soul as some might say. They are what came to be when the planes came to be. They represent the true nature of a plane untouched by interlopers such as the powers.

Most of the spirits are unseen, barely taking notice until roused or growing to significance based on the weight of what has happened. They are different from the powers that aren't truly tied to the planes they reside in. Some spirits are more receptive to the rules that the powers enforce, but not all are. Many powers have been forced to relocate their realms based on conflicts with the spirits of the planes. Some spirits eventually do take on more concrete forms, whether it is as animals, or celestials or fiends or bashers like you and me. Once it happens they take on a different existence moving on and living as different beings no longer tied intrinsically to their home plane. Despite such an existence a body still feel a weight, a calling to the spirit world.

So what is the spirit world? Well it's not another plane that exists parallel to every other world, rather it's another part of a world, one that can't be seen by most bashers without the right senses. Spirits live in everything we see around us, some spirits are weak and barely aware while others are stronger. They exist at different levels of reality than what most of us exist in, we for the most part exist in the third level of reality, while spirits live as parts and flow through the others, from the primal dreams and the dreamscape that touches ours, to hyper-reality and beyond, their presence is felt.

Of the bashers who perceive the spirit world and deal in what goes on there, we can change transform and change the world around us and even ourselves evoking on their powers. We spirtwalkers as many of us call ourselves are a bunch that many bashers don't completely tumble to, but the factions and other such clubs do have an appeal to some of us. You can find numbers of us among the Sensates, the Mind's Eye, the Wylders, Ragers, Primals (ironically enough), Xaosmen, Ring-givers and Ciphers. Though beyond the Wylders there's no club we tend to flock to in large numbers, and none we exclusively stay away from, even a few of our kind happen to be Sinkers or Dustmen or in the Red Death and other unpleasant groups. It's all up to a spiritwalker's own preference and relationship to the spirits."

-Ragyl Blackhooves (LG male bariaur shaman) of the Society of Sensation

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Awesome work! I'm

Awesome work!

I'm thinking the Beastland would be a powerful source of primal power, and the Seelie and Unseelie Court might provide some strong connections as well. In that regard, one might possibly develop mechanics that use Power Sources as more than flavor:

Martial characters grow stronger in Ysgard and Acheron, Primal characters in the Beastlands, etc...

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Psionic Classes "The mind

Psionic Classes

"The mind is the window from which we perceive all of the 'verse, in a way it is the 'verse for all of us.  It is our own unique multiverse, from which we can control the rest of the 'verse around us. The mind controls the body, and that is how most bashers out there can control the rest of reality, but those with the right understanding, a special type of enlightenment and talent can do more than just move their bodies around. Such is the power of psionics, the ability to call upon the multiverse that exist within a body's self and exert their influence without limitations. Limits of the physical body, or even of time and space and the planes become meaningless.

In a previous life I was once a human woman born in a sheltered life in the Lady's Ward, a daughter of a wealthy family to be married off to an associate of my father to secure an alliance.  It was a life where my very path was already decided for me, yet I still reached out yearning for more with my existence.  It was in my explorations I learned more of the multiverse out there, without even leaving the confines of the Cage.  What lay out the in the planes, was as open to the mind as it was by planewalkers who could reach there.  All it took was a change in perceptions, and the nature of your own reality could be adapted to the plane around you.  And the moment I was betrothed to a young merchant king's son, it took to the planes myself going out of town and then out of reach of my family.

I went from the wilds of Limbo to where the mind could easily shape the planes, to the gears of Mechanus, from slimy depths to citadels of pure light, looking for an answer of into what was the nature of the 'verse and thus the nature of myself.  In time it became part of my destiny to become something else from what I was.  My life as Rynadeep Dhil would be put in the past, and I would be reborn as Askia Farseer.  My very body remade and powered by the boundless energy of the mind.  All beings do possess energies such as the type that courses through my veins, but to harness it is difficult.  It's the mind that's the original source of all concepts in existence, and therefore the root of everything that is and will be.

Sometimes concepts and forms are unharnessed, flowing through currents of the mind and the 'verse.  This is what we psions call ectoplasm, a material, the substance to what a concept is.  Ectoplasm flows through the Astral Plane, the mind's way of classifying the raw forms of concepts and thoughts of the 'verse.  Our minds form these illusions for us to comprehend its true nature, the difference between inner and outer space is but an illusion, the difference between here and there is but an illusion, even the difference of a massive universal mind and other minds is but an illusion.  True reality is both inside and outside, is with the right understanding of such ideas we can change both what we perceive to be ourselves and what we perceive to be around us.  Like a crystal it's best to look at it all from many facets, as the 'verse and our minds have many such facets in which we can perceive and know.  Constructs, mental manipulation, the bending of space and time, projected energy and the shaping of the body, is only the very tip of what one can achieve with this understanding.

All the factions were formed by seekers of truth and the 'verse to achieve understanding have an appeal to a mindbender looking for enlightenment.  It does not matter if one seeks to perfect the self, or their understanding, or seek justice, or an end, the result to enlighten oneself and the 'verse is universal.  But among the factions it's perhaps the Mind's Eye, the Transcendent Order, the Guvners, the Bleak Cabal, the Sensates and the Xaositects you will find the most of us among.  Still the path one takes can go in many ways."

-Askia Farseer (N female elan psion) mystic and instructor among the Mind's Eye


Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Ki Classes "Between the

Ki Classes

"Between the body and mind there is the soul, a middle ground between two forces that are opposed, yet two forces that need each other.  Two halves of the same source.  The Hun and the Po, or positive and negative, or spirit and animus yet only with the presence of both is one complete.   And in the soul there's its energy what we call qi or ki or mana or essentia and many other names.  While each of our souls are our own, our souls are also linked through the 'verse itself in ways that we can't normally perceive, a cadence with which the 'verse moves.

To harness such power, or soul magic as some would call it, it requires many things from dedication to discipline, from knowing to openness, and more.  Martial arts are one expression of how to harness this power, yet it's not the only way.  Others can draw upon the very energy of ki and shape them into many forms imaginable and unimaginable, drawing upon the soul of the 'verse.  An artist with the perfection of skill, knowing and feeling, perceiving and doing, in a way most practiced yet of which comes naturally, also uses the power of such soul magic.  While I am a martial artist, originally a student of the ancient ways of my people, practicing the ancient goblin fighting styles.  I have become much more than that, for the soul is transcendent, and I have transcended beyond such roots.

The soul is the part of us that is eternal, and will become something greater.  It is where we are all connected to the 'verse, and it is from where we have the energy to change and reinvent ourselves, it is where we have the drive for what is greater than us all.  Both the physical and spiritual come from the soul itself, the nexus of everything that represents us.  As beings it is our souls that is our true selves, spirits may have been the original essence of ourselves and belief may move the planes, but the soul is the refinement of the spirit and it is only from the soul that there can be belief.

When the body and mind become as one, it is where the soul guides us, it is where we go by what is our true natures with the Cadence of Planes.  And with the ki power that comes from our souls we draw on what is perfect within us.  As the nature of the soul is diverse, so are many of the students of such power.  One can learn the nature of oneself from watching nature, or finding themselves in deep contemplation, even the act of doing what one feels is best is a path that one can take.  When we act with such perfection the laws of reality become our own to make.

With the nature of the soul being such an individual path with the ideal meaning to oneself it's not uncommon to find us among many different philosophical paths.  So for some, justice and harmony around oneself is a calling as there are some students of the soul among the Harmonium, Sons of Mercy, the Sodkillers or even the Revolutionary League.  For others the calling is more of a personal journey, in finding oneself where the paths of the Sensates, the Mind's Eye and Free League have an appeal.  But like myself you can find many of us among the Transcendent Order, as it was originally students of our ways which founded the faction.  Each decision we make carries weight in the path of our eternal selves."

-Naghlak Kulag Drin (N Male Hobgoblin Monk) Master of the Mind, in the Transcendent Order

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Well, I think you pretty

Well, I think you pretty much nailed them - it will be interesting to see what Ki and Psionic power is presented as when they come out proper. Very fitting faction representatives you pegged for both power sources.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Shadow Classes "Where to

Shadow Classes

"Where to start with all of this screed?  Well, there's quite a bunch of wankers out there looking for explanation for things that go bump in the night and all that good stuff me mum warned me about.  You see there's many things out the in the 'verse that hidden and unseen, from all of the twats out there.  The less they think about it, the less they'll get their panties all soiled. 

So where does that leave us?  Out of all the things explained or embraced out there by the masses, they fancy whatever sounds nice and sweet.  Everything always in the light.  But if any of those sods bothered to take a look out there they'd find that not everything fits in neatly with their nice way of seeing things.  The truth is that sods die, lies are believed and the light will just leave us blind and ignorant.

So what is it with shadows?  A bunch of greybeards once believed that at the beginning of the 'verse there was nothing but darkness till light came into existence.  But I know the truth is more of the reverse, the light was always there and it took the shadow to fill in the meanings of what was important and what was different about everything and everyone.  Everything all the same in the blinding light, and it's only in the underbelly of the 'verse itself that we each become ourselves.  Not some dried out husks and some blind followers as many of those tossers expect us to be.

It's the exceptions and what exists within the gaps, that a blood who knows the right darks of the 'verse can have the power to shape reality into whatever they bleedin' want to.  For some, it's really bleedin' obvious with the whole business of raising corpses and draining lives away, but with the shadows a body can do the less obvious.  They can deceive the senses and call on the barely imagined to do their bidding like ink on a paper.  Within the shadows lies an infinite number of ways in the art of subtlety; secrets and mysteries hidden from all the stupid twats out there.  The pursuit of the shadows is very much an individual calling, as it simply isn't something that masses of sheep can learn from.

With those that pursue these paths there's the really cliquish bunch with their clans, and their cults and their other little clubs.  And there's the lonely, who shut themselves out from the rest.  As for me, I don't have a little club of others who play with the shadows as it's not what I fancy.  There are too many poofs among that bunch.  As I haven’t found any sort of a real man that could satisfy the dryness down below that I feel, so that puts me in the latter category.

Just keep in mind that anyone who's canny enough to do a bunch of tricks with the shadow doesn't make themselves that obvious unless they surround themselves with the dead.  Well the Dustmen may do a lot of that, but among the rest of the shadows you can find a bunch of them scattered among the Anarchists and Bleakers.  Even the Chameleons or the Sodkillers for whichever reason they'd want to be with that crowd.  But among the rest, it's only in the path that one decides that brings them to those other silly clubs."

-Keleenea Lastride (CE Female Gnome 'Rogue' or so she claims) allegedly of the Revolutionary League

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
I guess its pretty much

I guess its pretty much just open speculation what the Shadow source is going to end up with, aside from the obvious Necromancer class and other death-related character options. Think I once read it might include a proper Illusionist class, which it seems you're also hinting at; "working in the shadow ~ deception" and all that.


Nice job again, though I really got a laugh out of this one:

Kobold Avenger wrote:
With those that pursue these paths there's the really cliquish bunch with their clans, and their cults and their other little clubs. And there's the lonely, who shut themselves out from the rest. As for me, I don't have a little club of others who play with the shadows as it's not what I fancy. There are too many poofs among that bunch. As I haven’t found any sort of a real man that could satisfy the dryness down below that I feel, so that puts me in the latter category.

Classic stereotyped emo teen girl. Laughing

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Dunamin wrote:I guess its

Dunamin wrote:
I guess its pretty much just open speculation what the Shadow source is going to end up with, aside from the obvious Necromancer class and other death-related character options. Think I once read it might include a proper Illusionist class, which it seems you're also hinting at; "working in the shadow ~ deception" and all that.

There's a lot of speculation, but I certainly don't know more than anyone else what might be in the Shadow or Elemental (which I'll write eventually) power sources, and I've been pretty well guessing what goes into the what goes into Psionics and Ki beyond the obvious Psion and Monk classes.  I certainly have my predictions, hence the mention of 'essentia' from Magic of Incarnum in the Ki article.  My guess for shadow is it'll have some sort of necromancy, some sort of illusion powers and a striker that either goes by the name of ninja or shadowdancer.

As nobody knows absolutely anything about the Elemental Power source, I'll just start writing the most subjective in-character piece that doesn't tell too much.  I won't even bother trying to explain what the sect known as the Primals happen to be.  As they are the sect that has the most to do with the Elemental power source, despite being called The Primals.

Dunamin wrote:
Nice job again, though I really got a laugh out of this one:
Kobold Avenger wrote:
With those that pursue these paths there's the really cliquish bunch with their clans, and their cults and their other little clubs. And there's the lonely, who shut themselves out from the rest. As for me, I don't have a little club of others who play with the shadows as it's not what I fancy. There are too many poofs among that bunch. As I haven’t found any sort of a real man that could satisfy the dryness down below that I feel, so that puts me in the latter category.
Classic stereotyped emo teen girl. Laughing

I think she worked out better than my idea to have it narrated by a Chaotic Evil Flumph Rogue.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Elemental Classes Hello

Elemental Classes

Hello mortals! Xanxost is here to talk to you about users and abusers of elemental power. Because the wonderful editor was completely clueless and had no soddin' idea on what an Elemental Power Source is, and couldn't get any of the mortals who call themselves the Primals to rattle their bone-box, the editor decided to ask for dear old Xanxost for help. But oho! Xanxost wonders why the Primals call themselves Primals, maybe they should get a name change like the primors or elies or soupies or zykilliyiki'xi-nglo!k. But Xanxost wonders why mortals even presume that they are experts on elemental powers.

So mortals, are you still listening? Well the best way Xanxost can describe elemental power as, is it's playing with the fundamental building blocks of the 'verse. You know Xanxost sometimes plays with things! But fundamentals are far tastier than building blocks. Yes, mortals do play with such toys all the time; they tend to do it with their breath or their mind or something silly like that. But for many beings out there, it comes very naturally. You see mortals everything out there is built from basic elements, so it makes perfect sense, much like how Slaadi are perfect sense, to use these basic things to do things like boil puppies and buy donuts from Yugoloths.

It takes a scientist to understand these things, in fact a blue slaadi scientist! Some say there are 4 elements such as earth, air, fire and water, others say there are 5 like earth, fire, earth, wood and metal, and still there are silly mortals that say there are 92 elements or even 118! Who's been counting? Xanxost says they simply count too much, there's actually something like 10292 elements. But oho! Elements are what some sod makes of them, trust Xanxost, Xanxost does a lot of research in the inner planes. Wants to know why foolish mortals now assume that Limbo is part of the inner planes, and can't tell when they're there and they're not. Limbo is everywhere foolish mortals! It all adds up to infinity and Xanxost wonders why some can't conceive of it. Infinity is as easy as 1+1+1 and you turn it sideways and you have half of infinity!

But back to elemental powers, elements are in everything and make a fine soup. Sure, Xanxost knows that dragons can vomit ice, bards can sing flumphs on fire, and wardens can hit mercanes over the head while spiky rocks shoot up their arses, but they are only working with the finished product. Those who understand it all, they simply attune themselves to what is already there. It doesn't take much to shape it all, it's not like it's a complicated concept that requires years of study, though some get themselves too caught up in it. Maybe you should talk to noted biologist Gorad Drummerhaven, he just loves to talk about the relation between centaurs and bariaurs, and the mating habits of Thoqqua and Arrowhawks.

Where was Xanxost? Xanxost still has some more things to do. There are some bodies out there that use elements just fine, some berks call thems things like shoes, woos and sheers, they tend to relate to the elementals that they think care about them. Did you know all elements think? Yes they do! And now you know mortals, it's just not all elementals have much to think about. To some they only want the attention of the greatest elementals, the Primordial Powers like Cronus the Baby-eater, Ssendam and Zaman Rul, but they only tend to pay as much attention as those Astral Powers do. So what does Xanxost say? Well you don't need the attention of anyone else, just yourself, it's just that most mortals have long forgotten play with clay and other fun building stuff.

It's about as distracting as a bunch of Happy Baern Friends, but Xanxost knows you can't spend too much time in Shrak'tlor, the Githzerai can't get enough of Xanxost's research of the Abyss. Xanxost wonders who wants to associate with such sods who play with elements in their spare time. Well Xanxost thinks it's fun for everyone, except for those Guvners who don't understand fun and science! Maybe Xanxost should research some of them! It's not all about those berks in the Primals.

-Xanxost (CN Male Blue (Talon) Slaadi Scientist)

catland93's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
News from the Wizards: We

News from the Wizards: We have no more the ki power source. Monks are psionics!!!



Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
That's actually good since,

That's actually good since, I was just writing a bunch of crap hoping they put Incarnum into Ki.  But there really isn't too much of a difference, between psionics and ki even though I tried really hard to emphasize it.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
This section is pretty much

This section is pretty much done as far as essays on the various power sources, whether they include them or not.

I guess the only thing to think of is new possible builds (if it's particularly planar themed) for individual classes, or some unique character concepts.

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