Sigil Advisory Council

kwint's picture

The Sigil Advisory Council is charged with the running of Sigil in the face of the absence of the factions, since the city's guilds do not at present have the numbers or the popular support of the population for the task. The current nine-member council is elected on three-year terms, with the council chair elected for a four-year term herself. The chairman, or chairwoman in the current case, is elected from within the council itself rather than put to popular vote. Voting for the council is run and overseen by the City Courts, with the Dabus serving as impartial vote counters, and a single vote is given to every property owner within Sigil, without regards to the amount or value of the property. This last stipulation prevents the stacking of votes by some of the more powerful and wealthy landowners in the Cage such as Zadara the Titan, Shemeska+the+Marauder, Timmon+d’Arlen, and Jeremo the Natterer.

And so, while not truly representative of the city, those paying taxes upon their property are represented considering that by and large their gold supports the city hierarchy. As well, despite the council’s name, it has much more than an advisory role in the City of Doors. All of its declarations and rulings are backed by the City Courts, the agreement of the vast majority of the guilds, and by the City Guard if need be.

The current members of the Advisory Council are:


[/b]PSCS Releases, Chapter 7

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