4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

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HeavenShallBurn's picture
Joined: 2008-04-09
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

Now that the cat is out of the bag and the torrent is available I decided to engage in some rubbernecking.

This was the fastest torrent EVER, I downloaded the thing in like 20 minutes and averaged about 300kb/s dn speed.

Every single one of my worst fears and predictions has come true. The game is a pile of stinking excrement. Go ahead and ask any questions you want I'll try to answer them. But I've only had the books a few minutes so I'll be looking it up as I go.

First Impressions
*Art-some rather good art in here. But countered by some really horrible art too. And there's a lot of stuff re-used from 3e.
*Organization-these books are organized very well, the layout is good with high production quality. But it also reads like a WH miniatures rule book.
*Classes-we will solve the problem of GMs who can't deal with PC abilities by taking all the fun ones away from PCs.
*Power Level-I was right they did mean nerfage by Sweet Spot. It's like they took the 1-10 play experience and stretched it out over 30 levels.
*Rituals-an elegant and effective system. That will be quickly relegated to the back of the character sheet because most take far more resources than are worthwhile and don't give much back.
*Spells-Kaboom, everything is just variants of boom with a few status effect add-ons. No illusion, no necromancy, no summoning, no transmutation. Just for example the best illusion in the game is a high level ritual that lets you create a single small static illusion close to the caster that can't even interact with the NPCs.
*MM-It's like they took the DDM2 miniature cards and expanded a little.
*DMG- comparing this to the PHB there's a major case of RPG schitz here.

*Major case of RPG schitz here, the mechanics and the narrative approach are completely at odds with each other.
*The monsters are one dimensional and pathetic.
*They replicate the PC/Monster mechanic divide from Perfect World(Chinese MMO). Even down to having approximately the same percentage of divergence in the PC HP/PC damage vs. Monster HP/Monster damage realm at equivalent levels. In fact the magic systems are very similar too.
*Magic has been thrown down the white cliffs of Nerf and broken on the rocks below.
*Magic Items- major suckage here, if you have MIC take their design philosophy in this book and turn it up to 11.
*Greatest Flaw of 4e is that they didn't follow Dungeons & Dragons with "Miniature Game." Nuff said

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

I'm fairly satisfied with 3.0/3.5e. I wouldn't go out and buy 4e unless it's overall a significantly better product.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Korimyr the Rat's picture
Joined: 2005-03-01
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!


I hate to say this, because it reminds entirely too much of "They Changed It Now It Sucks" arguments that I have ruthlessly mocked in earlier Edition Wars, but the problem is that they have engineered D&D to function much, much more like an MMO than either prior editions of the game or other modern RPGs.

I like the way they've handled races, and I do like the way they've given every class meaningful "resource" powers and useful at-will powers... but the inability to effectively multiclass and the way that fairly universal powers and combat maneuvers have been relegated to class-exclusive powers means that characters will have very little of the potential versatility of 3.X characters.

I wouldn't say it's a complete bust, though. It would be relatively trivial to take the 4e powers and many of the system refinements (which really are nice)-- like the use of healing surges and the level-based improvements-- and adapt them into a 3.X/SWSE style game. Book of Nine Swords and the skill trick system from Complete Scoundrel already give us a bit of a template, and the level charts from 4e could be repurposed.

If I weren't currently obsessed with HARP and using it for just about every game, I'd probably be working on doing that right now.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

How hard a task (since you guys have it in hand) do you think it would be to crank-it-to-11 and adapt Planewalkers sets of classes, feats etc to 4th?

HeavenShallBurn's picture
Joined: 2008-04-09
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

From what I've seen already making classes in 4e is going to be significantly more time consuming and difficult in 4e than 3e. Many of the things that are currently feats would need to be rolled into a class power because of the changes to what Feats do now. As far as cranking it up to 11... Adding in the range of abilities that have been removed but were fairly crucial to operating on the planes at higher levels would be difficult. They've pretty much cliff-noted the entire cosmology and power levels are really compressed. Orcus is a level 33 solo brute. You'd have to rebuild EVERYTHING to extend the game out to comparable power levels. And on top of that many of the classic PS monsters have been turned into two dimensional cardboard cut-outs. Making a proper PS game out of 4e would be more effort than it's worth.

EDIT: The best thing that can be done with 4e is cannibalize some of its mechanics and ideas back into 3e to streamline play a little.

HeavenShallBurn's picture
Joined: 2008-04-09
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

Just for example here is Orcus's stat block. You judge how hard it's going to be to bring planescape back to a game like this.

Orcus Level 33 Solo Brute (Leader)
Gargantuan elemental humanoid (demon) XP 155,000
Initiative +22 Senses Perception +28; darkvision, low-light
Aura of Death (Necrotic) aura 20; enemies that enter or start their
turns in the aura take 10 necrotic damage (20 necrotic damage
while Orcus is bloodied).
The Dead Rise aura 6; enemies (including fl ying ones) treat the area
within the aura as dii cult terrain, and any dead creature within
the aura at the start of Orcus’s turn (except those killed by the
Wand of Orcus) rises as an abyssal ghoul myrmidon (page 119) to
fi ght at Orcus’s command.
HP 1,525; Bloodied 762
AC 48; Fortitude 51, Refl ex 46, Will 49
Immune disease, poison, necrotic; Resist 10 variable (3/encounter;
see glossary)
Saving Throws +5
Speed 6, fl y 10 (clumsy), teleport 6
Action Points 2
mWand of Orcus (standard; at-will) ✦ Necrotic, Weapon
Reach 4; +37 vs. AC; 2d12 + 12 damage plus 1d12 necrotic
damage, and the target is weakened (save ends); see also master
of undeath.
M Touch of Death (standard; recharge ⚅ ) ✦ Necrotic
Reach 4; +33 vs. Fortitude; the target is reduced to 0 hit points
(resistance or immunity to necrotic damage does not apply). Miss:
The target takes necrotic damage equal to its bloodied value.
M Tail Lash (immediate reaction, when an enemy moves or shifts
into a square adjacent to Orcus; at-will)
+36 vs. AC; 2d8 + 12 damage, and the target is stunned until the
end of Orcus’s next turn and is knocked prone.
C Necrotic Burst (standard; recharge ⚅ ) ✦ Healing, Necrotic
Close burst 10; +38 vs. Fortitude; 2d12 + 12 necrotic damage,
and all undead in the burst regain 20 hit points.
Master of Undeath
At the start of Orcus’s turn, any creature killed by the Wand of
Orcus that is still dead rises as a dread wraith (page 267) under
Orcus’s command.
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common
Skills Arcana +28, History +28, Intimidate +31, Religion +28
Str 35 (+28) Dex 22 (+22) Wis 25 (+23)
Con 33 (+27) Int 25 (+23) Cha 30 (+26)

And here is a Glabrezu

Glabrezu Level 23 Elite Brute
Huge elemental humanoid (demon) XP 10,200
Initiative +14 Senses Perception +18; truesight 6
HP 520; Bloodied 260; see also arcane fury
AC 39; Fortitude 42, Refl ex 37, Will 37
Resist 20 variable (3/encounter; see glossary)
Saving Throws +2
Speed 8, fl y 8
Action Points 1
mPincer Claw (standard; at-will)
Reach 3; +26 vs. AC; 2d8 + 8 damage.
M Double Attack (standard; at-will)
The glabrezu makes two pincer claw attacks. If both claws
hit the same target, the target is grabbed (until escape) if the
glabrezu so chooses.
R Abyssal Bolt (minor; at-will)
Ranged 10; +24 vs. Refl ex; 3d4 + 7 damage.
C Blasphemous Word (minor; encounter) ✦ Psychic
Close burst 5; targets enemies; +24 vs. Will; 1d12 + 7 psychic
damage, and the target is dazed until the end of the glabrezu’s
next turn.
C Chaos Word (minor; recharge ⚅ )
Close burst 5; targets enemies; +24 vs. Fortitude; 1d12 + 7
damage. This damage bypasses all resistances.
Arcane Fury (free, when first bloodied; encounter)
The glabrezu teleports 8 squares, recharges its blasphemous word
and chaos word powers, and makes an abyssal bolt, blasphemous
word, or chaos word attack.
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common
Skills Arcana +23, Bluff +19, Intimidate +19
Str 26 (+19) Dex 17 (+14) Wis 14 (+13)
Con 20 (+16) Int 24 (+18) Cha 16 (+14)

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

Hm. The programmer in me says if they followed an MMO that throughly it might be programmable. Alternatively if we got every person on site to tackle a single piece (one feat - 5 levels of a pr. class) we might be able to pull it off that way. After all - that encyclopedia of ours got 1000 posts in under a week... I'll see if I can lay my hands on a copy to do some comparative statistics to see which way may be the best and under what guidelines. The perfectionist Guvner in me would love to lay down Planescape 4th before the ink even dries. Eye-wink

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
4E is great!

A friend of mine also got his hands on it and we’ve been reading through and playing for the last two days or so.

I love it. I realize I may be in the minority among the Planewalker community but I don’t care. I love what they did with classes, skill challenges, cinematic mobile combats, and the ease with how we learned it all.
There are plenty of things I’m not pleased with, but the benefits far outweigh them for me.

I don’t see a problem making and adapting Planescape content in the new edition, and will likely do so when I get the time.

HeavenShallBurn's picture
Joined: 2008-04-09
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

'Clueless' wrote:
Hm. The programmer in me says if they followed an MMO that throughly it might be programmable. Alternatively if we got every person on site to tackle a single piece (one feat - 5 levels of a pr. class) we might be able to pull it off that way. After all - that encyclopedia of ours got 1000 posts in under a week... I'll see if I can lay my hands on a copy to do some comparative statistics to see which way may be the best and under what guidelines. The perfectionist Guvner in me would love to lay down Planescape 4th before the ink even dries. Eye-wink

Just check Pirate Bay.

As for the MMO convergence. Now that I'm really digging into the mechanics for a look the resemblance in uncanny. I made the comparison to Perfect World earlier but it's very apt. All the numbers fall right into the same proportions at equivalent levels within a range of up to 1.2%. The magic systems might as well be a direct port of each other. The only difference really is in the race names and that one stops at level 30 while the other goes to 115.

HeavenShallBurn's picture
Joined: 2008-04-09
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

Setting aside the system issues (and I'm with Shemmy here GURPS is just unpleasant) you could import the fluff aspects of the setting fairly easily. What you would need most is a new set of rules to cover planar environments. Because there aren't any. Then you would need to create several groups of outsiders to bring back the Planescape exemplar races. Once that was done you would need several paragon paths or base classes (possibly both) to bring the PS flavor in on the player's side. The easiest part would be the exemplar races. I'm not kidding when I say there are literally no rules at all covering extraplanar environments or how to make them. The entire "Planes" section is 2 pages and describes The Elemental Chaos & Abyss, the Astral Sea, Shadowfell & Feywild, each with about 1/3 page of background text. Then adds a couple paragraphs on a possible Far Realm.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

I suspect the love or hate of the system will be a matter of play style and ease of transition. I've seen it even with less controversial systems such as Gurps. (I love it, Shemmy thinks it's horrible but I'll point out he slept through the game and didn't make it past a poorly planned character creation, and I know another set of players who honestly said "Only four stats? That can't be nearly complicated enough for what we need." )

Regardless of the overall response to it, I've always found it easy to separate a setting from its system, and there will be a large need to fill the Planescape flavor and niche in the new edition. I don't want to leave anyone in the dark regardless of their system choice. Eye-wink

HeavenShallBurn's picture
Joined: 2008-04-09
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

Yes, three sentences in a sidebar. From the DMG page 160

Sigil, The City of Doors Somewhere between the planes, neither adrift in the Astral Sea nor rooted in the elemental chaos, spins the city of Doors, the bustling metropolis of Sigil. Planar trade flows freely through its streets, facilitated by a bewildering number of portals leading to and from every known corner of the universe—and all the corners yet to be explored. The ruler of the city of Doors is the enigmatic lady of Pain, whose nature is the subject of endless speculation.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

There was rumor that there had been arm twisting to get a mention of Sigil in there. Did it make it?

Quale's picture
Joined: 2008-01-11
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

this is amusing

Bear Lore A character knows the following information with a successful Nature check. DC 15: Bears generally live in forests and caves.

overall after taking a few brief looks, it seems that 4e will flop, we definitely won't be using this system

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

Wow. That's.... wow.

That's about as grudging as you can get.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

'HeavenShallBurn' wrote:
*Art-some rather good art in here. But countered by some really horrible art too. And there's a lot of stuff re-used from 3e.
OK, I read the entire thread but got stuck on this one statement.

If this is true it is a gigantic let-down. WotC has completely mishandled the D&D product line. For example, compare the D&D computer games made when TSR was in charge (Gold Box, Infinity Engine) compared to say NWN and NWN2 official campaigns.

Oh, and anyone see the harpy in the art preview on WotC site? See how pretty it is? What happened to the filthy hateful creatures that plagued Phineus?

I feel like the entire D&D line has been over simplified to appeal to a younger, less patient consumer. The mechanics from earlier editions are sufficient (and easily translatable to a computer environment), 4e reuses art from 3e, which in my opinion is inexcusable, and it is obvious that the new "rule set" is simply a vehicle for their miniatures.

Even if WotC did make a 4e Planescape setting, judging by the current samples, it would be bland and unimaginative with all the elements that made the planes a complicated environment removed. Oh, and they'd probably just reuse art from the old Planescape books.


Archdukechocula's picture
Joined: 2008-02-24
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

So far the only thing I've seen that I dont like is the hit point scale. It looks as if combat would take ages. I already hate how long combat takes as it is. And yes, that feature is reminiscent of an MMORPG, which is unpleasing to me, and sort of fails to grasp why such systems exist in MMORPGs (namely, scalability and balancing of PvP combat, which is a non issue in a game that is strictly PvM).

I also find it slightly ironic that people are complaining about the static nature of classes. D&D is a class based system. There are a plethora of far superior classless systems out there, some of them generic and adaptable to fantasy settings, or a fantasy setting in its own right. Fluidity has never been part of D&D's appeal. It's hard to begrudge D&D one of the very mechanics that has made it so iconic. I actually see some appeal in more restrictive class dynamics. It prevents one player from hogging all the GM attention (like a wizard/thief can), makes it so no character is an island (fight/cleric comes to mind) and forces player interdependence, which are some of the greatest virtues of class based systems. It makes the game social by design, which for those of us who have played since the 80's know, is really D&Ds greatest appeal. A bunch of nerds and misfits getting together to play around in their imaginations as an vehicle for hanging out and joking around. People get so caught up in mechnical nuances that they often forget what made roleplaying fun in the first place. I can't speak for everyone, but I can definitely respect that concept.

HeavenShallBurn's picture
Joined: 2008-04-09
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

More In-Depth Review of the Art Below

Some of those artists were either not very good (Wayne England at least they didn't use him much), or tasked with the wrong kind of art (whoever did the first big 2-page spread, should be doing monsters not PCs and too comic-ish), or bloody terrible (whoever did the Dragonborn art), or just rushed (Anne Stokes, she's done much better). There were several places where the art was multiple 3e pieces blatantly photoshopped into a single piece. I miss Lockwood.

One the other hand Steve Argyle was just great. It was nice to see Jason Engle get a big spread (his style is unmistakable). The Wayne Reynolds pieces tended toward his better work even if some of his style elements aren't necessarily to my taste. And there were several artists doing work for the MM who I'm going to have to go looking for their websites.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

The Harpy doesn't really look pretty. She actually looks fairly masculine compared to the last version. Though it's nice to see they made her kid safe by giving her a dress and a metal bra. :roll:

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

Know what really bugged me? Someone on the GitP-forums explained that you get a grand total of 10 powers over all the levels. And that number is reached at level 10, from then on you just swap them for stronger powers.
What that means? Wizards cap at 10 spells. They don't get more.

HeavenShallBurn's picture
Joined: 2008-04-09
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

Base progression has you gaining 18 total powers and replacing 8 of them. You gain 12 powers by 12th level then you start getting hit with replacements. From 13th level up you gain 4 powers (1 daily, 1 utility, 2paragon/epic), retrain 8 powers. And get a paragon path and epic destiny feature. Wizards get extra dailies but have to choose which ones they will use, otherwise this curve essentially describes all the classes.

And the retraining is vital because those powers do not scale like spells did in prior editions. If you have Bo9S you can look at those for ideas. It's all flat damage in the style of (x)y+z with no scaling elements.

The more I read from this the more nauseated I feel at what they have done to D&D

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

'Dire Lemon' wrote:
The Harpy doesn't really look pretty. She actually looks fairly masculine compared to the last version. Though it's nice to see they made her kid safe by giving her a dress and a metal bra. :roll:
I meant the representational artwork was "pretty". Lots of clean lines, very symmetrical features, sort of a healthy look. Not at all what you'd expect from a chaotic evil monstrous humanoid.

And good point with the clothing, it's clean, bright and custom made. How does a creature with the intelligence of a phase spider acquire and maintain such nice clothing?

My wife said something interesting while looking over my shoulder, "It's like the people working on 4th edition don't know anything about D&D." Then she shook her head and walked away.

The only thing I'd add to that is that they don't know anything about the origins of the D&D creatures from mythology or past D&D editions.


Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

It could be similar to Fallout 3 from Bethesda and they're just choosing to ignore certain things to make it less controversial, and more appealing to those who are easily offended.

Then again Fallout 1 and 2 were made by totally different people over a decade ago so it's not that similar.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

'Dire Lemon' wrote:
It could be similar to Fallout 3 from Bethesda and they're just choosing to ignore certain things to make it less controversial, and more appealing to those who are easily offended.

Then again Fallout 1 and 2 were made by totally different people over a decade ago so it's not that similar.

I read somewhere that there is a law somewhere in Europe that it is actually illegal there to sell a video game in which a child is killed. If that's actually true (and not just one of the oddball rumors about Europe on this side of the pond), it would actually be illegal to sell an uncensored version of F1/F2 in Europe.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

The European versions of Fallout 1 and 2 both had the children removed. They still stole from you, they still talked, they still had one in a quest. But you just were unable to interact with them. So needless to say that quest was unsolvable.

Bethesda however are probably just going to make them invincible in all versions or not allow you to have weapons in any of the areas where they appear.

Then again they might consider that allowing children to be killed in the game would take people's minds off of what a complete travesty of the Fallout series the game is, in which case it would be a matter of whether that was worth the controversy it would cause.

I have a question about 4E though. Non-Combat skills. Are any of them any good? I remember reading somewhere that they actually improved the social skills compared to 3.5 and whatnot. What exactly did they do?

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

Ugh. Mezzoloths are chaotic evil now. I was hoping they'd give them the straight "evil" alignment.

They're listed under "mezzodemon," but they do give "mezzoloth" as an alternate name.

Darkness_Elemental's picture
Joined: 2006-01-13
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

'Dire Lemon' wrote:
I have a question about 4E though. Non-Combat skills. Are any of them any good? I remember reading somewhere that they actually improved the social skills compared to 3.5 and whatnot. What exactly did they do?

It is now standard to roll multiple skill checks, of multiple types, and by multiple characters as part of a non-combat encounter. That's it in a nutshell, really; but it seems ok to me. I mean, any more and it's not really a roleplaying game anymore.

At least some, probably most, experianced/good DMs already did this, but on the other hand, many less experianced/decent (waves) DMs never thought to.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

Hm, I need more details than 'There are more rolls.' Eye-wink

With 3.5 you roll once to determine whether or not the general disposition of an NPC goes up or down on a linear scale. Rolling multiple times to determine whether or not the general disposition of an NPC goes up or down on a linear scale wouldn't be much of an improvement... Just making it more complicated... Which I thought was the opposite of their main goal in developing 4E.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

Basically, skill challenges are just an option for a game-mechanical framework to resolve some encounters. Just like you don’t want the outcome of a battle resolved with a single roll, you may want some skill-based challenges to be overcome through more than a single skill check.

They can be structured such that successful use of a certain skill makes another feasible to use. For instance, an example skill challenge in the DMG is using Speak with Dead to learn sensitive information from a spirit that is reluctant to give it up.
A successful use of Insight against a moderate DC can be used to connect with the spirit on an emotional level, making it soften up enough to reveal that is was never given proper burial rites. You have then opened up the use of Religion with an easy DC to perform these rites according to the faith the subject had in life, and a successful use works toward your progress of gaining the critical information you need.

Another option is to have one skill set up better or worse conditions for another skill check. For instance, during a chase through a crowded city you can use Perception to more actively look for a shortcut, more unhindered path, or the like. If successful, rather than give direct progress towards your goal (escape), you receive a bonus on a following Athletics check to gain distance to your pursuers.

Skill results can also have other consequences than working you towards a goal on a success or against it on a failure. For instance, you might try an Acrobatics check during a chase like mentioned above to jump through a small opening or dive under a cart, but if you fail you may get seriously hurt in addition to receive a failure (shortening distance to your pursuers).

If you want to, you can include skill challenges in combat (working out a grand puzzle mechanism for a vault door while some PCs battle the alerted guards) or during a hazard (activating the teleportation circle in an ancient temple, while it collapses around you). The player is encouraged to be creative and try to employ any skill he/she thinks would be applicable, but of course it’s up to the DM whether it will work and to govern if the DC is easy, moderate, or hard.

Of course, experienced DMs have been doing many of these things before, but it’s set up in way that makes it fairly easy to handle for everybody (in my opinion). You can do more with skill challenges than what I listed above, but I think the post is long enough as is. Laughing out loud

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

Well... I still have no idea what that means, and you didn't really mention anything to do with social skills, just that thing about insight and then a bunch of things for abstracting various actions, which is pretty much what diplomacy, intimidation, bluff, and most of all Gather Information do in 3.5

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

It's just examples; you can make skill challenges focusing heavily on social skills, too.

There’s one in the excerpt on skill challenges here.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

'Dunamin' wrote:
It's just examples; you can make skill challenges focusing heavily on social skills, too.

There’s one in the excerpt on skill challenges here.

Hm. At first I thought it was basically saying "Just like 3.5 except instead of rolling once and determining the degree of success based on the number of the roll reletive to the difficulty you roll a whole bunch of times and determine success based on how many times you roll higher than the difficulty." Then I read further on and it looks like there actually are some interesting possibilities. It still won't help bad DMs much but a decent one will be given allot more tools to do cool things with. It's funny, they made this stuff more complex and interesting while dumbing other things down so badly...

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

Yep, there are definitely weak fields as well as stronger ones.

To take an example, I don't like how monsters have been simplified that much, but I do like how many fancy stunts martial characters now can pull off.

Rangers can pin foes to a wall with an arrow, rogues can weave around an attack to make it hit another another subject, a flail-wielding fighter can wrap the chain around a target and restrain it... Those are some of the parts that really appeal to me.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

Hm, are special abilities and spells now generally more often focussed on dealing damage rather than neat effects like sleep or charm? See, I've never cast a fireball, my play style pretty much excludes evocation, so will I still be able to do that?

Well I've been reading more about the monsters and I don't like what they've done. So far I'm still underwhelmed overall. I've found far more things I dislike than like, so I'm still not buying the books yet.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

'Dunamin' wrote:
They can be structured such that successful use of a certain skill makes another feasible to use. For instance, an example skill challenge in the DMG is using Speak with Dead to learn sensitive information from a spirit that is reluctant to give it up.

A successful use of Insight against a moderate DC can be used to connect with the spirit on an emotional level, making it soften up enough to reveal that is was never given proper burial rites. You have then opened up the use of Religion with an easy DC to perform these rites according to the faith the subject had in life, and a successful use works toward your progress of gaining the critical information you need.

Another option is to have one skill set up better or worse conditions for another skill check. For instance, during a chase through a crowded city you can use Perception to more actively look for a shortcut, more unhindered path, or the like. If successful, rather than give direct progress towards your goal (escape), you receive a bonus on a following Athletics check to gain distance to your pursuers.

I think we called this "DMing" in previous editions... Laughing out loud
On a slightly more serious note, its nice to see it in the actual rules.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

'Dire Lemon' wrote:
Hm, are special abilities and spells now generally more often focussed on dealing damage rather than neat effects like sleep or charm? See, I've never cast a fireball, my play style pretty much excludes evocation, so will I still be able to do that?
Attack powers usually deal some form of damage and cause some type of effect (Fireball deals damage, Sleep doesn’t), while utility powers deal with a variety of situations (Feather Fall and Mordenkainen’s Mansion still does what you’d expect). Rituals cover many effects, none of which are related to combat (Magic Mouth and Consult Oracle).

There is definitely more emphasis on dealing damage, though effects are separated so that you don’t pick an attack power at the expense of a utility power.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
Ugh. Mezzoloths are chaotic evil now. I was hoping they'd give them the straight "evil" alignment.

Oh, apparently there is no "straight" evil alignment now. Evil is described the same way lawful evil was in previous editions. Okay, that's weird. If evil is the same as lawful evil, and they already have an alignment called lawful good, why don't they call it lawful evil? That's needlessly confusing. Having the four alignments be lawful good, chaotic good, lawful evil, and chaotic evil would at least make more intuitive sense.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

Yeah, that's really weird. Thankfully it can be changed without affecting the game system, but it will be interesting to see what the reasoning behind it was on Monday.

Arytiss's picture
Joined: 2006-08-11
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

Yes, but then they wouldn't be able to equate chaos with evil as has quite clearly been done. Also, if you play an evil character you disrupt the party and make everyone angry at you.

There do seem to be a lot of shout outs to older stuff everywhere. The MM has a brief mention of Tharizdun (though not by name) and there's other similar stuff worked in.

Much of the monster flavour that the designers were talking about seems to have been removed entirely in favour of squashing more creature varients in. Most monsters have less flavour than 3rd ed. And some have none whatsoever.

There also appears to be a new Slaad. And Slaad tadpoles.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

There certainly has been made room for playing evil characters in the edition, ie. by opening the Paladins up to evil PCs and options of mechanically emphasizing this by replacing radiant effects ("searing bright power") with necrotic effects ("dark soul-wounding power").

Tharizdun is included with the other gods in the DMG. Apparently he's also given a central role in relation to the Abyss, which I find sort of strange.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
'ripvanwormer' wrote:
Ugh. Mezzoloths are chaotic evil now. I was hoping they'd give them the straight "evil" alignment.

Oh, apparently there is no "straight" evil alignment now. Evil is described the same way lawful evil was in previous editions. Okay, that's weird. If evil is the same as lawful evil, and they already have an alignment called lawful good, why don't they call it lawful evil? That's needlessly confusing. Having the four alignments be lawful good, chaotic good, lawful evil, and chaotic evil would at least make more intuitive sense.

No needless symmetry? Sticking out tongue

Come now Arytiss, taking things at more than face value is just being pessimistic... unless you are being optimistic... which is a good thing...

HeavenShallBurn's picture
Joined: 2008-04-09
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

The important thing to grok about skill challenges are that the system is essentially a transplant from narrativist game systems. Rather then resolving an action, you're resolving to solve the entire conflict. Really when you strip it down to mechanics it's rolling for narrative control. You choose an appropriate skill to roll then either get closer to ultimate success or defeat. But none of it directly corresponds to any particular in-game event until you get to the end of the challenge.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

Kinda makes me think of those quick button press puzzles so damn popular in action games these days.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

'HeavenShallBurn' wrote:
The important thing to grok about skill challenges are that the system is essentially a transplant from narrativist game systems. Rather then resolving an action, you're resolving to solve the entire conflict. Really when you strip it down to mechanics it's rolling for narrative control. You choose an appropriate skill to roll then either get closer to ultimate success or defeat. But none of it directly corresponds to any particular in-game event until you get to the end of the challenge.
Sure does, if the DM wants it to.

In a skill challenge to track down the hideout of a notorious mobster, you may be using Streetwise to bribe information from seedy sources with your result impacting how much gold you spent and how much you learned. Somewhat related is the example given in the DMG where the party seeks to discover secret lore from libraries and scholars, and spend gold on a consultation fee in connection with Diplomacy.

Another case is the example skill challenge provided to supplement the Keep on the Shadowfell adventure, where you try and use Arcane to close a "Shadow Rift" with your understanding of the arts to unravel the ceremony rites. If you fail on the check, you lose control of the energy from the portal which lashes out and does damage.

Another case is using Nature in a skill challenge where you navigate through some dangerous wilderness area, to navigate through natural hazards and such. If you fail the check, every member of the party might lose a healing surge from wear and tear.

In various ways, all of these consequences may prevent the party from completing the challenge before getting to the end.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
'ripvanwormer' wrote:
Ugh. Mezzoloths are chaotic evil now. I was hoping they'd give them the straight "evil" alignment.

Oh, apparently there is no "straight" evil alignment now. Evil is described the same way lawful evil was in previous editions. Okay, that's weird. If evil is the same as lawful evil, and they already have an alignment called lawful good, why don't they call it lawful evil? That's needlessly confusing. Having the four alignments be lawful good, chaotic good, lawful evil, and chaotic evil would at least make more intuitive sense.

So they got rid of Yugoloths entirely by turning them into demons?


Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

'Dunamin' wrote:
Another case is using Nature in a skill challenge where you navigate through some dangerous wilderness area, to navigate through natural hazards and such. If you fail the check, every member of the party might lose a healing surge from wear and tear.

Or be surprized to find out that bears actually live in forests, aparently. Laughing out loud :roll:

I wonder what the DC for "Moose are herbavores" would be?

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

"Gads! What is that massive hideous beast!? It doth wear antlers covered in fur and does have funny hangy downy thingies on it's throat! Let's kill it!!!"

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

"What a horrid bellowing sound it makes! Come, salwart companions, let us slay this beast before it CONSUMES US ALL!"

Moose bites can be pretty bad.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

What's the skill check to identify a gazebo? Laughing out loud

[wonders who here gets the joke]


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

'Zimrazim' wrote:
What's the skill check to identify a gazebo? Laughing out loud

[wonders who here gets the joke]

I don't.

I'd like to, but I don't.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
4e I Has It, Is Garbage!

The Dread Gazebo. :mrgreen:


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

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