
ripvanwormer's picture

Thrym is both the lord and Power of the frost giants. He can plunge any part of the Prime Material Plane into a state of extreme cold. Like most giants, Thrym hates the Norse Pantheon and is anxiously awaiting Ragnarok. He will lend his aid to any plan that troubles the norse deities. Thrym often grants frost giants the ability to use wizard magic. He is credited with creating the first minotaur from the vestige+Haagenti, and with creating the first icebergs during his battle with his sister Shax.

Kostchtchie hates him and hopes to take all his worshippers for his own.
He rules part of the Realm of Jotunheim in Ysgard, a region called Fibulwinter.

Complete Divine
Defenders of the Faith
Deities & Demigods (First Edition)
Deities & Demigods (Third Edition)
Dragon magazine #283
Legends & Lore (Second Edition)
Tome of Magic (D&D 3.5)
Player's Guide to Faerun
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