Tethrin Veraldé

ripvanwormer's picture

the Shining One
is the patron god of bladesingers, swordsmen in general, and
the rare elven paladin. He's reputed to be the son of both Corellon and Sehahine,
though only recently has he begun to develop a following among the elves. An
adventurous, strident god, he believes in the power of elven blades and magic to
win the day, and likewise encourages his followers to use such to protect and
further the elven cause.

Tethrin has few enemies save Lolth (who would like to
deal a personal blow to Corellon and Sehahine by slaying him) and the Faerûnian
drow demigod Selvetarm (who was sent by Lolth to kill Tethrin during the [[Time of
Troubles]]). On Oerth, he gained the ire of Hextor by helping Heironeous settle
some matters there, and so he must watch out for him. Still, if Tethrin were
slain he would be reinstated by Corellon so his worries are somewhat alleviated.

When not undertaking missions to the Prime+Material, [/b]Tethrin spends his time in Elysium with the goddess Kirith Sotheril, his
lover and confidant. Their Realm there in Amoria is called Tethridar.
Sources: [/b]Dragon magazine #236 - "The Seldarine Revisited"[/b]

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