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A tempest[/b] is a living storm, a dark storm cloud with human or bestial features. Silver veins extend across it, carrying the electrical impulses that maintain the storm's energy. Though they consist of many substances (lightning, silver, wind, and rain) they can be found in the plane Air, and are apparently related to elementals and genies. Some believe they are Jann who have become injured and can no longer retain humanoid forms. They may also be related to skriaxits. They reproduce by mating with tempests of the opposite gender.

Tempests are very territorial, considering any violation of their airspace to be a challenge. Most genies and elementals attack tempests whenever they encounter them, though Djinn and marids keep them as guardians and pets. Tempests speak a form of Auran that consists entirely of subtle wind buffets and splatterings of rain. Those few who speak Common do so in a soft and sibilant voice.

There are also arctic tempests, which use ice storms in place of lightning.


Monstrous Manual (2nd edition)

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