3Ed factols

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Felenthir Enthelion's picture
Joined: 2007-12-18
3Ed factols


Has someone ever updated the factols to the 3rd ed?

 I always thought that, if they were perfect for the 2nd ed, they were too weak for being factols in 3E (that is more focused on epic levels). I mean, to betheboss of a Faction one should at least possess the epic leadership feat.

It would be cool to see, for istance a Erin Montgomery psion/cleric/ardent filettante with at least 20 levels, or a Pentar with level in the Doom Lord class, or an Hashkar wizard/fatespinner and so on. 

 What do you think?

Barking_Wilder's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
First, I would just like to

First, I would just like to highlight that I was going to check to see if Rhys had been given levels in the Planar Handbook. I have finally become so lazy that instead of reaching the 3 feet down to the bottom of my bed to get at my D&D books...I actually opened the PDF of said book that I have on my computer *sighs at his own laziness*

 Anyway! A quick look says that Rhys (not a factol, I know...but she used to be!) has been given levels Fighter 2/Wizard 15. We also have Arwyl Swan's Son who isnt one of the original factols, but he is the leader of the Sons of Mercy and so im guessing holds a similar position as the almighties Smiling

 Im sure I saw mention of Skall in another book but im going cross-eyed with all the speed-reading and I might be wrong anyway!

 So in my usual chaotic fashion I am not sure if I have actually answered the question in my ramblings so I will recap.

We have Rhys and Arwyl who are levelled and aligned but not fully statted. Also, I think Skall is out there somewhere but I may have dreamt it Sealed

 Expect another post as me and my impulsive nature now spend the rest of my night trawling all the D&D PDF's I have spent so much money on for traces of the old Factols.  Thanks for that! Frown lol

Barking_Wilder's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Told you I would

Told you I would back.

 It wasnt in a book. It was a forum post


 Ripvanwormer my old friend, I do love you for being the first result on google when I search for Factol Skall. This means I have found some of what I was looking for and also that I can now get some sleep Smiling

 Instead of hammering this thread, if I find anymore I will just edit it Smiling

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Planning on setting up some

Planning on setting up some articles here on them? Eye-wink *grin*  

Barking_Wilder's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
For you my dear, of course

For you my dear, of course Smiling

 What would you like? Old Factols, new leaders, both?

If so its gonna take a little research on my part to find out what classes we have that are either assumed or canon with regards to the Factols themselves (oh and alignments would be handy). So yeah, if anyone knows anything about the Factols send me a message so I dont make a fool of myself and make Skall a monk or something Sticking out tongue

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Felenthir Enthelion

Felenthir Enthelion wrote:

It would be cool to see, for istance a Erin Montgomery psion/cleric/ardent filettante with at least 20 levels, or a Pentar with level in the Doom Lord class, or an Hashkar wizard/fatespinner and so on. 

Erin Mongomery was only an 8th level cleric, in the 2e boxed set, and they made a point of it that she wasn't that high-levelled.  It's likely in 3e she was only Cleric 8/ Psion (Telepath) 1.  

Now Factol Rhys, would probably be a 20+ level Swordsage, with her 15/15 levels.

Barking_Wilder's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Nah. Fighter 2/Wizard 15

Nah. Fighter 2/Wizard 15 according to planar handbook. Then again, thats the same book which said the lady was LN. Yeah, centre of the TN plane and shes lawful. But seriously. Ill write them up if people want Smiling

Felenthir Enthelion's picture
Joined: 2007-12-18
Kobold Avenger wrote: Erin

Kobold Avenger wrote:

Erin Mongomery was only an 8th level cleric, in the 2e boxed set, and they made a point of it that she wasn't that high-levelled. It's likely in 3e she was only Cleric 8/ Psion (Telepath) 1.


The point is, in 3rd ED how can a 9th level character be the leader of a Faction? She should at least be an epic character with epic leadership and a VERY high charisma.

In 2Ed it was possible to have a low level factol, but in 3ed? Is it the same?

Ok, mabe she is rich (not maybe, she IS rich) and she has a +12 charisma cloack, but a leader with +6 in will ST can be easily dominated and charmed.

  So, guys, what about updating the stats of the factols in a more 3Ed view? 

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Barking_Wilder wrote:Nah.

Barking_Wilder wrote:
Nah. Fighter 2/Wizard 15 according to planar handbook. Then again, thats the same book which said the lady was LN. Yeah, centre of the TN plane and shes lawful. But seriously. Ill write them up if people want Smiling

That book also came out before The Tome of Battle: The Book of Swords where the Swordsage class was introduced, and happens to be a far better fit for Rhys and many Ciphers.

Barking_Wilder's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
You had to name the one

You had to name the one book I dont have! lol Ill take a look at it though

 I agree with Factols needing to be more powerful in 3E but the majority of them (especially for the existing factions, who have not been in power as long) should not be Ubers.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Felenthir Enthelion

Felenthir Enthelion wrote:
The point is, in 3rd ED how can a 9th level character be the leader of a Faction? She should at least be an epic character with epic leadership and a VERY high charisma.

In-game, nobody knows your class levels. Would you challenge a factol?  Not a lot of people will, and a factol is going to have a lot of protection simply from the organization.  You can play Hashkar as a petitioner with a few levels in Expert and the appropriate Guvner feats, and who's gonna call him on it?  :^)  There are plenty of historical examples of people who obtained positions of great power and turned out to be horribly unqualified, with some failing spectacularly and some who grew into the role.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Barking_Wilder wrote: For

Barking_Wilder wrote:

For you my dear, of course Smiling

What would you like? Old Factols, new leaders, both?

Both, all, any, multiple? I'm greedy. Eye-wink And our Fractious Factions section could use some love. 

Barking_Wilder's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Jem wrote: There are plenty

Jem wrote:

There are plenty of historical examples of people who obtained positions of great power and turned out to be horribly unqualified, with some failing spectacularly and some who grew into the role.

 One copper to the person who can come up with a recent example of someone in a position of power who is unqualified and failing spectacularly Sticking out tongue (And thats my political quota filled for the year, back to counting chickens Smiling)

 And Sarah, i'll do some research and take a look. Im guessing its a little easier to submit now right?

Calmar's picture
Joined: 2006-06-07
I think, you should not

I think, you should not emulate faction abilities with class levels, but give them additional abilities related with their beliefs instead.


"La la la, I'm a girl, I'm a pretty little girl!"

--Bel the Pit Fiend, Lord of the First (in a quiet hour of privacy)

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The only caveat to the

The only caveat to the suggestion of just reflecting them with belief abilities ad hoc, is that a lot of players like to have NPCs that are reflected solidly in the rules. In some small way it allows them comfort in the idea that they could do they same. It seems more fair that way.

What I would suggest in your design is this - assume that a factol of any faction is going to be focused on their belief. To the exclusion of *other* things. So, unlike a PC who will parcel out one or two feats to a faction related power, while saving the rest for more 'useful' abilities, a Factol will blow every feat they can on belief like there's no tommorrow. As mentioned before, enough levels of Expert to get the Guvnor feats is all you really *need* to successfully portray Haskar. And there is that nifty "Faction Freak" prestigue class in the PSCS designed to get you faction feats in a hurry. I think that class ought to show up a lot in these cases.

I know - I just asked you to fly and walk and swim all at once - "do it with the rules, but also no need to go hogwild on levels". I get that - it'll be hard to balance out. But I think it's possible and worthwhile to do so.

The factols don't have to be powerful when compared to PCs. Obvious exceptions (Skall, Rhys, etc) would have more power in addition - but focus on the belief powers first in your builds. Afterall - one leads a faction by force of belief and happenstance in the political system, not by force of arms or wizardly might. (Well ok, maybe for the Takers. But you get what I mean.)

Suffice to say, I rarely see the argument that a Senator in any given campaign kingdom must have 20 levels of fighter in order to hold political power and that without the levels he is underqualified. No - he got there by other means, dare I say it... roleplayed means. Eye-wink Why on earth should we have that logic in this case? Just because PCs are also in the group the NPC is in charge of? That doesn't mean the group will follow them or even *like* them givent he mouths I've seen on most player characters. Laughing out loud

To answer your question re: submission being easier. It should be, yes. The basic workflow is the same but the code itself is more robust now. Really it should be more a matter of relearnign where all the buttons are. (Plus, we have Blogs! Eye-wink ) So scream if you get stuck on where to find that stuff.

Guntank's picture
Joined: 2008-07-31
Rowan Darkwood would be

Rowan Darkwood would be immensely powerful by 3.5e standards (and from Rip's story, rightfully so --- he raided Avernus and lived, after all) --- whereas 2e uses the Dual-Class system for Darkwood being a 19 Ranger/20 Cleric, he would either be a Gestalt Ranger/Cleric with 20 levels' worth of Fighter BAB, Monk Saves, and both Cleric and Ranger spells...or a 39th level Epic Character with insanely maxed-out stats (a 39th level's starting gold is *12,300,000gp*, which is more than enough to get him +10 items in everything, plus +4 tomes to boost all six stats, and still have a little less than half left over for other items and epic weapons (and as a Taker, why *wouldn't* he max out his stats wherever he could?). Forget the Faction War; If the Lady of Pain did nothing, that latter option could just waltz right into Sensate HQ, kill every single Sensate in his way all the way to Erin and Cuatha, kill *them*, and walk out nearly unscathed! 

(Of course, being able to do that and *wanting* to do that are two entirely different things...)

The only obstacle would be how old Darkwood might be. From his physical appearance, he easily qualifies as an old-aged person, meaning he takes certain penalties to his stats.


Brian: "I wait 'til my party members are halfway across the bridge, and then I cut the rope. Thanks for playing, guys."

B.A. "I wonder if Gary Jackson had days like this..."

-Knights of the Dinner Table

Barking_Wilder's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
It doesnt take nigh on 40

It doesnt take nigh on 40 levels to raid the Nine Hells and live. A cleric with the right domains multi-classed with Ranger as it seems he is would be able to tackle more than enough fiends to make a name for himself before healing up and popping back through a portal covered in blood and apparently being no worse for wear.

I used to have my Barking Wilder character making frequent excursions into Baator (albeit with the rest of his party) by level 12, just to cause trouble. He got his first taste of the nastiness around level 8 and could hold his own by playing cleverly (and a bit of good rolling) by 10th level. Keep in mind he was largely rogue (converted his fighter levels to Chaotician when Planar Handbook came out) and so wasnt meant to stand up to the damaging melee.

 No, id say the Lady has a problem with Epic characters walking around Sigil en mass. Like we have established, Skall and Rhys are largely benign and are not looking to crack open the cage so she leaves them alone until they cause problems. But Karan can be expained away with rogue levels, at a push maybe a slight touch of bard and then it would be the beautiful Faction Freak class to assist with those feats. Hashkar? Faction Freak/Fighter or something around that area. I think it would go too far to claim his lawful bent would make him a Paladin as it is not mentioned anywhere I have found.

Does anyone have a list of Past Factols and Current Leaders/Factols? 

Darkness_Elemental's picture
Joined: 2006-01-13
I just have a Pre War

I just have a Pre War list: 


Athar:  Factol Terrance, 19th level priest of the Greater Unknown, Lawful Good

Believers of the Source:  Factol Ambar Vergrove, 19th level ranger, NG

Bleak Cabal:  Factol Lhar, 8th level fighter, CN (half-orc)

Doomguard:  Factol Pentar, 20th level ranger, CN

Dustmen:  Factol Skall, 19th level wizard lich, NE

The Fated:  Factol Rowan Darkwood, 19th level ranger, 20th level priest of Heimdall, CG (CG?  I’d say he slipped down to CN or CE by Faction War)

The Fraternity of Order:  Factol Hashkar, 0th level sage, LN

The Free League:  Bria Tomay, 14th level bard, CN;  Lethea and Lesander, 6th level fighters, LN (wemics)

The Harmonium:  Factol Sarin, 16th level Paladin, LG

The Red Death:  Factol Alisohn Nilesia, 8th level wizard, LE (tiefling)

Revolutionary League:  Beringe, 13th level fighter-thief, NE

The Sign of One:  Factol Darius, 11th level diviner, NG

Society of Sensation:  Factol Montgomery, 9th level priestess of Diancecht, LG

Transcendent Order:  Factol Rhys, 15th level fighter/mage, NN (tiefling)

The Xaositects:  Factol Karan, 9th level fighter, CN (githzerai)


I did a partial conversion of the Factols the 4th ed as a means of familiarizing myself with the system.  I'll share the results at some point

Felenthir Enthelion's picture
Joined: 2007-12-18
I like the list. How much

I like the list.

How much Charisma should each factol have?

What about creating a "factol" template? It could be a good way to explain the powers of  otherwise week people like lahr and Erin.

For istance, a factol could have +10 Charisma bonus and both the Epic leadership and Legendary Commander.

And many other cool things that could explain why they are still in their place without having been magically dominated by other more powerful people.


By the way, shouldn't really erin have at least 1 psion level?

What about the nice prestige classes of the factions? it would be cool to see that the factols spended their levels on them.  


Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Guntank wrote: . . .

Guntank wrote:

. . . whereas 2e uses the Dual-Class system for Darkwood being a 19 Ranger/20 Cleric, he would either be a Gestalt Ranger/Cleric with 20 levels' worth of Fighter BAB, Monk Saves, and both Cleric and Ranger spells...or a 39th level Epic Character with insanely maxed-out stats . . .

 Just for reference sake, multiclass levels in 2e and in 3.x were very different beasts. A 10 Thief/10 Fighter in 2e was about like a 6 Rogue/6 Fighter in 3.x. I believe the conversion booklet they released with the 3.0 set said that for multiclassing you took the largest class level and added 1/4 of any other class levels to get the equivalent level for a third edition character, then assigned those levels as you saw fit (Correct me if I'm wrong people. I did a lot of this for my conversions but I forget if it was 1/4 or 1/3).

 That means that even if you're converting Darkwood straight out of 2e he'd have 20 + (19/4) levels to work with (24). That still puts him squarely in the epic, but not so nigh silly as a level 39 NPC.

As for maxed out stats, yeah probably. He's richer than Midas and without the qualms about turning relatives into golden statues, so I'm sure he's Wished his stats up and has a full set of +6 Statistic clothing or somesuch

Darkness_Elemental's picture
Joined: 2006-01-13
Felenthir Enthelion wrote:

Felenthir Enthelion wrote:

I like the list.

How much Charisma should each factol have?

What about creating a "factol" template?

The list is taken from the 2nd edition book The Factol's Manifesto, which included short stat blocks on the various factols.  There listed Charisma scores were:

Athar:  Factol Terrance, Cha 16

Believers of the Source:  Factol Ambar Vergrove, Cha 17

Bleak Cabal:  Factol Lhar, Cha 8

Doomguard:  Factol Pentar, Cha 18

Dustmen:  Factol Skall, Cha 10

The Fated:  Factol Rowan Darkwood, Cha 18

The Fraternity of Order:  Factol Hashkar, Cha 8 (Int 24)

The Free League:  Bria Tomay, c17;  Lethea and Lesander, 6th level fighters, Cha 14

The Harmonium:  Factol Sarin, Cha 17

The Red Death:  Factol Alisohn Nilesia, Cha 17

Revolutionary League:  Beringe, Cha 14

The Sign of One:  Factol Darius, Cha 16

Society of Sensation:  Factol Montgomery, Cha 18

Transcendent Order:  Factol Rhys, Cha 18

The Xaositects:  Factol Karan, Cha 17


I believe that scores higher than 18 were very rare (at least for Cha) in 2nd, so those scores are pretty impressive.


As far as templates go, many of the factols were given special abilities regardless of level. 

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
And on some level the

And on some level the "Faction Freak" template was intended to provide a means for someone to focus excllusively on faction 'stuff'. Making it something of a factol class / template (Same difference really when it comes to level costs)

Calmar's picture
Joined: 2006-06-07
I agree that there should be

I agree that there should be a guideline that applies to both NPCs and PCs. What I mean is, that the affiliation system from PHB II is the best way to represent the powers of faction belief, in my opinion. It's also the easiest way to make sure that noone tries to mix faction abilities by taking certain PrCs that normally represent them.


"La la la, I'm a girl, I'm a pretty little girl!"

--Bel the Pit Fiend, Lord of the First (in a quiet hour of privacy)

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Aye - the affiliate system

Aye - the affiliate system was presented as an alternative system for belief in the PSCS. But it was alternative, so stats dependant on that system would also fall under that category. Which is to say, while they may work better for your game, they shouldn't be the only format of a factol's stats presented, so as to be useable for folks whose games don't use the affiliation system (like Shemmy's for example). That's assuming that we're aiming for factol stats that are compatable with the PSCS / Planewalker's stuff of course. If they are compatible - then we would be able to reference these stats as the standard stats used for module development for the PSCS.

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