Ye'Cind is an elven demigod of magical songs and music, primarily worshiped on the world of Oerth. He was a skilled elven wizard and master bard. After a flawless performance in front of the Seldarine, he was granted apotheosis by Corellon Larethian.
One famous myth tells how he unmasked a regicide using his signature artifact, the Recorder of Ye'Cind.
He is allied with the Seldarine, Olidammara and Lydia, but spends most of his time in Brightwater.
Dungeon Master's Guide (1979)
"Spells Between The Covers," Dragon Magazine 82 (Feb84)
Book of Artifacts (1993)
Greyhawk Player's Guide (Jun98)
Warriors of Heaven (1999)
"All Oerth's Artifacts," Dragon Magazine 299 (Sep02)
Living Greyhawk Gazetteer (2000)
"The Gods of Oerth," Living Greyhawk Journal 3 (Feb01)
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