Hi all, been a while
Once again, things have crawled to a hault here it seems, which is a shame, and I'm sorry that I havent helped the situation
As to my own UPS work, currently its lost - my main pc died and im working from my girlfriends laptop so I cant get hold of any of my UPS files - I've just spent 1/2 hour grabbing info from the UPS threads, so not good.
As I'm hoping to run another game of UPS sometime soon with GURPS, I'm gonna try and spend some time on getting things sorted - luckly, I have some print outs of basic overviews that I used for my summer game.
If I do post anymore up, if there is any rules text, it will be GURPS based.
My first goal is to write up brief overviews of Sigil's wards and each outer place (like a parapgraph per layer) and from there, I can expand UPS.
I hope people are still interested in UPS and maybe even some of the old bloods might wander back here at some point.
Lookin' forwrd to it