Shan Hai Ching

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Shan Hai Ching is the greater god of wind and sea in the Chinese Pantheon. He has a roc's body with the oversized head of a man.Shan Hai Ching is the greater god of wind and sea in the Chinese Pantheon. He has a roc's body with the oversized head of a man. He demands a sacrifice of precious objects on any trip to the ocean in return for good winds and the like. His sacred animal is the whale.  His clerics wear sea-green caps and tunics. He is lawful neutral.Shan Hai Ching is the greater god of wind and sea in the Chinese Pantheon. He has a roc's body with the oversized head of a man. He demands a sacrifice of precious objects on any trip to the ocean in return for good winds and the like. His sacred animal is the whale.  His clerics wear sea-green caps and tunics. He is lawful neutral.

Shan Hai Ching's Realm in Mechanus is on a wheel that interlocks with that of Yu-Huang-Shang-Ti. The water of his realm provides the irrigation for Shang-Ti's peaches of immortality. His wheel is full of water, and many sea creatures make their home there. A fair wind is always blowing in this domain.

Deities & Demigods
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