3.5 Planescape Character Sheet

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Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
3.5 Planescape Character Sheet

Yes, thats right. My own homebrew character sheet, lovingly hand-crafted by the forced labor of orphans I picked up in the hive. Who I made use BMP files to do it. HA!

Seriously, enjoy! And by all means, please point out anything I forgot to put on there.

the Way this is set up, you only need one sheet ( sides one and two) unless you cast spells or use psionics. In which case you print out the appropriot sheet.

so, whaddaya think?

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
3.5 Planescape Character Sheet

Very nice, if a bit untidy.

You didn't account for plane of origin, which is, IMO, even more important than faction allegiance (in post-FW).

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
3.5 Planescape Character Sheet

Agreed. The Faction or Deity line might be left blank, but everyone needs to know what plane they're from.

But yeah, these sheets are very pretty.

Smeazel's picture
Joined: 2004-11-02
3.5 Planescape Character Sheet

The rogue proofreader within me feels the need to point out that the word is spelled "experience", not "experiance"...

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
3.5 Planescape Character Sheet

Neat, although a spot for a character picture might be nice.

Did you use some graphics from Torment?

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
3.5 Planescape Character Sheet

Yea, all of them, actually. I figured trying that, see how it went over. If I can get ahold of enough Diterlizzi pics, I might go back and create a second, possibly better designed, chacter sheet with that old planescape feel.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
3.5 Planescape Character Sheet

It's pretty, but it'll eat your printer alive. White text on a black background will never show up well on your average humble gamer's BubbleJet or whatever. Your sheet will still be dripping with ink at your first game session.

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
3.5 Planescape Character Sheet

yeah. what the factol said. it's a very impressive sheet, I'll give it that, but I couldn't justify the costs in ink alone!

LEIN's picture
Joined: 2006-01-28
3.5 Planescape Character Sheet

'Rhys' wrote:
It's pretty, but it'll eat your printer alive. White text on a black background will never show up well on your average humble gamer's BubbleJet or whatever. Your sheet will still be dripping with ink at your first game session.

I agree with Rhys. It's too color heavy. But it looks good.

Infernal Teddy's picture
Joined: 2005-07-21
3.5 Planescape Character Sheet

Nice, but it's still not the perfect sheet I am questing the planes for...

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