
ripvanwormer's picture

Vorkehan is the City of Fumes, a city ruled by the Sodkiller faction in Avalas, a layer of continent-sized iron cubes in the plane of Acheron. Its inhabitants believe that mercy is weakness and slavery is just; this Anthill's practically the embodiment of that attitude.

Vorkehan is a grid of titanium streets built on the corner of one of Avalas' cubes, hidden and protected by powerful magic. In prominent positions are many fountains of acid, which periodically cleanse the streets of any impurities in the same way the Mercykillers believed punishment cleansed the soul. Being built on a corner, gravity is very odd in Vorkehan, with three abrupt 90 degree angles to watch out for. The walls are built of steel, adamantine, and oily-black stone, studded with blue-green witch-flames. Baatezu are a common sight in this Burg.

For over six centuries, Vorkehan was the home of the Mercykillers. After the Faction War the Sodkillers split from their fellows, the Sons of Mercy, and drove the remaining Sons from the City of Fumes (not that the good-aligned Sons of Mercy wanted to stay).

Source: Planes of Law

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