I don't remember. I wasn't a big D&D player when 3E came out. Didn't follow it at all.
I don't have a problem with it being different but it's not just different. It's completely different. I'm sorry for the short response but I just don't have the patience right now to write a long post only to potentially have most of it completely misinterpreted. Don't feel like you're the only one who's done it though.
Excellent points all. Though from what I (through Shemmy) have understood is that Planescape was just over the profit margin and part of the problem - as you point out - was the excess production cost...though I can't fault them because the layout was beautiful. Still, I think the problem was Planescape was being marketed to people who until then had played in less abstract settings. Planescape, imo, suffered because it was half-way between Mage and D&D with some other like In Nomine thrown in for spice.
I'm not sure what the key to Planescape's success is though I do believe there is a lot of potential in the IP beyond it being a D&D setting. There are a lot of incredible stories waiting to be told, whether its the mentality of exemplars, the 'loth conspiracy, Skall's True Death or Erin's attempt to make everyone living thought forms.
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