3.5 Conversion for Harbinger House

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Miriael the Betrayed's picture
Joined: 2013-07-31
3.5 Conversion for Harbinger House

Hi all,

I've searched about the site a bit, but can't find anything other than links to an article that's apparently been taken down. I was wondering if there had been a 3.5 conversion for the Harbinger Hall module completed or attempted available on the site, as I'm hoping to run it as part of a larger campaign, and it would make a neat climax.

Thanks Smiling

cromlich's picture
Joined: 2012-09-13
Re: 3.5 Conversion for Harbinger House

welcome, it's in this thread:


Miriael the Betrayed's picture
Joined: 2013-07-31
Re: 3.5 Conversion for Harbinger House

Perfect! Thank you so much Smiling

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