4E Conversion Organization Thread

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Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Thanks for the chant!  I'm

Thanks for the chant!  I'm guessing we're waiting on the PoL-related fluff til we see what the 4e MotP says?  That sits well with me since it's right around the end of the semester and I won't have to spend time writing twenty pages worth of screed for final papers.

 I'll head over to Rrakkma and Shattered Mirrors and see what's there.  Thanks again for the tips.


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

http://www.planescapemetamorphosis.com/ -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30


System mechanics for the Spire and the Rings of the Outlands. Please comment on the thread and make any suggestions needed!

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
New mechanics that we might

New mechanics that we might be able to use can be found in the new Manual of the Planes excerpts.

Rituals and magic items (incl githyanki silver swords and spelljammers).

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
I'm a little disappointed

I'm a little disappointed about the Manual of the Planes Table of Contents look, had hoped for more of the classic planes to be featured in the book. I see Sigil, the Abyss, Pandemonium, Celestia, The Nine Hells, Arvandor (probably effectively the same as Arborea now), the Far Realm, the Plane of Dreams, the City of Brass. Also had hoped for more classic monsters back. Some of the classics might've gone through name changes, though, I don't know.

I'll venture a guess that many of the missing links are due to the Feywild and Shadowfell taking up a significant part of the book.


For our part, I think that implies we should start thinking about working out Mechanus, the Grey Waste, and the other remaining usual suspects. There might be mechanics in the Feywild section of the book we can use for the Beastlands, just like the mechanics for influencing an unstable plane seems perfectly suited for Limbo.



Hmm, I'm guessing Acheron also is in but renamed to Chernoggar, and the Gray Wastes but focused around Pluton, based on this. Also, apparently the Great Wheel does get some attention.

It seems the standard 4E cosmology is properly refered to as the World Axis cosmos, rather then the Points of Light cosmos.

saric's picture
Joined: 2008-12-16
I already have the book, and

I already have the book, and indeed on page 15 there is a sidebar explaining how to use the great wheel in 4e terms. Including all those missing planes you're talking about.

 As for the monsters, I was extremely disappointed at how few there were included in the book. At least they included a few demons/devils to run a blood war, maybe.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Saric: Does it include the

Saric: Does it include the mechanics for the planes or just a general 'do this to get this' sort of scenario?

Edit: Ok - I've skimmed it and even following the 'go here for this page' descriptions in that sidebar they are missing a lot of rules we're going to need to create. For example: Carceri gets a description as an astral domiinion, but no rules for transportation restrictions. Or Pandemonium gets rules for wind as flight and sound effects, but nothing for madness.

I think first we're going to need to make a compiled list of the missing elements that we need - then start finding what's existing in the book that we can co-opt for it, (the fire and cold affects on some of the Hell layers may be useful for missing elemental planes). Then what's still not covered we can create the rules for.

Who else has a copy at this point so we can start with the list making?

catland93's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Clueless wrote: Saric: Does

Clueless wrote:

Saric: Does it include the mechanics for the planes or just a general 'do this to get this' sort of scenario?

Edit: Ok - I've skimmed it and even following the 'go here for this page' descriptions in that sidebar they are missing a lot of rules we're going to need to create. For example: Carceri gets a description as an astral domiinion, but no rules for transportation restrictions. Or Pandemonium gets rules for wind as flight and sound effects, but nothing for madness.

I think first we're going to need to make a compiled list of the missing elements that we need - then start finding what's existing in the book that we can co-opt for it, (the fire and cold affects on some of the Hell layers may be useful for missing elemental planes). Then what's still not covered we can create the rules for.

Who else has a copy at this point so we can start with the list making?

I haven't yet my copy of the manual.

In my bleaker's conversion there's a draft table for madness. Could be good for bleakers and for pandemoniun?



catland93's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
i just got my copy of the

i just got my copy of the book.




catland93's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
How to use the great wheel

How to use the great wheel in 4e (from the manual of the planes): Material Plane: The mortal world. Astral Plane: the Astral Sea. Plane of Shadow: Shadowfell. Plane of Faerie:  Feywild. Ethereal Plane: The Ethereal Plane is the most difficult part of this cosmology, because it’s a new fundamental plane that no game effects refer to in the rules. Various powers or magic items may confer temporary etherealness, and rituals can shift travelers into the Deep Ethereal to journey to the Inner Planes.

- Six Inner (Elemental) Planes: In the Great Wheel cosmology, the Elemental Chaos does not exist. Instead, the Planes of Air, Earth, Fire, and Water are all separate from each other. In addition, the Positive Energy Plane and Negative Energy Plane.

- Seventeen Outer Planes:
- Ysgard (Unaligned): A warlike domain, where great heroes battle giants.
- Limbo (Unaligned): Like the Elemental Chaos, Limbo is a plane where matter assumes random forms.
- Pandemonium (Chaotic Evil): Pandemonium
- The Abyss (Chaotic Evil): The Abyss
- Carceri (Chaotic Evil): Carceri
- Hades (Evil): Plutos.
- Gehenna (Evil): Tytherion .
- The Nine Hells (Evil): the nine hells.
- Acheron (Unaligned): Chernoggar.
- Mechanus (Unaligned): An astral dominion of perfect law and inflexible order.
- Arcadia (Lawful Good): Hestavar.
- Celestia (Lawful Good): Celestia.
- Bytopia (Lawful Good): A domain consisting of two idyllic layers, each forming the other’s sky.
- Elysium (Good): A domain of golden fields, where the deserving find rest.
- The Beastlands (Good): A wilderness domain populated by wise animal like spirits and guardians.
- Arborea (Good): Arvandor

- The Concordant Domain (Unaligned): A neutral plane influenced by all the others and populated by a smattering of folk from other planes.

- Demiplanes: Sigil and the Far Realm are demiplanes in the Great Wheel cosmology. Their exact location in the cosmos is not known.



Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
I got a copy as well now

I got a copy as well now and have had time to skim it through, at least. A few additional missing links:

While Acheron is roughly equivalent to Chernoggar in the book, it isn't given as a collection of iron cubes. We would need that in the "old cosmos with 4E rules approach", with the respective objective gravity rules for being drawn towards a cube side.

In the same vein, Gehenna might be somewhat represented by Tytherion, but its given as maze of canyons rather than steep volcanic mountains. If I recall correctly, there used to be rules for slipping and tumbling down the mountain-side which we might think about reinstating.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Aye - there seems to be some

Aye - there seems to be some rough equilivances (good for Part One) but there's missing rulesets all over the place which we need to work back in (Lots of work for Part Two).

reverendjeremiah's picture
Joined: 2008-12-20
This sounds great! I love

This sounds great! I love planescape and I have loved it for a long time..just recently found your site though. Is there anything I can do to help? Im one hell of an artist when it comes to computer art...


Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Anything you could

Anything you could contribute would be very appreciated, thanks Smile.


After reading a few parts from the 4E Manual of the Planes and looking at their suggested use of a 4E Great Wheel, I've begun work on a new series to fill in missing planar mechanics. The first set deals with the Planes of Law (link).

reverendjeremiah's picture
Joined: 2008-12-20
Well, I spent a few hours

Well, I spent a few hours doing some test drawings, and I decided to finally draw my most favorite Planescape character... It is a Rogue Modron fighter / part time custodian for the Civic Fest Hall that they call "Bob" (because he bobs up and down and sounds like a scratched record sometimes when he is talking) Any ways, here is the linky: http://jesuschristarcade.com/index.php?topic=124.0 Of course, anything that I make for this project is 100% royalty free. Please be honest about my art work and any suggestions will be considered. Please also notice that this picture I am showing you, as of 12,21,08, is still being worked on (I have to give it some kind of background).. perhaps if you give me an idea of what the books background will look like I can integrate it into all of my pics I donate to the cause.

Perhaps my next image should be of the Planescape cosmos 4.0 - but I must admit, I dont even have 4.0 yet, (I just finally got caught up with 3.5) but I have read quite a bit about it on WIZARDSotC site...did they lump the abyss into the same sections as the elemental planes? Because it sure looks that way to me.

Perhaps I go out and buy a 4.0 manual of the planes to help me out.


Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
There's no official 4E

There's no official 4E Planescape cosmos yet.

We're working both with using the original Planescape cosmos (Great Wheel) using 4E rules, and 4E cosmos (World Axis) using Planescape flavor. In the former case the Abyss is where it always has been (the Outer Planes), in the latter case the Abyss is a realm in the Elemental Chaos. Art for either would be great.

The mop-wielding part-time custodian modron is awesome, by the way. Laughing

reverendjeremiah's picture
Joined: 2008-12-20
(No subject)



reverendjeremiah's picture
Joined: 2008-12-20
This is an OFFICIAL image of

This is an OFFICIAL image of the 4E COSMOS and to be honest I am NOT Happy. They have turned the entire system into a dualistic nightmare that ultimately makes no sense. Where is the seperation of the elemental planes? Why is an outer plane (the abyss) mixed into the elemental plane of fire? Why is CARCERI in the upper planes with Celestia? Why is Pluton (Hades) higher on the celestial/astral plane than Celestia? Why is Sigil (Our BELOVED SIGIL!!!) floating off by itself in some kind of void?

Look..I am HUMBLED to be in a position to draw a representation of the AD&D Multiverse (what little of it I can represent in image), but something tells me they went for "looks good, lets go with it" over philosophical/political/fractional/religious balance.

Please..sound off if this image of the new "Planescape" for 4E is appealing to you. If not, please sound off why it isnt.


reverendjeremiah's picture
Joined: 2008-12-20


Here is the OFFICIAL view on planescape 4E (or the planes, if you like).

Is this what we have to work with? They have snatched damn near everything from us in the name of "make it simple!"


Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Based on that illustration,

Based on that illustration, I expect the githyanki to invade Arvandor shortly.  )

(I'll stick with the old cosmology, thanks!) 


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
And now... you see why we're

And now... you see why we're working on a 'patch' for 4th to fix this problem. Eye-wink

reverendjeremiah's picture
Joined: 2008-12-20
Here, Ive got an idea. Why

Here, Ive got an idea. Why not just start out by saying "Some berks are just clueless" . In other words, just flat out say that the manula of the planes is dead wrong, or written by the Illithid to lure people to their doom. Or written by the Effreeti to lure more potential slaves. And after a paragraph or 2 of giving several reasons why it was written wrong, then move on to explaining the wheel, Rule of three, unity of rings, center of all, etc...

Its either that or we use the new cosmology and come up with some kind of canon explanation for its change. Perhaps it was the blood war that forced the abyss into the elemental plane of fire spreading chaos exponentially throughout the elemental planes until it turned into one swirling cess pool of elemental chaos with the abyss becoming its drain. The blood war would still be raging, but this explanation would actually make it appear that the blood war may be more than just some meaningless eternal battle. Perhaps ther really is some major stakes involved in that war instead of just fiends killing fiends.

And of corse, once that happened to the abyss, then everything went out of wack. Thats why the alignments changed so drastically. No more Lawful neutral. No more Chaotic neutral. The great wheel actually BROKE from the fall of the abyss into the elemental planes and the impact has been felt across the multiverse.

Hmm..what do you think?


Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
If you read the first post

If you read the first post of this thread you will see that the course for this project has already been set: We're making 4E Planescape for both the old cosmos and the new cosmos.

For "original Planescape cosmos with 4E rules" there's no need adressing the flavor in the new MotP at all - just the crunch. The multiverse is still organized as the Great Wheel, there are still 9 alignments, the Abyss is still an Outer Plane, and demons are still exemplars of Chaotic Evil. Things are like they used to be, just with updated rules.

For "new cosmos with Planescape flavor" the point is to suggest how the 4E World Axis cosmos can be fitted to Planescape style. The multiverse is organized as the new World Axis cosmos, there are 5 alignments, the Abyss is a realm in the Elemental Chaos, and demons are corrupted elementals. The foundation is pretty much the new MotP I would think, but adjusted for a Planescape feel.


Why use these 2 different approaches?

Because the former approach appeals more to us old Planescape fans who like the setting as is but like the new ruleset, while the latter approach appeals more to new D&D players who play the current edition but want to learn about why Planescape is a great setting.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Well - to be honest - I

Well - to be honest - I think you may want to reread this thread. Embarassed Those questions have already been covered and we've already dug pretty deep into this project, so it's worthwhile to make sure you're caught up as you come in.

We're working on a two part approach.

The first being an out of game discussion and advice to DM and player on ways to bring the planescape feeling, tone and mood to new cosmology, for DMs whose games and players are already set in the new setting. The emphasis here is out-of-game advice, I'd rather not set in stone for a DM what way 'things came to be', as the new cosmology is really just not well-connected to the old. But we will advise the DM on how to develop that story if they want, and ways to get the feel of planescape into the new setting where it's absent. Plots, themes, and locations that are well suited to the old flavour.

The second half being work on patching, replacing and/or updating the mechanics of 4th to the old cosmology so older games can move to the new edition, and new games can be created using the old cosmology.

Does that sort of clarify things to give you a better feel for what you're looking at?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Dunamin wrote:Why use these

Dunamin wrote:
Why use these 2 different approaches?

Because the former approach appeals more to us old Planescape fans who like the setting as is but like the new ruleset, while the latter approach appeals more to new D&D players who play the current edition but want to learn about why Planescape is a great setting.

*HUG* You just boiled down the logic beautifully for me! It's what I've been trying to get at and I've just not been able to reduce it down that concisely.

Thank you!

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
reverendjeremiah wrote:Why

reverendjeremiah wrote:
Why is an outer plane (the abyss) mixed into the elemental plane of fire?

It's not. It's mixed into the Elemental Chaos, which is sort of like all the old Inner Planes mashed into each other Limbo-style. 

Why is CARCERI in the upper planes with Celestia? Why is Pluton (Hades) higher on the celestial/astral plane than Celestia?

I think you're reading too much into the picture here. 

Why is Sigil (Our BELOVED SIGIL!!!) floating off by itself in some kind of void?

 Wasn't it always?


Pants of the North!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Adding two more

Adding two more organizational links, as noted before if you want to work on an aspect of the 4th ed work, please make a new thread and link to it in this one. We're trying not to clutter the organizational thread too terribly much.

Dunamin's Planes of Law Rule Creation:


Kobold Avenger's Origin of Powers Articles: 


Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
A few Christmas presents

A few Christmas presents from me to the project: mechanics for Planes of Chaos and Planar Dangers.

Again, these are for the "original Planescape cosmos with 4E rules" approach.


Happy holidays! Smile

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
I'm not sure why I haven't

I'm not sure why I haven't thought or read of this before, but wouldn't it be a workable conversion to make the Rogue Modron player race be mechanically equivalent to warforged? Perhaps changing Str bonus to Int (Con bonus seems fine) and Intimidate bonus to Perception (Endurance bonus seems fine)?

Dragon 364, which is freely available, provides a full writeup for warforged which might thus be used for modrons. When I read about the Armbow and Shoulderbow in the article, I couldn't help thinking of Nordom from Torment. Laughing

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
That would probably work

That would probably work well - would we be able to use the warforged as a basis for the entire modron race as well for DM monster purposes?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Adding link to the ongoing

Adding link to the ongoing list of monsterous updates:



Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Clueless wrote:That would

Clueless wrote:
That would probably work well - would we be able to use the warforged as a basis for the entire modron race as well for DM monster purposes?

Well, monster creation is a pretty different aspect than player race creation - much more free rein.

I'd say we ought to consider one or more sort of "trademark" modron powers, just like kobolds got Shifty and orcs got Warrior's Surge.

extropymine's picture
Joined: 2005-08-02
I'm late to the party,

I'm late to the party, having taken a couple years away from D&D in general and having only recently been introduced to 4e. After my initial shock, I've settled into it okay. It's weird but then again I think it's the way it is.

I suppose I would be more interested in the "make Planescape work in 4e" approach, rather  than the "make 4e work for Planescape" approach, though I acknowledge the good intentions of both approaches. I've always been more of a "go with the flow" type of gamer, so my tendency is to embrace 4e and try to find ways to squoosh Planescape into the frame. Manual of the Planes helped.

Having read the Forgotten Realms update, I agree with Wyrmwood-- a similar catastrophe would be very useful for Planescape. We advance the timeline and get the luxury to explain things with a broad pen: there used to be a place called the Outlands, but now it's gone. Why? The <INSERT BIG EVENT> destroyed it, or the Lady may have to protect her city from the <INSERT BIG EVENT>. Either way, Sigil now occupies it's own plane. The Great Road and the Gate-towns persist, but they are not what they once were.

I've also noticed a lot of "power creep" in some threads here, presumably because to maintain what a faction/race/etc was, they've been given more power than normal 4e stuff seems to have.

Anyway, I'm poking around and finding my feet, but I may chime in here and again.


Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Welcome to the gang.

Welcome to the gang. Smile

extropymine wrote:

I've also noticed a lot of "power creep" in some threads here, presumably because to maintain what a faction/race/etc was, they've been given more power than normal 4e stuff seems to have.

Though I've been playing 4E for some time now, I'm not too good at evaluating the custom-designed character options other community members have made for the 4E PS project.

However, I don't think they intentionally have made their content more powerful than norm, but I suppose there might be some in current versions. Its all just drafts and suggestions for the time being, though.

catland93's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Yes, it's all just a draft

Yes, it's all just a draft version. I'm waiting for any suggestions and corredges about the factions stuff.



Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Anyone have ideas for Epic

Anyone have ideas for Epic Destinies not covered by the recent Dragon Magazine article or by the FRPG (Chosen as proxies)?

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Whoa, the potential final

Whoa, the potential final endpoint of that Prince of Hell epic destiny is some serious business!

I suppose something similar might be done for other exemplar servants: For instance, how about a Master of Balance that can take on rilmani-like qualities and perhaps eventually become a powerful lord of Neutrality? Including feature(s) or power(s) that deal damage you take or conditions you suffer back in equal amount to your foes?


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ok! Wow - you guys have

Ok! Wow - you guys have been *productive*!!

 I just went through all the threads to try to update my master word doc with the changes, I'm hoping I got all of them But if you guys are keeping docs of your up-to-date work in a nice format, I would love to get copies so I can compare and make sure my copy is up to date!

Once I get this stuff crunched into something reasonable, I'll post a link up so everyone can review to make sure that I have things right, and so we know where the gaps are. 

Let me know if there's something I may have missed!

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
I do keep my content in

I do keep my content in Word documents, but I think I've updated the respective threads when I had something to correct (Spirelight, Planes of Law, Planes of Chaos, and Planar Dangers). You're more than welcome to copies through email if you'd like but it should pretty much be the same as I've posted.

Now, I should really get around to finishing that Planes of Conflict project I've had half-finished for ages...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Great to hear That'll make

Great to hear Smiling That'll make it much easier to compare and make sure that I have everything correct once I have it up Smiling

Cuatha's picture
Joined: 2008-09-05
Hey all,I've been chatting

Hey all,

I've been chatting with Clueless a bit, and thought I'd get involved with this 4e conversion.  I helped work on the 3e PSCS years ago, but only recently got back into D&D when 4e came out.

I'm still reading through/digesting what's been done already in these threads, but I'll be diving into the conversation as soon as I get my bearings a bit.


Monsieur Cutts's picture
Joined: 2010-05-19
Re: 4E Conversion Organization Thread

Hey Guys & Girls,

I'm not sure if this project is on indefinite hiatus now or not so forgive me if that is the case.

Dunamin's reworking of the Planes of Law & Chaos for 4E have been really useful in my campaign so far thanks. I'm planning on sending my long suffering PC's for a holiday on the Gray Wastes soon.

I was wondering if anybody had done any work on the Planes of Conflict etc as I'm not sure how to represent the 'Wasting Sickness' and other more unusual depressing hazards of the Three Glooms.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Monsieur Cutts

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: 4E Conversion Organization Thread

Out notification system was out of commission so I didn't get any notices on this. Many apologies for the delay. I'm glad it's doing well for you. I'm not sure how much momentum still exists for the conversions, but I'll see if I can find out.

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