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Slasraths were simply horrible, slimy worms native to Gehenna until an enslaved sorcerer got hold of them and transformed them into the flying horrors that they are today. Long and wide, the saucerlike things are extremely flat. Razor-tipped wings flutter to keep them aloft, becoming rigid when the creature plunges in to attack its foes with slicing, slashing dives. They were meant to be subservient creatures under the yugoloths, which many still are, but a number of the beasts roam freely throughout Gehenna, adding to the danger and terror so frequently found in that hideous realm. Most slasraths are black, but gray and green varieties are not uncommon. A small but dangerous mouth is located on the creatures underside, and a long, whiplike tail flutters behind it, wielding a nasty barb.

Source: Planes of Conflict, Fiend Folio (3rd ed.)

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