3.5 "Planar" Adventure Path??

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ShadowDenizen's picture
Joined: 2007-10-09
3.5 "Planar" Adventure Path??

Hey, everyone.
I'm new here; I was referred from ENWorld by "Clueless", with the thought that you fine folks could be of assistance.

Anyone know of any "Planar Adventure Paths"? (Either online or for purchase would be fine.)
Or, failing that, anyone interested in helping me CREATE one?

I know that there are several "anthology" modules, and several of the Planescape modules are designed to be tentatively connected, and there have been modules from Dungeon Magazine, but I would LOVE to see a fully-connected, 3.5/OGL Adventure Path focused on Plane-Hopping.

A bit of a (long-winded) background to the question..

Ages ago, I read "Fire and Dust" by James Gardener, and that started my love for the planes, and the "Planescape Setting".

Flash forward several years:
Several days ago, I finished reading all 3 Paizo Adventure Paths, and the final quarter of the "Savage Tide" blew me away, especially the issues that focused on the Abyss and the other planes of existence.

Inspired, I just completed my "Planescape" collection this morning (I have most books/sets in physical form, and the rest printed from the PDF's, thanks to Paizo.com.), and, after all these years, I find I am STILL in awe of the setting and it's attendant books.

In particular, "The Inner Planes" sorcebook drew me in, especially the Earth/Air/Fire/Water realms, and I thought "What a cool place to set an adventure in!!"

And that, naturally, brought me to thinking about the cornerstone of the Planescape setting "Sigil", and again, I thought "There's so much potential in this for an awesome Adventure Path!"

So, I've been looking for something like this online, but to no avail..

If anyone knows of anything like this (or is SERIOUS about helping me brainstorm and/or write them), feel free to shoot me a PM or an Email. Alternmately, if there's enough interest, perhaps we could even use this thread to bounce ideas around.

Thanks in advance; any help is appreciated!

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