13 or 15 factions according to the Rev. League?

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Anetra's picture
Joined: 2009-04-03
13 or 15 factions according to the Rev. League?

I'm writing up an introduction to Sigil from the PoV of the Revolutionary League, and I'm torn on whether to have them say there's 13 or 15 factions. Do you think they would they categorize themselves and the Free League as factions?

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: 13 or 15 factions according to the Rev. League?

Yes. Only the Free League don't count themselves as a faction; even everyone else does.

Anetra's picture
Joined: 2009-04-03
Re: 13 or 15 factions according to the Rev. League?

Thanks Jem!

Here's a draft of the final thing, feel free to let me know if there's something I could have done better. (The narrator is all kinds of biased, though, haha -- since it's from the PoV of the Anarchs, the opinions on the other factions are not really all that nice. THOUGH IF YOU HAVE IDEAS ON HOW TO MAKE THEM MORE DISPARAGING I AM ALL EARS >:})

You are agents of change in the planar metropolis of Sigil. The city, sprawled out along the centre of a torus at the top of an infinitely tall spire, is a melting pot of people, cultures, and ideas. Full of portals, and connected through them to everything and everywhere you can fathom, Sigil is the sort of fantastical place where an angel and a demon could pass in the streets and hardly bat an eye at the other.

The ruler of this amazing city is, ostensibly, the Lady of Pain - a mysterious woman-like-thing that never eats, never sleeps, never sets a foot upon the ground. She floats through the Cage in perfect silence, and those what try to get her attention - no matter who they are, and no matter why they think they want it - are found flayed, or they aren't found at all.

The Lady of Pain's only got one or two rules: no Gods coming in her city, no one messes with her portals, and no one claims to rule the joint. She don't give a toss about mortal matters like killing and stealing, and she doesn't care if the people all roam free or try and police each other. She only cares about her portals and the safety of her city -- and that's the walls and the buildings, berk, not you or me or any of the people here.

The folks that really run Sigil, though, those are the Factions, and there's fifteen of them. These factions don't all get along - sure, some of them are allies, but just as many are enemies - and they're all trying to tell a blood the same thing: that they've got the answers. They know the big secret, the true dark, the answer to the oldest question. These factions're all saying that they know what's up with the 'verse, why it exists, and what our place is in it. They're all so fucking full of it that they've got all these sorry sods joining their ranks, clamouring for a piece of that pie, all trying to reach some form of enlightenment or ultimate power.

And they're all fucking wrong.

There's three of these factions known together as the Triad of Order: they're the Harmonium, the Mercykillers, and the Fraternity of Order; these guys are the judges, juries, and executioners of the Cage. They make up the laws, arrest you for breaking them, and then they find you guilty -- all three of them, all working together to put a sod in the dead book.

The Harmonium preach a message of peace and ultimate unity, but they're looking to reach that unity by slaughtering anyone daring to disagree with 'em. The Mercykillers say they believe in justice, but really they believe in two things: purifying the guilty through torture and pain, and being the only sods above the law. And the Fraternity of Order? They say they know all of the dark, that there's some set of laws and rules to the way the whole world works. They claim that they can control these laws, but really, they're just controlling anyone dumb enough to believe it.

The others aren't much better, either. They all want the same thing: to make a body believe they've got the real answer, that their way is the right way. The Sensates say the way to enlightenment is by experiencing everything, while the Ciphers want you to believe that doing every addled thing your instincts tell you'll get you on some higher level of consciousness. The Fated're all about strength; according to them, anyone who has the power to take something ought to have it, and a sod who couldn't hang onto what he's got never really had it. An Athar'll tell you that all the gods are frauds - sure, they'll agree they're all more powerful than you or me, but they'd rather see 'em all destroyed than worshipped. Xaositects believe in chaos, they say that disorder is the natural state of the 'verse, while the Sinkers believe in destruction - that the whole thing's pegged to fall apart, and there ain't nothing you can do to stop it.

The Signers? There's a barmy lot! They'll have a body believe they're at the centre of the 'verse, that the whole thing is some collective delusion they've all dreamed up. The Believers of the Source're about work and personal improvement, they say that we were all created to better ourselves, and that we keep on getting reborn until eventually we've transcended this world and moved on to the great unknown. The Dusties'll, on the other hand, they'll tell you we're all already dead. They say "life" and "death" as we know 'em are false states of being, that a body's got to deny himself to reach a true state of oblivion. The Free League deny even being a faction, but they are one, make no mistake; they say they believe in being free, but they're all just sheep, all gettin' together talk up how independent they all are.

And the Bleak Cabal? They say there's just no damned meaning at all.

But they're all fuckin' wrong.

The truth is, ain't nobody knows the true dark. At least, not yet. If one of these sorry groups'd really figured it out, why haven't they proven it? Why have they still got so much competition? If they really had the truth, if they really knew the point of this whole thing, wouldn't that truth be self evident? There'd be no way of denying it, whatever it was, once you'd heard it. No, these factions're all just schemes - all just ways to give the high ups more power in the Cage. They're a way to recruit saps and make 'em do what you tell them to do.

You are agents of truth in the planar metropolis of Sigil. You are members of the fifteenth faction, the Revolutionary League, a faction dedicated to the destruction of all the factions. And, yeah, that counts us, too. Once the others're gone, once they ain't here poisoning people with their lies and trickin' 'em into thinking they already got the answers, then we can all focus on finding the real dark of it. Then we can find some truth, together, without the corruption and greed.

Then... we can all be equals.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: 13 or 15 factions according to the Rev. League?

It's your baby and your game, so I don't want to nitpick. I will offer one thing: being a Fraternity man myself, I can think of much worse things to say about us. :^)

"The Fraternity of Order? They enable the other two. Judges. Lawyers. Their decisions are about what you'd expect when book-scribbling hermits insist their rules apply to everyone, that people ought to be as predictable as falling rocks -- every one of 'em thinks they've got the inside line on the System of all reality, and there's no room for someone that doesn't toe their line."

You may want this to be Sigil-focused, in which case ignore this last comment, but you might want to add a line that while Sigil's the main focus of your activities, they occasionally help out people all across the Planes who are struggling under tyrannies of the mind. It's good practice for the real battle in Sigil, it's a righteous thing to do, and it often helps fund the main faction activities. Could probably word that more attractively than I just did.

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