
Clueless's picture

Shang-ti, also known as Yu-Huang-Shang-Ti and the Jade Emperor, is, according to the Celestial Bureaucracy's propaganda, the Supreme Ruler of the universe. He is the giver of life, the vitalizing power of the earth, the bestower of the Mandate of Heaven, the supreme judge, forgiver, savior of mankind, and the personification of heaven itself. As the head of the Celestial Bureaucracy, all other powers rule through his grace and authority. His word is law among all gods and goddesses, and he is the final arbitrator in any dispute among them. In his true form, Shang-ti is an ethereal, aged man with a bald head and a long white beard.

Shang-ti runs the Celestial Bureaucracy with the welfare of his worshippers at heart. He never gets angry, but will replace any subordinate god who fails to perform his duty correctly. In cases of corruption, Shang-ti has returned even the most powerful gods to mortal form and sent them to the After-world to be punished for their misdeeds.

Omens come from Shang-ti only when a ruler has lost his Mandate from Heaven. In such times, the Empire is besieged by natural disasters such as plagues, floods, and earthquakes.

His Realm, The Jade Palace, is located in Mechanus far from Regulus and the interference of the modrons (though Shang-ti counts Primus as an ally). Shang-ti lives in the center of his disk-like domain with his family, his court, his messengers, and his ministers. The door to his audience room is kept by Wang, the transcendental bureaucrat. Foo dogs and foo lions patrol the grounds of the Jade Palace, which is planted with ever-ripe peaches of immortality similar to those tended by Shou Hsing.

The library of Shang-ti contains all the books and knowledge lost on those Prime+Material worlds that recognize his authority. His librarians are tall, faceless giants in gray cloaks, who visit those places where disaster is about to hit and rescue knowledge from destruction.

Shang-ti's disk interlocks with the marine realm of Shan-Hai+Ching.

Source: Deities & Demigods (1st edition), Legends & Lore (2nd edition), Manual of the Planes (1st edition), On Hallowed Ground

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