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Soma is the Vedic Power of soma-juice and the moon, as well as the lord of the stars and plants. Soma manifests himself in the soma plant, which provides a powerful juice that causes men to see hallucinations. At one time, all classes of men drank soma-juice, but when it was realized that the drink provided divine power, long life, and insights to the future, this privilege was reserved by law for the priests, kings, and noble classes. Individuals drinking at least one serving of soma-juice a week receive two benefits: they are immune to any form of non-magical disease and their health and stamina are increased. These effects fade at the end of the 7th day without Soma-juice, but are regained as soon as the individual drinks another helping. In his true form, Soma is the moon, though he can manifest himself in many different shapes (such as a bull, giant, or bird).

Although generally beneficent, Soma is rather vain and proud. He is a great collector of beautiful things, as he believes these items reflect well upon him. When dedicated worshipers drink soma-juice, there is a small chance that the resulting hallucination will contain some helpful communication from Soma himself. Omens from Soma always come in the form of soma-induced illusions.

Soma shares the Realm called the Gates of the Moon, in Ysgard, with the Torilean power, Selûne.

Source: Legends & Lore (2nd ed.)

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