Hey all.
I have a 3.0 -> 3.5 conversion question. I'm sure someone here will know the answer since PS has been through so many editions of D&D.
In a few of my 3.0 books the casting time for some spells is listed as: 'X actions'. In the same book it also has listed: 'Y rounds'.
At first, I thought if the spell had >1 'actions' then it must just mean 'rounds'. But with other spells in the same book listed for multiple rounds, that can't be it. It only seems to be listed like this in the 3.0 books I have. Does anyone know how to convert from these 'actions' to the 3.5 actions? And if so, does a source exist detailing the conversion?
As I recall correctly, an action is something you can do in 1 round, while also have a move action. That is why casting times are set to actions and durations in rounds. I really don't see the point in having X actions as a casting time, as any time longer than 1 action would automatically result in rounds. --
Scratch that. Upon replying I notice that I'm in the same mind set as you are. I.e. i don't know the answer either. Do you have examples of such spells?