4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

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Arytiss's picture
Joined: 2006-08-11
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

'Dire Lemon' wrote:
Come now Arytiss, taking things at more than face value is just being pessimistic... unless you are being optimistic... which is a good thing...
I'm trying to remain optimistic. WoTC are making it difficult though.

'420' wrote:
So they got rid of Yugoloths entirely by turning them into demons?


Just the mezzoloth's so far.

Flame_Drake's picture
Joined: 2004-12-05
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

'Arytiss' wrote:
'Dire Lemon' wrote:
Come now Arytiss, taking things at more than face value is just being pessimistic... unless you are being optimistic... which is a good thing...
I'm trying to remain optimistic. WoTC are making it difficult though.
They've been making it difficult since they previewed the Pit Fiend.

'Arytiss' wrote:
'420' wrote:
So they got rid of Yugoloths entirely by turning them into demons?


Just the mezzoloth's so far.

No, it was confirmed that all Yugoloths are know demons and that "The demons have welcomed back their wayward kin" since Worlds and Monsters.


Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

'Zimrazim' wrote:
The Dread Gazebo. :mrgreen:

So what would it's stat card look like in 4E I wonder...

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

'Flame_Drake' wrote:
No, it was confirmed that all Yugoloths are know demons and that "The demons have welcomed back their wayward kin" since Worlds and Monsters. http://forums.gleemax.com/showthread.php?t=979010


Yeah, yugoloths are now "soldier demons". *eyeroll*

The reasoning given in Worlds and Monsters was as shoddy as it comes. I would have accepted them saying "We changed it because we didn't like them and we have new ideas to work with, trust us." However the claim that the original 1e source that first featured the 'loths had them specially associated with CE alignment, or the Abyss, or demons is laughable. That original source goes out of its way to say that they aren't associated specifically with either the Abyss or the Hells. Being summoned and bound by drow in one 1e module doesn't make them CE or allow making them CE in 4e a way of being faithful to that oldest source.

It's acceptable reasoning only if your readers take your claim at face value and accept it as truth and don't either have knowledge of that source, or happen to look it up and find out that you're pulling a fast one.

After the hack-job that was the BoED in 3.x, I shouldn't be surprised to see how they treated the 'loths (and all the other planar races) in 4e.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

So far I've got the feeling the setting is so heavily divorced from our own that we can pretty much move on without it. I certainly am - far as I'm concerned it means the job as regards the planes can now be done right in the hands of fans. Their version? Just not relevant to me from where I stand.

And as Rip demonstrated in a post earlier this week though - that's not to say that their new setting can't be given a planar flavour with some creative injections. Eye-wink

I'm working on landing my copy of the system over the weekend here and will be trying to recruit some numbers-minded folks to 'fix' it up for our purposes. I'm perfectly willing to set up a lemonade stand having been given some lemons. Eye-wink

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

'Clueless' wrote:
So far I've got the feeling the setting is so heavily divorced from our own that we can pretty much move on without it. I certainly am - far as I'm concerned it means the job as regards the planes can now be done right in the hands of fans. Their version? Just not relevant to me from where I stand.

And as Rip demonstrated in a post earlier this week though - that's not to say that their new setting can't be given a planar flavour with some creative injections. Eye-wink

I'm working on landing my copy of the system over the weekend here and will be trying to recruit some numbers-minded folks to 'fix' it up for our purposes. I'm perfectly willing to set up a lemonade stand having been given some lemons. Eye-wink

Wouldn't it be more like you're trying to set up a lemonade stand after having been given some apples? Smiling

Out of curiosity Shemmie, what did they hack up in BoED?

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

'Shemeska the Marauder' wrote:
The reasoning given in Worlds and Monsters was as shoddy as it comes. I would have accepted them saying "We changed it because we didn't like them and we have new ideas to work with, trust us." However the claim that the original 1e source that first featured the 'loths had them specially associated with CE alignment, or the Abyss, or demons is laughable. That original source goes out of its way to say that they aren't associated specifically with either the Abyss or the Hells. Being summoned and bound by drow in one 1e module doesn't make them CE or allow making them CE in 4e a way of being faithful to that oldest source.

My 1e MMII pretty clearly says that "Daemons" are NE... kind of hard for WotC to claim otherwise.

I'm guessing that WotC just doesn't like yugoloths.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

'Dire Lemon' wrote:
Wouldn't it be more like you're trying to set up a lemonade stand after having been given some apples? Smiling

Ah ha! Ye of little faith - you haven't seen me in the kitchen. Eye-wink

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

'Clueless' wrote:
'Dire Lemon' wrote:
Wouldn't it be more like you're trying to set up a lemonade stand after having been given some apples? Smiling

Ah ha! Ye of little faith - you haven't seen me in the kitchen. Eye-wink

What? I never said I didn't think you could do it.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

'Dire Lemon' wrote:
What? I never said I didn't think you could do it.
*grin* *evil maniacal laughter*

Should be interesting to say then least. Eye-wink

Archdukechocula's picture
Joined: 2008-02-24
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

The guys over at Penny Arcade apparently got invited to do a session with some WotC guys, and they recorded it as podcasts. Not sure if they are illuminating or not, as I remain fairly indifferent to 4th edition and haven't listened to them, but I thought I would post the links for those who were interested. From the sounds of it, it may give some mechanical insights into the game, as one of the guys from PA is a newbie.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

This is rant, feel free to skip it.

So far I've got the feeling the setting is so heavily divorced from our own that we can pretty much move on without it. I certainly am - far as I'm concerned it means the job as regards the planes can now be done right in the hands of fans. Their version? Just not relevant to me from where I stand.

This is how I felt before and now. Planewalker has done AMAZING work in writing and art that rivals printed rpgs, and to me personally I'd rather spread this version of PS than to see WotC butcher the setting with a terrible book that they'll then claim is proof PS can't sell.

It's funny, because after looking at the books, I thought about being circa 10 and seeing the 1e Manual of the Planes. It was amazing, wondorous, and in the end too expensive for me to demand of my parents.

Years later I bought a pdf version but by then Planescape had come (and despite being out of print in has never gone).

Beyond that, I wondered what exactly had happened to Vecna, or on the battlefields of Pesh. What was the mentality of exemplars? I read through the 4e books and while my interest was occasionally peaked, most of it read like a manual on VCR programming.

I felt no new excitement for the new cosmology, in fact much of the supposed great ideas fell flat save for some good art. The higher eladrin didn't seem to have that mystical connection with nature, and why the lamia is now a swarm of beetles seemed to be applying an old name to new concept with no basis. The fey didn't seem any more threatening than before, and if anything were more one-dimensional.

The rules seem like they'd be very programmable and if this was the basis for a MMORPG/CRPG I think I'd love it. But that actually is the problem. Why pay the excess cost to support D&D if it offers nothing over Mythos (never pay unless for loot/leveling), Guild Wars (Pay once) or WoW (a cost equal to the DDI which removes all the prep time)?

Where are the intrigues, the deeper politics, power of belief, even the idea of campaigns in more advanced civilizations? Where is the inspiration to sit down with a group of people with pen and paper to take the time and money to attempt combining tactical combat with acting like you're in a play where the only audience is the fellow actors? D&D takes an unbelievably amount of work for a hobby, and making it take less time is pointless if the reason for playing is gone.

It's a game that is simpler, easier to learn. It will be an initial success, how I can expect any less with the unbelievable amount of marketing they've done (much of it needlessly turning aside old fans)? But as the new MMORPG pricing models come out offering as much as 4e but with less financial/time investment, I can't help but believe this success will fail to draw enough new gamers and certainly isn't going to last the supposed decade they claim it will.


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420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

'sciborg2' wrote:

Planewalker has done AMAZING work in writing and art that rivals printed rpgs, and to me personally I'd rather spread this version of PS than to see WotC butcher the setting with a terrible book that they'll then claim is proof PS can't sell.

This would be my new sig on the WotC forums if I bothered to post there anymore.


Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

'420' wrote:
'sciborg2' wrote:

Planewalker has done AMAZING work in writing and art that rivals printed rpgs, and to me personally I'd rather spread this version of PS than to see WotC butcher the setting with a terrible book that they'll then claim is proof PS can't sell.

This would be my new sig on the WotC forums if I bothered to post there anymore.


I'd be absolutely thrilled if WotC simply OGL'd the gith races and the illithid. Laughing out loud


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Moracai's picture
Joined: 2008-05-16
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

'Zimrazim' wrote:
What's the skill check to identify a gazebo? Laughing out loud

[wonders who here gets the joke]

GM: But it doesn't have an alignment. It's a gazebo!!!

4th ed player: Ahha! So it's unaligned! Now we have at least some information about it. Eye-wink Laughing out loud

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

If DC 15 on nature check tells you that bears sometimes live in forests or caves, then I would say that, it would be DC 40 or 45 to indentify Gazebo. Smiling


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Remainaery's picture
Joined: 2007-08-06
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

I wonder what makes players so occassionally confused. First Gazebos, and in my corner, I had a player warn his fellow companions of dire hydrants. It's actually scary when people say these things being totally serious. It takes you a while as a GM to reflect upon the utter perplexity of the situation.

Beyond that, I wondered what exactly had happened to Vecna, or on the battlefields of Pesh. What was the mentality of exemplars? I read through the 4e books and while my interest was occasionally peaked, most of it read like a manual on VCR programming.
Well now, all I know about 4E so far is what has been compiled in EN World's "Player's Handbook Light", but from what I heard, that is exactly the purpose. I think it's the whole idea not only to simplify the game rule-wise, but also in regards of other info.

I have to admit, sometimes, settings can be scary. And I have to admit, I, really getting into D&D and the various major settings with 3E, had a very hard time working out the concept of planes and stuff, for example. I came from somewhere where planar travel was not a staple element and a goat with horns counted as major magical animal encounter. If one added butterfly wings, most reactions would have been "Now you're stretching it".

Most info that 3E gives you is like "Yeah, there's something more to it (like 30 years of information), but all you get here is the breakdown, thank you, come again". I remember being in knee-deep trouble when I needed to "learn" DMing with flipping through the MM and thinking "What the hell?! This is a big book of stats, where's the actual roleplaying info?!".
Turns out though that I'm actually NOT the majority. Turns out many people I know, especially players, would deem all this sufficient - and the hint at something more would make a lot of people go "Oh, how bothersome" instead of "argh! need more input!".

I can't shake the impression D&D 4E is engineered to cater totally to those people. And that's why they abandoned a more info-heavy setting alltogether and have this board-game-thingy going. I can imagine it's easy to get into and easy to swallow for all the casual players - leaving those who really love intense experiences with book-shelf-filling myth and tale and lore out in the drain.

The only sad thing I see about it, is that new players will be served the light version with D&D being sort of standard to measure tabletop rpgs by. I think that's really the only problem. I can see the lure in easiness and comprehensiveness. But I also see the dullness in it after the first 5 glorious minutes. I don't believe though it would really affect any of us "old people". We could just take the rules, or parts of it, or whatever, and still run the type and style of game that we know and love. 20 or 30 levels don't change that.

Hopefully I'm just seeing things too bleak, concerning the fate of the next generation.
Oh my. I feel like a geezer now, going all "kids these days!".
My my.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

Maybe it's just me, but it seems to this factol that all this hate being dumped on 4e is kind of ungrateful. I don't know if that's the right term, but I think there's a lot more intelligence to the new edition than we planescapers like to credit it.

We should face the fact that Planescape isn't an official campaign setting for D&D right now, and hasn't been for at least 8 years now. That doesn't mean that it's not important to its fans, but it does mean that it's not necessarily the focus of a developer's work beyond traditional elements of the overall game.

But it doesn't need to be. They're changing the game, and that means that they're changing some of the elements that we liked just fine before. But they're giving us some really great tools to tell the same stories that we liked before.

No one here should be surprised that Sigil's space in the DMG is minimal, or that there's only one yugoloth in the MM. Remember: neither of these appeared in any form of 3rd Edition until the Manual of the Planes. And, of course, our reaction to the MotP is to decry it in every way short of demanding every copy of it burned.

It's a lot that the planes are getting attention--attention that can easily be used to benefit a planar 4e game in whatever edition or cosmology you choose--and that we're getting a game that simply works so well.

Right now I'm hoping to convert my current game to 4th Edition once my copy of the books arrives, and to play it in the Great Wheel, using whatever changes I have to make. Honestly, I think it'll still be easier than running Planescape in 3rd Edition (I notice that this thread fairly consistently ignores some of the problems that we used to scream and shout about on these same forums). But we'll see, and maybe I'll run Planescape in the new cosmology before long.

Clueless, my books haven't arrived, but I'd be psyched to do some conversion work if the site wants to put out 4th Edition material (what's the state of the site's license in the new edition?). I'm already thinking about how bariaur and rogue modrons would look, and I like the stuff I'm coming up with.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

Maybe it's just me, but it seems to this factol that all this hate being dumped on 4e is kind of ungrateful.

I was a little annoyed by 4e coming so early, but I didn't mind it as much save for the cancellation of Dungeon and Dragon.

I think that the bad blood is from the terrible marketing of attacking the fluff of previous editions. I wouldn't have minded a new cosmology or making Eberron's cosmology default but leaving the GW as an option.

Instead they took just about every chance they could get to say the fluff was broken with no regard for all the hard work people have put into developing it - a vast number of them affiliated with this board. Was there really a need to put "a bullet in the head" of the guardinals?

I'm trying really hard not to go into rant-mode, suffice to say that if there's ingratitude it's coming from WotC "taking a dump on the shoulders they stand on".

. And, of course, our reaction to the MotP is to decry it in every way short of demanding every copy of it burned.

I liked the MotP. :oops:

Still, there is potential in the system as you say and it would be wrong to completely write it off though I have no interest in it. Conversions to 4e can only help spread PS to new players coming into D&D via the new books.


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Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

Good points, Rhys. I have to say I'm pretty neutral (unaligned, whatever)on the whole 4e thing. Fact is, my home game still uses 2e, so 4e doesn't affect me so much. Will I buy it? Probably not. If I see something that looks cool (like a 4e planescape setting), I'll shell out for it, but if looks crappy I won't, bottom line.

I do happen to think that criticism is a good thing, and despite the title of this thread, some reviews of 4e by our PS community have been fairly positive.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

'sciborg2' wrote:
I think that the bad blood is from the terrible marketing of attacking the fluff of previous editions. I wouldn't have minded a new cosmology or making Eberron's cosmology default but leaving the GW as an option.

Instead they took just about every chance they could get to say the fluff was broken with no regard for all the hard work people have put into developing it - a vast number of them affiliated with this board.

Well they thought the art was good enough to reuse.

I totally agree with you about WotC's nasty attitude towards previous incarnations of D&D. Seems like they need to make old editions look bad to make 4E look better.


Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

Anyways me attitudes on this are I like the how the classes are designed. Those were perhaps best designed since now I feel like wanting to play a "non-magical" class, even though technically all classes "cast spells" now.

But outside of that, there's many pet peeves in this new edition.

For one thing, it's the most lacking of editions in what I feel makes D&D well D&D. The fact that you'll need at least PHB2 and MM2 for it to feel more complete, is a failure on one part.

I'm also very annoyed at the design team putting down a lot of things about previous editions. I think their idea of 5 alignments are stupid, and the things they've done with many perfectly good monsters is horrible. Starting from the moment they changed the Succubus, to their constant decrying of "needless symmetry". The fact that while the monsters have meaningful things in combat, they're just really really flat. For example I found nothing appealing about Swordwings, that's a monster that's really boring.

Each monster needed at least a paragraph on ecology to go with the lore, and maybe a section on "for DMs" or "for players" to include things like plot hooks and the monsters place in the world, to at least make these monsters interesting like Privateer Press did in their Monsteronicom. Instead we get a small description and often useless lore about a monster.

Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
New Manual of the Planes

I see that, among other products, they're releasing a 4E "Manual of the Planes" around november-December. I wonder if the other Yugoloths will be in it, and if they will actually include rules for planar envivoments that they left out of the DMG (and no, I haven't seen the 4E books yet, I'm still waiting to receive my copies...) I hope they don't mess up Sigil and add bogus details to it, like the Lady of Pain's alleged "LN" alignment from Planar Handbook! The brief mention in the DMG at least didn't stray too far from canon... I really can't comment on the actual rules until I see them for myself, but I see Orcus got a Hit point raise, as did several other monsters; is Orcus a deity again in 4E? And Ioun is a god now??

BlackDaggr's picture
Joined: 2007-11-15
Upcoming Manual of the Planes

'Anime Fan' wrote:
I see that, among other products, they're releasing a 4E "Manual of the Planes" around november-December. I wonder if the other Yugoloths will be in it, and if they will actually include rules for planar envivoments that they left out of the DMG (and no, I haven't seen the 4E books yet, I'm still waiting to receive my copies...) I hope they don't mess up Sigil and add bogus details to it, like the Lady of Pain's alleged "LN" alignment from Planar Handbook! The brief mention in the DMG at least didn't stray too far from canon... I really can't comment on the actual rules until I see them for myself, but I see Orcus got a Hit point raise, as did several other monsters; is Orcus a deity again in 4E? And Ioun is a god now??

I assume the new Manual of the Planes will probably feature all of the different realms of the Astral Sea, which may bear some resemblance to the various outer planes we know and love. Or - more likely - they'll take elements that people liked, and toss them into a blender. I'm reserving judgement until I see it, though it may be a book I actually purchase.

As far as the Lady of Pain's alignment, IIRC she was given a Lawful Neutral alignment in the Bloodwars CCG. That was during Planescape's heyday.

Orcus has gotten a hit point raise with each edition. Remember he only had 120hp in 1st edition. I prefer to think of beings at his power level as manifesting their power at a variety of levels as needed - thus the varying hit points and abilities. Paizo used this to interesting effect for Demogorgon with the Savage Tide adventure path.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

Orcus is not a deity in 4e, but he has an extensive cult who worship him as if he is, and he seeks greater power by seizing the throne of the Raven Queen, the unaligned goddess of death.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

'Anime Fan' wrote:
I see that, among other products, they're releasing a 4E "Manual of the Planes" around november-December. I wonder if the other Yugoloths will be in it, and if they will actually include rules for planar envivoments that they left out of the DMG (and no, I haven't seen the 4E books yet, I'm still waiting to receive my copies...) I hope they don't mess up Sigil and add bogus details to it, like the Lady of Pain's alleged "LN" alignment from Planar Handbook! The brief mention in the DMG at least didn't stray too far from canon... I really can't comment on the actual rules until I see them for myself, but I see Orcus got a Hit point raise, as did several other monsters; is Orcus a deity again in 4E? And Ioun is a god now??
Well if they do list the LoP's alignment in 4e it will undoubtedly be "unaligned" maybe the only good thing to come out of the dumbed down alignment system. But that's because she was always true neutral in my mind. But I still don't get why do they need to cut down alignment when alignment doesn't have any in game effect on the rules unless someone is of the Astral Weapon Paragon Path.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

It was a bad call on their part, but thankfully for anyone willing to do a 4e PS conversion it shouldn't be hard put the missing ones back in.


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Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
The new Alignments

The new alignments roughly equate as follows: "Lawful Good" = Lawful Good, "Good" = Chaotic Good, "Evil" = Lawful Evil, "Chaotic Evil" = Chaotic Evil, and "Unaligned" = Neutral (despite WOTC's claims otherwise!) Left out of the new game are the alignments Neutral Good, Neutral Evil, Lawful Neutral and Chaotic Neutral... How are they going to handle beings like the Inevitables, who would not fit in as either "lawful Good" (they could care less about Good or Evil) or "Unaligned" (they are definitely on the side of Law)? I guess Inevitables just can't exist in the new edition!!!

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

Maruts are in the 4e Monster Manual. Their alignment is given there as unaligned.

Other inevitables aren't mentioned there, and maruts aren't portrayed as beings who exist to enforce the universal laws of death, as they were in 3e. They simply wander the planes, gathering favors.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

Slaad are chaotic evil, which does annoy me, but they've generally been depicting them as that in most places since 1e. I always felt the source material needed a better representation of the Slaad as being CN, but beyond Xanxost they never really did a good job at it.

Githyankee's picture
Joined: 2006-12-06
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

'Kobold Avenger' wrote:
Slaad are chaotic evil, which does annoy me, but they've generally been depicting them as that in most places since 1e. I always felt the source material needed a better representation of the Slaad as being CN, but beyond Xanxost they never really did a good job at it.

I agree with this. I think it's because of the ever popular perception that 'chaos' to a slaad means eating everyone it comes across and 'randomly' attacking everything instead of being more...varied.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

'Githyankee' wrote:
'Kobold Avenger' wrote:
Slaad are chaotic evil, which does annoy me, but they've generally been depicting them as that in most places since 1e. I always felt the source material needed a better representation of the Slaad as being CN, but beyond Xanxost they never really did a good job at it.

I agree with this. I think it's because of the ever popular perception that 'chaos' to a slaad means eating everyone it comes across and 'randomly' attacking everything instead of being more...varied.

[FR novel spoiler below!]

I kind of liked the way slaad (slaadi?) were portrayed in the Erevis Cale series. There was an awful lot of brain-eating, but that one slaad who was so picky about his clothes, and got so incensed when one character insulted the carpets... Laughing out loud


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Tiefling's picture
Joined: 2007-02-01
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
the Raven Queen, the unaligned goddess of death.

I've been hearing alot about her of late, but never had I heard of her before 4E. Is she new to this edition, or does anyone know where I can find out some info on/ a picture of her?

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

So today's 4E art preview was the red dragon. Now I know they are reusing art but this was credited to some guy named Lars Grant-West when he clearly just painted over the 3rd edition red dragon by Todd Lockwood.

I know the tail and leg are at a slighlty different angle, but c'mon if they're just going to use Lockwood's art, why not bring in Lockwood to redo it?

3E Monster Manual by Todd Lockwood

4E Monster Manual by Lars Grant-West


HeavenShallBurn's picture
Joined: 2008-04-09
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

that's not a paint-over or trace. He clearly used the Lockwood piece for the pose but proportions are just enough off that he wasn't doing a paint-over. But I prefer the Lockwood piece, he's one of the five masters of dragon art.

What gets me about much of the 4e art is how much of a comic style has crept in. With all the bright, vaguely toonish, clean-edged figures. For example the two-page spread on PHB 190-191. They had a good concept, I mean it could have come straight off a metal album with the leather and plate clad heros fighting horned skeletons on a blasted wasteland under a purple sky. But the execution was too neat, cartoonish, and cleaned up. What should have come out like (Frazetta on acid listening to Lamb of God) came off as (Hot Topic poser on valium listening to Linkin Park).

HeavenShallBurn's picture
Joined: 2008-04-09
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

'Dunamin' wrote:
Sure does, if the DM wants it to.
Precisely, any relationship to in-game events has been reduced to pure DM fiat.

In a skill challenge to track down the hideout of a notorious mobster, you may be using Streetwise to bribe information from seedy sources with your result impacting how much gold you spent and how much you learned. Somewhat related is the example given in the DMG where the party seeks to discover secret lore from libraries and scholars, and spend gold on a consultation fee in connection with Diplomacy.
You may, or you may not, there's no hard in-game relationship there. At the mechanical end skill challenges are pure race for success devices with no inherent relation to any in-game event. They simply determine a result, not how you got there. Any closer tie between what you roll and what you do is pure DM handwavery and there aren't even any guidelines. The mechanic is a narrative device. You roll a skill check justifying it via your narration and the result either moves you closer to success or failure which is continued narratively. But nothing in the challenge directly corresponds to any singular action. Going beyond this and tying something directly to in-game action is pure fiat. Just check the Keep on the Shadowfell example, you make an Arcane check to suppress the ritual but that doesn't map to any in-game function. If you fail you take backlash damage but that's tied to failure of an abstracted roll rather than an in-game action. And on top of that is pure fiat, you take damage but simply from backlash of abstract failure not any mechanically described event.

The point is it can be tied to an in-game causality but only via DM fiat as nothing in the mechanics are concrete. It's all an abstract success or failure but the meaning of it is left purely up to narrative description.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

'Tiefling' wrote:
I've been hearing alot about her of late, but never had I heard of her before 4E. Is she new to this edition, or does anyone know where I can find out some info on/ a picture of her?

She's new to 4e, and as far as I know the only info on her is in the three core books and the previews, which doesn't amount to a lot. She lives in the Shadowfell and the shadar-kai are cursed by a pact with her. She considers herself to be above good or evil. She's the goddess of winter, death, and fate. She opposes the creation of undead and Orcus, who seeks to usurp her throne. There's no illustration yet that I'm aware of.

She's similar to Hel and the Morrigan in real-world mythology. She might be given an Isis-like role if you assume Zehir is Set and the unnamed creator of humanity is Osiris. Among D&D gods, I'd compare her to Wee Jas, Istus, and Valkauna.

Here's a picture I found by google image searching "Raven Queen" and "Raven Goddess."

Here's another picture:

Quale's picture
Joined: 2008-01-11
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

'Zimrazim' wrote:

[FR novel spoiler below!]

I kind of liked the way slaad (slaadi?) were portrayed in the Erevis Cale series. There was an awful lot of brain-eating, but that one slaad who was so picky about his clothes, and got so incensed when one character insulted the carpets... Laughing out loud

I also like these characters, tough they weren't nothing like I imagine slaadi generaly

I wish there's more info on their boss' race

Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
Well, I now have the books, and...

I finally got the 4E books, and boy, are the changes ever massive! For all intents and purposes, it's a whole new game that just happens to feature some familiar names and classes. This is most definitley NOT a continuation of what was built up in 3E and 3.5, with the exception of some incidental details (Glasya ruling the Hag Countess's layer, for instance). On the plus side, the game looks like it will be a lot easier to run, and monsters are easy to create and modify (making demons into devils, or visa versa, would be a snap). Deities no longer have spell domains; instead it's more like how it was in AD&D 1st Edition, where all Clerics draw from a common pool of spells. (A few spells and abilities are restricted to worshipers of certain gods, but not many). It is definitely more like a minuatures game, since movement and areas of effect are defined in terms of squares, not feet (but you can convert it back if you care to). Not a game for everyones taste, but easier for new players to learn, and the layout is clean and easy to read. I'm about to run out of time, so I'll finish my review later... but highy "iffy" for traditionalists and old-school players...

Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
Well, I now have the books, and...

I finally got the 4E books, and boy, are the changes ever massive! For all intents and purposes, it's a whole new game that just happens to feature some familiar names and classes. This is most definitley NOT a continuation of what was built up in 3E and 3.5, with the exception of some incidental details (Glasya ruling the Hag Countess's layer, for instance). On the plus side, the game looks like it will be a lot easier to run, and monsters are easy to create and modify (making demons into devils, or visa versa, would be a snap). Deities no longer have spell domains; instead it's more like how it was in AD&D 1st Edition, where all Clerics draw from a common pool of spells. (A few spells and abilities are restricted to worshipers of certain gods, but not many). It is definitely more like a minuatures game, since movement and areas of effect are defined in terms of squares, not feet (but you can convert it back if you care to). Not a game for everyones taste, but easier for new players to learn, and the layout is clean and easy to read. I'm about to run out of time, so I'll finish my review later... but highy "iffy" for traditionalists and old-school players...

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

Iffy for tinkerers too. Class descriptions are around 12 pages long. It's harder to modify stuff you don't like.

Remainaery's picture
Joined: 2007-08-06
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

Well, defining it anew (or rather keeping it new) was one of their design goals. I guess they achieved it there.

Been to a playtest today, good times, basically. But yes, as long as you treat it as a different game. I stand by my previous statements - I think it's a very good game to show to beginners, because it functions a lot more comprehensibly, but it also functions a lot like a boardgame. I think it's pretty unhandy to use a lot of the powers without the grid. It really stresses tactics a lot. Not that it's a bad thing, group dynamics was pretty good, since two of the guys who played never had contact with D&D before, and grasped how things tied together pretty quickly, all in all.
However, 4E teaches a beginner encounter- and power-management over actual RPing. The powers do hog most of the spotlight. My impression, at least.

I dunno whether the changes to Saving Throws are good or bad, just feels other way around, whatever.
Yeah, bogged down skill-system, good for quick board-gaming style, but I happen to like more complex skill systems that kinda tell something about the character (I think it's nice to know whether someone is better at hiding or sneaking, just for kicks). I think 3Es mix was okay, 4E works. Less searching on your sheet.

I have to say, I do like the split between spells and rituals. I dunno if that works out in the long run, but separating the "takes ages to cast and you would never use it in batte anyway except for some weird spur of the moment" from "Zap!" does create an appealing new dynamic in regulating how much a caster can do a day. I'm actually pondering whether or not to adept that idea for my 3E games in one way or another, hm.

At any rate, if I were to play a lot of one-shot-sessions with beginners or casual gamers, without too much worries to consistency in background, or with less non-rules-RPing in general, I suppose I would pick 4E.
Otherwise, I don't deem changing my setting-feeling (and consistency) for it (except Rituals, but that's "semantics" to me, because it really doesn't change the way a character in the world would view it).

If you're in for "classic adventuring" with the oldschool-archetyps, and prefer the way heroes are presented in old adventure movies and the Lord of the Rings (yeah, sorry, I had to) over a note of comic-action and a lot of "FX" (flashes and minor magics and powers everywhere! Keep'em coming!), stick with 3E. If action, tactics, "stunts" (think Mike Mearls Iron Heroes, with the Reserve Points being somewhat similar to Healing Surges and stuff), the Eberron-Setting and the pulp and action-aspects especially are your thing, go for 4E.

The final question is, what hast more "substance". Maybe it's just the 3E-guy in me talking, but I think the classic way has more substance in the long run. It has been working with minor and some major alterations on the way, but it kept working until now. I suppose the flash-effect of 4E's powers might not hold up for so long. This may be a bit off, but I see it like this: Matrix 1 did impress you. Matrix 2 had a hard time living up to already high expectations, and where 1 overdid it in a cool way, 2 began stretching it - with 3 doing absolute overkill. Star Wars anyone? Okay, let's not get into geek discussions - I just think while Part 1 was "whoa", 2 will be "yeah, nice", and 3rd issue "meh. seen it all". I think Wiz will have a hard time keeping it coming to keep 4E cool and flashy, with 1st Level Characters in 4E already doing tricks that players previously yearned for doing finally from 5th level onwards (not in power, okay, but at least in numbers and pure "cosmetic effect"), so players in the past would really, really be looking forward to later levels. I dunno, playing that 1st level character was pretty cool. But I think it was too cool, so I doubt what will come after can still deliver to my expectations. And as such, I assume 4E tries too hard to be a "Blockbuster". Paragon Paths and Epic Destinies? I guess when it's time to get there, it will only top it with some cream, but by then, you're already full. Just a guess.

I guess that's my (not-so-conclusive) verdict.

Xjel's picture
Joined: 2007-08-23
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

Got my 4e stuff now and so far I like the PHB, the DMG seems like a big load of wasted space with the exception of adventure design and creating your own monster section. I'm *very* disappointed with the MM, most monster descriptions are about a sentence long, there's almost nothing that tells you anything important about the monster.

Will need to run the first few sessions of my Broken Names campaign in 4e to see how it all works out, but lots of the iconic planar monsters I wanted to use are now gone (oh hi formorians, you're giants now, not expansionist ant people - I'll just be using the kruthik stats instead though).

Encounter design is easier, especially if you wanted some sort of pulp fight, the inclusion of minions was great. Need to test out the highest level monsters a group of PCs can take down, don't want lots of Irontooth TPKs.


It writes and designs dungeons, adventures and encounters. Do not feed after midnight.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

Formians are the expansionist bug people

Fomorians are sort of like the Irish version of the Greek Titans. In any case they're completely different.


Xjel's picture
Joined: 2007-08-23
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

A valid point, been calling them formorians for years now. Also I have to go correct the three thousand instances where I've called them the wrong thing in the 2nd adventure ><


It writes and designs dungeons, adventures and encounters. Do not feed after midnight.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

I've read that allot of 4E is basically just a straight ripoff of real world mythology.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

Well, to be fair so were 1e, 2e, and 3x.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

'weishan' wrote:
Well, to be fair so were 1e, 2e, and 3x.

Didn't the first printing of Deities & Demigods include the Melnibonean deities and the Cthulhu mythos? Those were the days! :mrgreen:


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

As I said, real world mythology :twisted:

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

What I mean is, even more so than previous editions. I remember reading something supposedly from a wizards guy where he basically said that they decided to make things just like real world mythology in order to bring in more new customers. (e.g. people who don't like D&D or RPGs in general.)

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