I'm very bad at finding things, I think. I need to know a few 3.5 editions of monsters either online or in the books (I don't have many of the books myself, but I know people who have them) I don't even have my Monster Manual with me, so I'm sorry if I put something on here that's in one of the core books and I didn't remember it XD
Black Pudding
Grey Ooze
spectral hound (I was thinking of using shadow mastiffs?)
Thanks for any help you can give
Shedu is in the Fiend Folio, IIRC. There's an alternate conversion here: http://www.enworld.org/cc/converted/magical_beast/shedu.htmfrom the Creature Catalog at ENWorld.
Psurlons are in Lords of Madness. Spectral Hound is in Dungeon 100 (the Githyanki invasion issue).