Couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd give converting some of our old friends to 4th ed starting with the Yugoloths. Just have one done so far, with others to follow. I wanted a bit of criticism though before I continued with my conversions.
I decided to start with the Marraenoloth, my second favourite among the 'loths and the one I've used in a game most recently.
Marraenoloth Controller Level 9 Medium Yugoloth XP: 350 Initiative: +8 Senses: Perception +14; Darkvision Resist: Poison 20 Speed 6, Swim 10 ***************************** Claw (Standard; at-will) +5 vs AC; 1d6 damage ----------------------------------------- Staff (Standard; at-will) +6 vs AC; 1d6 damage -------------------------------------------- Fear Gaze (Standard; at-will) Fear, Psychic Ranged 8; +10 vs Will; The target takes 1d6+4 psychic damage and moves its speed away from the Marraenoloth by the safest route possible (Save ends). ------------------------------------------ Maeldur's Stride (Move; Recharge 5,6) The Marraenoloth can teleport up to 10 squares **************************************** Alignment: Neutral Evil Languages: Common, Yugoloth Skills: Insight +14, Planes + 13 Str 10 (+4) Dex 14 (+6) Wis 20 (+9) Con 16 (+7) Int 19 (+8 ) Cha 18 (+8 ) ------------------------------------------ Equipment: Staff
Heavens, but there's quite a bit missing from that. A marraenoloth needs his skiff, to start out with! Plus knowledge of the professional skills he'll need to nagivate the Styx, negotiate with passengers, etc.
I suppose the basic yugoloth abilities are detailed in one of the books I don't intend to buy... ;^)