Sarula Iliene

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Sarula, the Nixie Queen, is a fey goddess of nixies who allied herself with the elven god of nature, Rillifane, as a means of securing her place in the Seldarine. They act more like a father and daughter, but she also has a special relationship with Deep Sashelas, for much of the water she rules over eventually flows to the sea (and into his area of control). It’s said that Sarula collects water from Aedrie's rain showers to give them to Deep Sashelas, but there's nothing more to it than that. (Sashelas' consort, the dolphin goddess Trishina, is a watchful lover and makes sure that his attentions never go further.)

Sarula is a quiet deity but not as pas­sive as her friend Eldath. She has no qualms about sending floods to drown enemy armies nor to erecting walls of water to protect her faithful. She resides in Arvandor at the bottom of a huge lake called Brythanion, within a glass and marble palace. There she is served by nixies and other creatures found in fresh water, as well as her most devoted priests and priestesses.

Source: Dragon #251

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