The Time of Troubles, also known as the Avatar Crisis, was a deux ex machina in the world of Toril a few decades or so ago where the gods descended upon the planet to change the world's game mechanics from 1st edition to 2nd edition AD&D. Regions of wild or dead magic were left as the laws of the universe were rewritten.
Apparently, some screeds called the Tablets of Destiny were stolen by the gods Myrkul, Bane, and Bhaal, and as none would admit to the crime the Overpower Ao imprisoned all the gods active on Toril in their avatars and banished them to the mortal world until the tablets were recovered. Those gods active on both Toril and other worlds - such as Lolth, Tyr, Loviatar, Tiamat, and others - were able to function normally on the planes and elsewhere, but were unable to affect Toril except through their avatars. The gods with worshippers only on Toril were unable to affect anything except through their avatars, effectively banished from the Outer Planes.
Before the dust settled, Mystra, Myrkul, Bane, Bhaal, Leira, Ibrandul, Tchazzar, Gilgeam, and Ramman were all dead, their portfolios either assumed by other gods or by new gods risen from mortal heroes to take their places. Mystra was replaced by a woman formally called Midnight, who assumed the name of her predecessor. Myrkul, Bane, and Bhaal were replaced by a man called Cyric, although parts of Cyric's new portfolio were later taken by Kelemvor and the reborn Bane.
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