Little traveled and less known, the paraplane of Smoke lies between the planes of Air and Fire. It is groundless like Air and hot like Fire, though it doesn't scorch. The air is filled with roiling clouds of choking smoke, foul with brimstone and gases, so it's impossible to breath safely without aid. Toward the plane of Air the poisons clear a little.
Special Physical Conditions. Directions and movement on the paraplane of Smoke have the same limitations as those for the plane+of+Air. Up orients itself to groups of people, and beings must fly to get from place to place. The elemental pockets found here are bubbles of pure air or slithering rivers of elemental+Fire. Earth pockets are extremely rare, so there's little to build on save an occasional oversize cinder from the Paraelemental Plane of Ash. Without landmarks, a lone traveler finds himself lost. Unlike being on the plane of Air, where a cutter can breathe without trouble, a fellow on this paraplane will quickly choke. It's best to have a modified smoke breathing if a berk wants to live; without a proper breathing apparatus, the length of time a basher will live depends on how long he can hold his breath smoke inhalation is immediately deadly. At the closest edges to the plane of Fire, temperatures become more than a body can stand. Without actually crossing the boundary between the two planes, a being still suffers a lot of damage.
Natives and Hazards. Little lives on this inhospitable plane, save a few beings of smoke and fumes (primarily the smoke Paraelemental, Sootbeast, smoke drake, Belker, smoke and sulfur Mephit). Many large birds and other flying creatures have adapted to the toxic fumes of the plane. Renegade efreet and Djinn carve out small kingdoms. Rumors abound of a community of half-fiend drow lurking in the smokes. Humans have built an enchanted burg called the Hidden City in this plane as well. The most notable feature is the Choking Palace, which is the court of Ehkahk, the Smoldering Duke. He's a paraelemental lord and the self-proclaimed ruler of the smoke mephits of his land. The other creatures most likely to be found are djinn and efreet, who use this plane as a battlefield.
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