2006 Donation Drive - GOAL MET!!! (Now let's exceed it!)

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Zjelani's picture
Joined: 2003-11-24
2006 Donation Drive - GOAL MET!!! (Now let's exceed it!)

The yearly hosting bill has reared it's ugly head again. (Well, it's not *that* ugly. We're not EN World after all, but anyway) and the domain name is in need of renewing before June.

The hosting has been paid and I'll be getting to the domain name soon as well, so the site will be up and running for at least another year. But if people would like to share any of the financial burden, I certainly would appreciate it. Eye-wink

There is a PayPal donation button in the lower left of every page on the main site. It's pretty easy process and you don't even need a PayPal account. Anything helps, and if we get enough I'd really like to be able to do more like prizes or t-shirts or dice bags or some such. Most of those require some jink up front.

Either way, thank you all for you bringing this site back to life!


P.S. Oh, and Sarah, if you have incurred any expenses for the site, definitely let me know.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
2006 Donation Drive - GOAL MET!!! (Now let's exceed it!)

Nothing outside of time as of yet. Eye-wink

Zjelani's picture
Joined: 2003-11-24
2006 Donation Drive - GOAL MET!!! (Now let's exceed it!)

Last call for donations. If you want to help keep Planewalker running and maybe even growing into new areas, any financial donation would be appreciated. Smiling

Barring any special projects or nothing, this is the last I'll bug you all about it until next Spring. However, we do accept donations year round, but when the yearly bill hits, we'd especially appreciate anything you can give.

Thank you all!

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
2006 Donation Drive - GOAL MET!!! (Now let's exceed it!)

How much have you guys raised? What's your goal?

Zjelani's picture
Joined: 2003-11-24
2006 Donation Drive - GOAL MET!!! (Now let's exceed it!)

'Ulden Throatbane' wrote:
How much have you guys raised? What's your goal?
I guess that information would help. Sorry, I'm not accustomed to asking for money and I mainly left it out because our goal is kind of fuzzy. For one thing, I make sure that we don't end up in one of those "We need $X this week or the site shuts down!" situations that you sometimes see with other fan sites. Secondly, if we get enough donated, there are plenty of special projects that we would love to do like t-shirts, dice bags, and/or contest prizes that would need some initial funds.

But as for hosting, that annual bill is $84 and comes due every Spring. Also, the domain name is coming due pretty soon here and that is $35-$75 depending on whether I renew it year by year ($35/year) or for 3 years ($75/ 3 years).*

So far in 2006, we received a $15 donation back in January.

As for a goal, I'd say $150 each year would be great! It would cover hosting and the domain name, plus have extra for special projects and contest prizes.

How's that sound? Smiling

Orroloth's picture
Joined: 2004-10-23
2006 Donation Drive - GOAL MET!!! (Now let's exceed it!)

'Zjelani' wrote:
How's that sound? Smiling
Totally cool. I'll be supporting you guys every year.

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
2006 Donation Drive - GOAL MET!!! (Now let's exceed it!)

I have a Paypal account now. Expect something from me soon, and yearly.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
2006 Donation Drive - GOAL MET!!! (Now let's exceed it!)

Where do we actually stand at this point Ken?

Zjelani's picture
Joined: 2003-11-24
2006 Donation Drive - GOAL MET!!! (Now let's exceed it!)

I have been editing the thread title everytime I get a submission. So we're $30 away from this year's goal.

We are pretty much at the point where any more donations that come in will go to activities other than just the hosting fee (especially since I can consider some of the hosting fee my own donation). I also turned off a few options we weren't using anymore (like ASP pages) to save some more money next year and direct more towards other uses.

Since I picked a set dollar amount, I probably should pick a date range, too. The yearly bill comes due in the spring, so let's go with simple calendar year and restart the donation drive January 1 (unless there are objections).

Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13

It would help if you could conjur up a donation incentive; something easy, like convincing one of our talented artists to draw up something planescape related and send copies to those who donate. Not saying that having the site here isn't worth the donation itself, but people like to have something tangible, if possible. (seems to work for those web-comic sites)

As for me, I never noticed the paypal button and suddenly feel bad about that. I fully intend to donate before the new year, but not this week, as I head back to school in a few days and all my money is going there at present.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
2006 Donation Drive - GOAL MET!!! (Now let's exceed it!)

I've got a number of plans along those lines in mind.

We've certainly got a lot of artwork that's been tossed our ways as of late and getting permission from some folks to run off prints for donation purposes shouldn't be too hard to do. Smiling

Zjelani's picture
Joined: 2003-11-24
2006 Donation Drive - GOAL MET!!! (Now let's exceed it!)

This past week we received the $13 necessary to meet this year's goal.

Thank you everyone for helping out!!

We still have a month left, so donations are still being accepted and can go towards special activities.

I'll also contact Clueless offline about any plans she has for next year. That way in January, we can start the 2007 fundraising drive and with more specific plans than my "uh.. anyone want to help me pay the server bill" post. Smiling

Thank you again to everyone who has donated this year!

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
2006 Donation Drive - GOAL MET!!! (Now let's exceed it!)

I will certainly get you guys some cash. I haven't gotten to contributing to the site like I would love to do for a bit. But this is one of two gaming related things I do donate money to and I will again soon. (the other being a non profit that runs a gaming convention I helped found in Duluth MN this year.)

Anyway good luck and except some cash soon. Not sure how much though since this is the off season of work for me...

Kalidor's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
2006 Donation Drive - GOAL MET!!! (Now let's exceed it!)

Now that the new year is upon us, what are the plans for special items or events (and the associated cost) in addition to the annual fee for maintaining the site?

Zjelani's picture
Joined: 2003-11-24
2006 Donation Drive - GOAL MET!!! (Now let's exceed it!)

'Kalidor' wrote:
Now that the new year is upon us, what are the plans for special items or events (and the associated cost) in addition to the annual fee for maintaining the site?
Thanks for bringing up the issue. I un-stickied this thread, and started a 2007 Donation Drive thread.


Planescape, Dungeons & Dragons, their logos, Wizards of the Coast, and the Wizards of the Coast logo are ©2008, Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro Inc. and used with permission.