Has someone ever updated the factols to the 3rd ed?
I always thought that, if they were perfect for the 2nd ed, they were too weak for being factols in 3E (that is more focused on epic levels). I mean, to betheboss of a Faction one should at least possess the epic leadership feat.
It would be cool to see, for istance a Erin Montgomery psion/cleric/ardent filettante with at least 20 levels, or a Pentar with level in the Doom Lord class, or an Hashkar wizard/fatespinner and so on.
What do you think?
First, I would just like to highlight that I was going to check to see if Rhys had been given levels in the Planar Handbook. I have finally become so lazy that instead of reaching the 3 feet down to the bottom of my bed to get at my D&D books...I actually opened the PDF of said book that I have on my computer *sighs at his own laziness*
Anyway! A quick look says that Rhys (not a factol, I know...but she used to be!) has been given levels Fighter 2/Wizard 15. We also have Arwyl Swan's Son who isnt one of the original factols, but he is the leader of the Sons of Mercy and so im guessing holds a similar position as the almighties
Im sure I saw mention of Skall in another book but im going cross-eyed with all the speed-reading and I might be wrong anyway!
So in my usual chaotic fashion I am not sure if I have actually answered the question in my ramblings so I will recap.
We have Rhys and Arwyl who are levelled and aligned but not fully statted. Also, I think Skall is out there somewhere but I may have dreamt it
Expect another post as me and my impulsive nature now spend the rest of my night trawling all the D&D PDF's I have spent so much money on for traces of the old Factols. Thanks for that!