In 4e, Obyrith are the new Baern (spoilers)

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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
In 4e, Obyrith are the new Baern (spoilers)

So apparently the Obyrith screwed up their own reality and pierced the 4e cosmos with the Seed of Evil. This led to the corruption of Tharizdun, who subsequently (IIRC) pushed the primordials to fight the gods.

There are only twelve obyrith left, and they scheme in the Abyss. Pazuzu is one of them, though most don't realize this. It was he that led to the fall of Asmodeus, and Asmodeus took a shard from the Seed as the ruby for his rod.

The Blood War is Asmodeus's invasion of the Abyss to retrieve the rest of the Seed.

You know, it might just be that the obyrith + tanar'ri were always my favorite fiends, but I like this. This is the kind of variation 4e should have been putting in from the beginning...


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Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: In 4e, Obyrith are the new Baern (spoilers)

I hate it. The part about Pazuzu corrupting Asmodeus I like (though I like to think that it also resulted from him spending way too long in the Abyss-- spending years on end on a plane of one's opposite aligment is likely to REALLY screw with an outsider's mind. I mean, they're completely cut off from the essence of their native plane.)
Most of all, I hate the primordials BS. First of all, they classify both the elementals/protogenoi AND the titans as Primordials. Second, they don't classify the Titans as gods. (The protogenoi fit the profile because they theoretically would be able to survive without worshippers, seeing as they predate worship)

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: In 4e, Obyrith are the new Baern (spoilers)

Oh, I wouldn't go with the 4e cosmos over the Wheel, but in its own parallel I think it works. But then I'd regulate the 'loth conspiracy and their teleportation blob to some other parallel as well...

I would say that one prime world serving as the foundation for these infinite realms has never appealed to me save when its sort of a prison as in Mage and Kult.

I know others prefer the idea that the mortal world is the foundation stone or ultimate prize for the planes, which I can see but it doesn't work for me. Plus having an infinite number of parallels accessible by a completed Lattice of Heaven makes a lot of sense to me.

Oh, here's the 4e cosmic timeline:


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Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Re: In 4e, Obyrith are the new Baern (spoilers)

There's that weird thing with Sharn that exist outside of Aebir & Toril being the Juna (Spelljammer's ancient and mysterious tripartite race that once spanned the material plane) from an alternate multiverse/timeline where Tharizdun was victorious and destroyed most of it. With that origin from the Ecology of the Sharns article, I don't think it necessarily implied they are from the same reality, but they could be.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: In 4e, Obyrith are the new Baern (spoilers)

There isn't supposed to be a single prime world that serves as the foundation stone. The allowance for characters from other prime worlds to jump between campaign settings and primes actually started fairly early on in 1E. A delta consisting of Krynn, Realm, and Greyspace was originally envisioned since up until around 94~95 those three settings were considered the three "flagship" settings (that is, until Weis and Hickman threw a hissy fit about Dragonlance being retconned and conformed to general D&D cosmology and rules for the purpose of integration into Spelljammer and Planescape). Obviously, not all of the campaign settings out there fit with general D&D-- Eberron, Scarred Lands, and Dark Sun being major examples, while Ravenloft, Ptolus, and Violet Dawn fit without much work (well, provided you ignore the adaptions for SRD monsters in the appendix of the Complete Book of Denizens)

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: In 4e, Obyrith are the new Baern (spoilers)

I meant in 4e, it is my understanding that there is a single world though this seems to no longer be the case as the new novels will tie together the worlds (I believe the one with Bael-Turath, Abeir-Toril, and Oerth) as the threat of Tharizdun rises.

Kobold Avenger - I definitely need to read up more on 4e's parallel worlds/cosmologies.


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Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: In 4e, Obyrith are the new Baern (spoilers)

I also hate the whole Abeir-Toril thing.

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