4e Planescape Brainstorm

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Lord Zack's picture
Joined: 2006-11-10
4e Planescape Brainstorm

I plan on running a Planescape campaign in 4e. Of course to do this I'll likely have to make a lot of new races, feats, powers modify existing material, ect. So from what is known of 4e right now what do you think could/will have to be done to have a 4e Planescape campaign?

Tieflings will be in the PHB, but may have to be modified. I think it would be cool to have a variety of racial feats for the Planetouched races that emphasize they're specific heritage would be cool, so a Succubus descended Tiefling would be different from a Tiefling with a Glazebru for an ancestor, which would different than one with a Barbazu for an ancestor as so forth. The lack of level adjustment and the fact that most racial abilities will come from feats will help 4e Planescape games a lot as races that weren't playable at 1st level in 3e will now be.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
4e Planescape Brainstorm

It's really too early to say. It'll be a lot of work, that's for sure.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
4e Planescape Brainstorm

Obviously things are a little too early to say anything for sure, but by appearances:

Aasimar shouldn't be too hard to create, as you can base it off the Tiefling racial advancement abilities.

The PS Cosmology is completely shafted in 4e, but I guess we'll have to wait and see how much crunch we're getting along with it, or if its just fluff that can be ignored. At the very least we're getting two more planes coterminous (is that the right world?) with the Material Plane (Feywild and the 'Dead Zone'), and vaious people seem to be suffling their home plane about.

Basic character classes should be fine. New 'planar abilities' for race and class will need developping but taking the 4e stuff as a base shouldn't be too hard. PS always went for wierd special abilities in its heroes...

Faction abilities will probably need rolling into the new style prestige classes, and actually sounds like it will work well (you'll be a Fighter whose also a sensate now, not a Fighter/Sensate - much like 2e)

You can run your adventure on-line via D&D Insider, so I can play it too! Laughing out loud

That's just off the top of my head. Everything else is just wait and see Puzzled

Lord Zack's picture
Joined: 2006-11-10
4e Planescape Brainstorm

We could do faction abilities as class powers available only to members of that faction, maybe you could have a training feat for factions, similar to the class training feats, however those work out. So you could have a Sensate Training feat that would work similarly to the Training feats for actual classes, except there's no actual Sensate class. In fact I've been considering this idea for a sort of Heroic tier prestige class system for certain 3e prestige classes I think would work better in the Heroic tier.

We could of course ignore the new cosmology or just take what we like from it. I'm personally thinking of modifying the Planescape cosmology for my own campaign myself. Starting with adding the quasi para elemental and cordant planes from the Mimir site and the Ordial. I'm also considering having new layers in existing planes as well as astral demiplanes to have more room for the realms of different deities.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
4e Planescape Brainstorm

Spell levels are changing. A 20th level spellcaster in 4e will cast 20th level spells, for example.

That means the Outlands will need 30 rings rather than 9. I would also make sure it dampens all "power sources" equally, not just magic, since 4e fighters will have special abilities parallel to those of wizards. The easiest way would be to have each ring represent the maximum class ability, that on the 30th (outermost) ring, you can have up to 30th level abilities, and in the 1st ring you can only produce 1st level effects.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
4e Planescape Brainstorm

Questions for those who have studied 4e more --

Is 4e fun?
Do we really gain anything from the new ruleset?


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Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
4e Planescape Brainstorm

Heh, I was thinking of asking something like that, but I figure that most people will just do it because it's expected. So there's not much point in asking

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
4e Planescape Brainstorm

'Dire Lemon' wrote:
most people will just do it because it's expected.

Sad but true!


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
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2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
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Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
4e Planescape Brainstorm

Well that and the fact that we won't really know anything for sure until it comes out and some folks actually play it.

Lord Zack's picture
Joined: 2006-11-10
4e Planescape Brainstorm

'Zimrazim' wrote:
Questions for those who have studied 4e more --

Is 4e fun?
Do we really gain anything from the new ruleset?

Well I don't know anything for sure yet of course, but I'd say it's good. I haven't seen any crunch changes I don't like. All the classes are going to be useful and probably pretty fun to play because of the Power Source and Role concepts. Races are going to be more distinct from each other because of various things like racial feats and powers, which also allow races like the Tiefling to be played at 1st level. Feats are a lot more useful. Monsters will be easier to use. And so on and so forth. enworld.org has a bunch of information complied for 4e.

Lord Zack's picture
Joined: 2006-11-10
4e Planescape Brainstorm

Sorry double post.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
4e Planescape Brainstorm

Well I don't know anything for sure yet of course, but I'd say it's good. I haven't seen any crunch changes I don't like. All the classes are going to be useful and probably pretty fun to play because of the Power Source and Role concepts. Races are going to be more distinct from each other because of various things like racial feats and powers, which also allow races like the Tiefling to be played at 1st level. Feats are a lot more useful. Monsters will be easier to use. And so on and so forth. enworld.org has a bunch of information complied for 4e.

There are plenty of problems 4e presents for Planescape too. Most notably is the fact that monsters and PCs follow diferent mechanical rules , which from what I've seen makes playing monsterous PCs more difficult. That's an important part of planescape if not for the PCs then for the NPCs.

Annother big one is that WOTC has created monsters with the assumption that they will last an average 6 rounds in combat, resulting in the loss of some out of combat abilities. In a setting like Planescape where the PC's main goal isn't always to stab everything into oblivion, this is a problem, since out of combat abilities are very important too (detect thoughts, etc.).

Darkness_Elemental's picture
Joined: 2006-01-13
4e Planescape Brainstorm

Plus, it looks like roughly 80-90 percent of Planescape creatures and locations have been dropped from the game or at best canibalized for spare parts and names (Eladrin are now Elves, Archons are now elementals, Great Wheel's gone, Loths are likely gone, Guardinals are gone, Modrons are probably still gone, Slaad might be gone, Limbo was merged with the Elemental planes and the Abyss, and so on).

4th Edition looks to be a fun game, good mechanics, decent setting (I'm looking forward to their feys); but weishan's right, it'll be a lot of work to run Planescape in it.

lsdfjkdsf's picture
Joined: 2007-03-10
4e Planescape Brainstorm

ripvanwormer said:

That means the Outlands will need 30 rings rather than 9. I would also make sure it dampens all "power sources" equally, not just magic, since 4e fighters will have special abilities parallel to those of wizards. The easiest way would be to have each ring represent the maximum class ability, that on the 30th (outermost) ring, you can have up to 30th level abilities, and in the 1st ring you can only produce 1st level effects.

I'd be more inclined to divide up the rings into power levels, but stay with nine rings. For example, Ring 9 affects spells (and all the fighter fancy abilities and whatnot) between level 27-30, ring 8 hits spells level 23-26, all the way down. Somehow, helps keep the flavor a little more, and 30+ rings seems absurd.

As for everything else, it's a wait-and-see mentality. Work in what can be worked in, modify what needs to be modified, throw out anything that blatently contradicts Planescape (if they start messing with cosmotology too much, we may start having problems).

Darkness_Elemental's picture
Joined: 2006-01-13
4e Planescape Brainstorm

They've said that Planescape/The Great Wheel is no longer the default planar setting, which means that their cosmology changes (and it looks like there are quite a few) don't really affect us.

It's just that this means that anyone running 4th ed planescape is going to have to come up with their own stats for anything that's dropped/modfied beyond recognition, with the note that a lot has been dropped/modified beyond recognition.

Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
4e Planescape Brainstorm

Hells the rule may be changed and all that and they will obviously screw around with the cosmoslogy of the planes. But seriously can't we just personalise our games and just stick back in the parts we like and tweak the monsters stats just a wee little??

Course i'm no PnP RPGer so this all could sound a wee bit clueless.

wgar's picture
Joined: 2006-01-10
4e Planescape Brainstorm

I just started reading the articles about the 4ed. The article about devils and demons was like a direct kick in my nuts. ending the blood war?! f***!

truth is, wizards wants to sell more books and miniatures... and it doesn't seem a good deal if you can use a tana'ari miniature (let's say, a succubus, for example) to replace a baatezu one (in this case, an eryines)... so, their complete opposite philosophies are not just enough... after all, the d&d "mainstream" is still about beating dragons in dungeons, and it'll be this way for ages, and monsters with different "philosophies"... that just doesn't fit.

sorry, i'm just pissed off about this whole 4e thing. this was more of a katharsis than anything worth reading.

you know what this means to us, fellow planewalkers? i'll see this as a opportunity for us to feel more free from the official material. planescape is no longer the simplified suppoting cosmology that appears in the 3/3.5e material, but instead again a scenario of it's own.

more work for us DM's, and less chance that players will know the dark of it beforehand.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
4e Planescape Brainstorm

ROLEplaying game >> ROLLplaying game, but I'm not sure whether or not WotC's accounting department would agree with me.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
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2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
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weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
4e Planescape Brainstorm

I'm not especially worried about the fluff or lack of creatures, etc, that's easily fixed. It's some of the crunch that I find very worrying (monster PCs spring immediately to mind)

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
4e Planescape Brainstorm

Ah, but will 4e have illithid performance-eaters?


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

wgar's picture
Joined: 2006-01-10
4e Planescape Brainstorm

and just to answer the question, "is 4e fun?", my most direct answer is: it's confusing... hope they still use the d20.

it seems good, of course. everything is a marvel in the chant of game developers... it wouldn't be different, anyway.

my opinion is: we'll have to play it, but since i'm greatly pissed off by WotC politics regarding releases, i'll not buy it. at least not promptly buying it as soon as it gets to the stores. i'll have to read it. a lot. and like it. a lot.

Lord Zack's picture
Joined: 2006-11-10
4e Planescape Brainstorm

One thing that I find interesting is that they're using the term angels for the servants of deities. This suits me just fine. I'll keep the devas as a separate race as well as all the other planar races and use angels as a catch all term for the servants of deities, which of course vary widely from deity to deity. Other planar races may or may not serve deities, and the devils certainly won't be fallen angels.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
4e Planescape Brainstorm

Should 4e Planescape advance a hundred years to keep pace with the 4e Forgotten Realms (for those who want to integrate those two campaigns)?

It'd be interesting to see what might happen to Sigil, its people and factions in that amount of time without going the "Urban Planescape" route.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
4e Planescape Brainstorm

I personally think it makes more sense to develop what's already here more thoroughly, leting the factions figure out what to do after the faction war isn't fully developed yet, that said, there are a lot of really interesting possibilites if the setting is pushed up 100 years.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
4e Planescape Brainstorm

NPCs that would might still be around in 100 years time:

All Believers of the Source (reincarnated)
Many Dustmen (reincarnated)
Anyone in a Maze (certain factols, if they don't escape in the meantime).
Kesto Brighteyes and Sir Cleve
Djhek'nlarr (and other githyanki who spend most of their time on the Astral Plane)
Adamok Ebon (was around before bladelings gained their immunity to rust)
Judge Gabberslug
The Grixxit (although it's unlikely she'd survive the Lady's retribution all that time - unless she was mazed, or imprisoned in a shadow fiend's gem)
Jemorille the Exile (Faerun's Spell Plague was surely his fault)
Morvun and Phineas (heavens forbid)
Patch the sentient razorvine (what might it have grown into? - another candidate for the Mazes)
Rule-of-Three (I'd like to see him with a barony in Azzagrat by now, or fallen out of favor with Graz'zt and exiled)
Alluvius Ruskin
Shemeshka the Marauder
Tarholt (but not his grandfather)
The Us
Ely Cromlich
Aram Oakwright

Darkness_Elemental's picture
Joined: 2006-01-13
4e Planescape Brainstorm

I thought Cromlich was dead.

Didn't he go diving into a Sphere of Anihilation?

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
4e Planescape Brainstorm

That's what I thought too...Rip, come and save us from uncertanties with cannon! Laughing out loud

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
4e Planescape Brainstorm

Vecna resurrected him in Die, Vecna, Die!. He was still alive as of Dragon #348.

Darkness_Elemental's picture
Joined: 2006-01-13
4e Planescape Brainstorm

Also, I note you've got Skall on the list. Faction War claims that he was mazed, but that always seemed messed up to me because Manifesto says he almost never visits Sigil in person.

Was there ever anything else said on the matter?

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
4e Planescape Brainstorm

I read something about Skall sightings in Sigil post faction war. I've got no clue whether or not it's cannon.

Arytiss's picture
Joined: 2006-08-11
4e Planescape Brainstorm

Personally I'd prefer to see the development of a post FW multiverse (read, 5-10 years) rather than skipping on ahead a hundred years. I'd also like to see the reaction the rest of the multiverse has when Mystra tops herself in, what, 9 years time? Toril is a pretty well-known world in PS. Darkwood was from it among others and with such a major event taking place you can bet that they'll be people watching as well as some major after effects.

In addition, I would like to convey my doubts about whether Seaumusxanthuszenus would be around in a hundred years time.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
4e Planescape Brainstorm

In addition, I would like to convey my doubts about whether Seaumusxanthuszenus would be around in a hundred years time.

I *think* mephits are ageless, but considering probability, somebody would've snapped and strangled him by then.

Darkness_Elemental's picture
Joined: 2006-01-13
4e Planescape Brainstorm

Heck, with Seamus, its always a wonder that he's still around after one week's time.

But yeah, I agree with Arytiss.

Lord Zack's picture
Joined: 2006-11-10
4e Planescape Brainstorm

I'd say about a decade after the Faction War, but it doesn't really matter too much.

cylerist's picture
Joined: 2006-02-13

Where was it confirmed that spells go to 20th level?
Last I read the Vactacian spell progression is still there but is less important due to the adding of per round/per encounter and per day powers.

Darkness_Elemental's picture
Joined: 2006-01-13
4e Planescape Brainstorm

Here's part of it: http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=205815

Ability level coresponds to the level you got that ability at. So spells could go up to 30th level. There are other posts as well.

Vancian is still their but suposedly much less important. I've heard 20% total power bandied about, but never seen anything to conferm this.

Edit: Never mind, it's a developer quote that a wizard who's blown all his per day spells should be at about 80% total strength.

And the 25th level spells post: http://forums.gleemax.com/showpost.php?p=13473454&postcount=6

With refinement: http://www.enworld.org/showpost.php?p=3870228&postcount=21

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
4e Planescape Brainstorm

'Darkness_Elemental' wrote:
Edit: Never mind, it's a developer quote that a wizard who's blown all his per day spells should be at about 80% total strength.


Best D&D rule change ever.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
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2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
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ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
4e Planescape Brainstorm

'Darkness_Elemental' wrote:
Also, I note you've got Skall on the list. Faction War claims that he was mazed, but that always seemed messed up to me because Manifesto says he almost never visits Sigil in person.

Was there ever anything else said on the matter?

I don't think so. It's very mysterious. But most people don't realize he isn't there in person, so he may have pretended to be mazed so that no one would question why the other factols were mazed and he wasn't. Or perhaps he simply picked the wrong time to visit Sigil.

In any case, I assume he'll be back eventually, and undead for a long, long time to come. Though it'd be interesting if he finally found True Death. What would the Dustmen do without the factol who's been with them since their beginning?

He thinks of himself as a bodhisattva, I think, deliberately delaying his enlightenment in order to show others the way.

The Doomguard, I've decided, is almost entirely extinct in the future. It's not right to keep them from their ending - it would be contrary to their whole point. They live on primarily through intelligent weapons they've forged, and creatures like the entropes.

Lord Zack's picture
Joined: 2006-11-10
4e Planescape Brainstorm

I've been thinking about giving the Inner Planes a tie to the Material Plane similar to the fact that the Outer Planes are impacted by belief. My idea is that
the balance between the elements on the Material Plane will impact the balance on the Inner Planes. So if a flood happens that will shift the balance towards water. Of course most of it is minor and balanced out by other changes.

However, some forces can shift this balance, like magic and technology. If you dam up a river that might impact the balance. If a mage knocks down a mountain that's likely to impact the balance. If a vengeful deity floods a continent than that will impact the balance. The elementals send they're minions to impact the balance in they're favor, which in my opinion makes them more interesting.

Another concern is the clueless and they're knowledge of the planes. In my opinion they might know more than most give them credit for. A worshipper of the Olympian Pantheon with a great knowledge of the myths (training in the Religion skill probably) will likely know a lot about Olympia and Hades. But he won't know diddly squat about Sigil or any of the other planes. Now a Wizard with practical knowledge of the Planes (probably training in the Arcana skill) would know about all the planes and how they relate.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
4e Planescape Brainstorm

Does anyone see there being a new "power source" that should be introduced along with a 4e Planescape? Or does the existing ones (martial, divine, arcane) and upcoming ones (psionics, shadow) and likely ones (spirit, science) all good enough?

Another question is does anyone feel they should ever reconcile the world creation origins, such as the ancient war between Primordials with their Titan and Giant minions against the Gods and their Angels, that they're suggesting in 4e with PS?

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
4e Planescape Brainstorm

'Kobold Avenger' wrote:
Another question is does anyone feel they should ever reconcile the world creation origins, such as the ancient war between Primordials with their Titan and Giant minions against the Gods and their Angels, that they're suggesting in 4e with PS?

Personally, I feel that for the purposes of Planescape, the phrase "Sodding Clueless ramblings" sums it up rather succinctly. They heard a story from a passing planar, puffed it up with some creative interpretation, added a healthy dose of their own personal God/pantheon's doctrine, and there ya go

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
4e Planescape Brainstorm

Looking more into the monster origins and "fitting them into the world" for some monsters in 4e they're doing a better job. These are mainly for monsters I didn't care about like giants and various fey, who were always "just there" with no real explanation. But for creatures with very perfectly good established places, like Yugoloths and most of our favourite planar creatures, what they're doing I really despise.

One of the things they put in Worlds and Monsters was how they wanted to do away with "needless symmetry". That makes me wonder if WotC feels for example in modern military arsenals, that Apache helicopters are unnecessary because there already are Hinds.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
4e Planescape Brainstorm

That makes me wonder if WotC feels for example in modern military arsenals, that Apache helicopters are unnecessary because there already are Hinds.

Careful, man, I think they're going to make d20 modern 4e. Don't encourage them to retcon the real world. :help!!:

Tarion'sCousin's picture
Joined: 2006-10-13
4e Planescape Brainstorm

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
The Doomguard, I've decided, is almost entirely extinct in the future. It's not right to keep them from their ending - it would be contrary to their whole point. They live on primarily through intelligent weapons they've forged, and creatures like the entropes.
This idea is pretty cool, IMHO.

catland93's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
4e Planescape Brainstorm

'Lord Zack' wrote:
We could do faction abilities as class powers available only to members of that faction, maybe you could have a training feat for factions, similar to the class training feats, however those work out. So you could have a Sensate Training feat that would work similarly to the Training feats for actual classes, except there's no actual Sensate class. In fact I've been considering this idea for a sort of Heroic tier prestige class system for certain 3e prestige classes I think would work better in the Heroic tier.

Faction abilities will probably work well as belief powers(an addiction of your arcane,divine or martial powers). No more prestige class & feats, and action points replaced by belief points.



ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
4e Planescape Brainstorm

I think it's best to integrate faction abilities into the main game system rather than adding them on as an independent hack with completely different mechanics. A combination of feats and prestige classes is best, though the affiliation rules from the PHBII are interesting.

I understand the philosophy "Oh, but less powerful characters should still have neat faction abilities if they believe hard enough," but realistically the game is about people gaining power with experience. A devout 1st level character may have a lot of potential power, but until they learn to understand it and properly harness it, they're not going to be able to use it. If belief alone was enough, a 1st level cleric would be as powerful as a 20th level one.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
4e Planescape Brainstorm

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
I think it's best to integrate faction abilities into the main game system rather than adding them on as an independent hack with completely different mechanics. A combination of feats and prestige classes is best, though the affiliation rules from the PHBII are interesting.

I understand the philosophy "Oh, but less powerful characters should still have neat faction abilities if they believe hard enough," but realistically the game is about people gaining power with experience. A devout 1st level character may have a lot of potential power, but until they learn to understand it and properly harness it, they're not going to be able to use it. If belief alone was enough, a 1st level cleric would be as powerful as a 20th level one.

That was a point that someone disagreed with me on, that level wasn't important at all on the planes. When in my opinion level also represents how enlightened and how much someone believes, and is independent of how many monsters they killed.

Faction abilities, well they could belong to another "power source" to go with martial, arcane, divine, psionic, shadow and so on. But I think they'll be better represented through talent trees and particular paragon paths (prestige class replacements) and epic destinies.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
4e Planescape Brainstorm

Another thing is that though Eladrin are essentially quite different from what they were, I've read at least one statement that there still will be Ghaeles and Bralani as monsters under the entry of 'Eladrin Noble' in the monster manual. It's very likely that they'll eventually be published as Paragon Paths for PCs. Though I suspect the associations will be quite different from 2e and 3e, as Ghaele are already nobles of winter, so I see the Ghaele being an Ice Queen-type faerie in 4e rather than the knight/champion archetype they have. But then again Eladrin are now also described as being amoral rather than exclusively chaotic good, as they always were what faeries in D&D should have been but weren't.

It's likely that some planar races might go down this path too. In the end they aren't essential to the heart of any WotC published version of PS, but I do prefer many of the things being the way they were.

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