0-Rank Deities (Quazi or Hero-Deities) in Sigil

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Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
0-Rank Deities (Quazi or Hero-Deities) in Sigil

Are these extreme-low ranker Deities barred from Sigil like the rest of 'em, or are they weak enough not to count? I mean, they don't really have any special powers to speak of, certainly not when compared to such creatures as Pit Fiends, Balors, etc. that ARE allowed in!

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
0-Rank Deities (Quazi or Hero-Deities) in Sigil

I think defining gods based on stats and "ranks" and such is fundamentally foolish. I mean anything that can properly be considered a god can destroy a planet as a free action, so there's not much point in listing how many hit points they have.

That said, Divine Rank 0 is a little different. It doesn't actually give you the powers of a proper god, just a bit of the mystique. I'd base whether or not they're allowed on what "role" they fill in the cosmology. Proxies, Petitioners, and other assorted immortal beings that aren't "Powers" are allowed. Gods, Demigods, Exemplar Lords (like Lords of the Nine), Aspects, and Avatars are not.

Narfi Ref's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
0-Rank Deities (Quazi or Hero-Deities) in Sigil

'Duckluck' wrote:
I mean anything that can properly be considered a god can destroy a planet as a free action...

I god is an entity that is worshiped, capable of benefiting from worship, and (generally speaking) was never a mortal. The ability to destroy a planet is not a requirement. At least, this is the polytheistic view of divinity which is quite appropriate in a polytheistic setting.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
0-Rank Deities (Quazi or Hero-Deities) in Sigil

I think that in 3rd edition there are only two requirements to being considered a deity.

1. They must be able to grant divine spells to their worshipers.

2. They have the ability to alter planes with the "Divinely Morphic" trait.

This is what seperates true powers from archdukes of hell for instance.

However, it is my understanding that all aberrations are considered 0-rank deities. If that is true then the question can be answered simply if there has been an officially published account of an aberration in Sigil.


Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
o-level Deities

I meant per the definition in the book "Deities and Demigods", where they are basically nomal characters with a few extra powers and immunities, can't affect the planes, and don't grant spells...

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
0-Rank Deities (Quazi or Hero-Deities) in Sigil

'420' wrote:
However, it is my understanding that all aberrations are considered 0-rank deities. If that is true then the question can be answered simply if there has been an officially published account of an aberration in Sigil.

I suspect you mean abominations.


Pants of the North!

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
0-Rank Deities (Quazi or Hero-Deities) in Sigil

I was being a bit hyperbolic when I said all gods can blow up planets. What I meant is that a god is by definition someone who is too powerful for a PC to fight and beat, so there's not much point in giving them stats. But yeah, I think 0 ranks are the exceptions as they're not really gods at all. Naturally this should be done case by case though as there are some 0 rank beings (avatars, for instance) that probably shouldn't be allowed in the Cage.

Mask's picture
Joined: 2007-04-22
0-Rank Deities (Quazi or Hero-Deities) in Sigil

'Narfi Ref' wrote:
I god is an entity that is worshiped, capable of benefiting from worship, and (generally speaking) was never a mortal.

So Cyric is not a deity, because he was mortal once? Shocked

And capable of benefitting from worship is more or less every being in the multiverse, as belief (of the worshippers) is shaping the multiverse.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
0-Rank Deities (Quazi or Hero-Deities) in Sigil

'Bob the Efreet' wrote:

I suspect you mean abominations.

D'oh! That's what I get for getting my information second hand. So, are there any books that have described an abomination in Sigil?

Also, the whole mortal becoming deity thing is just in the Forgotten Realms right?


EDIT: Changed "human" to "mortal" (What was I thinking?!)

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
0-Rank Deities (Quazi or Hero-Deities) in Sigil

Well, there was Vecna, right?

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
0-Rank Deities (Quazi or Hero-Deities) in Sigil

Vecna certainly as well as St. Cuthbert, Kurtulmak (according to Races of the Dragon, anyway), tons of FR deities (who are canon in Planescape), and plenty of other gods as well who I'm forgetting.

At any rate, mortals becoming gods is definitely part of the setting and it's often suggested that many other deities were once mortal as well, and they're just trying to hide it.

Elder Elemental Jester's picture
Joined: 2007-04-17
0-Rank Deities (Quazi or Hero-Deities) in Sigil

Well, certainly none of this takes into account the most powerful force allowing or disallowing these 0 rank dieties into account: the Lady's whims. Maybe Hercules is allowed in sometimes, maybe not others. For something like a 0 level diety, the ability to say "Please" may be more important than multiple worshippers (which would kind of bar you from Sigil anyways). Smiling

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
0-Rank Deities (Quazi or Hero-Deities) in Sigil

Not to mention several previous factols of various factions ascending to Power status -- presumably either outside of Sigil, or getting themselves booted out immediately upon doing so!

Off the top of my head, I know the factol of the Guvners just prior to Hashkar is supoosed to've -- there's even an illustration of the moment of it happening in one of the books! she's looking with pleased surprise at a scroll, and there's a glow forming behind her head -- and no less than three factols of the Transcendent Order, including the one just prior to Rhys (those blokes seem to have the best track record with it) -- that one in public, and the story is told that he just stopped, smiled, and faded from sight. Alas, can't recall whether it was in Sigil at the time.

Hmm. Do we know what became of that Guvner factol? I know in Elysium there are statues of the three Ciphers, and I understand they now grant spells in the normal Power fashion, but I don't recall ever hearing anything about what happened to our lawful success. Maybe if there's nothing canon, we should write something!

Narfi Ref's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
0-Rank Deities (Quazi or Hero-Deities) in Sigil

'Mask' wrote:
'Narfi Ref' wrote:
I god is an entity that is worshiped, capable of benefiting from worship, and (generally speaking) was never a mortal.

So Cyric is not a deity, because he was mortal once? Shocked

And capable of benefitting from worship is more or less every being in the multiverse, as belief (of the worshippers) is shaping the multiverse.

a) I said "generally."
b) I tend to think of gods as they are seen in real life more than the game, and let them inform the the game. So, when I see a setting that includes several pantheons including ones that were (or in some cases still are) worshiped in real life, I tend to treat them as they have been historically viewed.
c) Who's Cyric?

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
0-Rank Deities (Quazi or Hero-Deities) in Sigil

'Narfi Ref' wrote:
c) Who's Cyric?
He is a mortal in the Forgotten Realms that ascended to greater deity status during the Time of Troubles. His companions, Kelemvor and Midnight (now Mystra), also ascended to deities during this event.


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